Nerf CQC Scout Rifles & Sniper Rifles. The List.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AuricStarSand, Dec 31, 2021.

  1. AuricStarSand


    A person just made a new post for this, so may as well bump. Here's a photo of a bolter, named " LucazboltTR ".
    People need to stop blaming the cloak. SMG Infils aren't killing people this fast, nor any other type of infil. Just CQC bolters. & from my personal experience Aurax'd scout rifles are op also & a few non aurax scout rifles (they kill faster than a pre-nerfed Ectoblaster at front range). Which means some scout rifle vet engi's, are also killing too fast.

    Here's why. They have to scale Scout Rifles to SMG's & then scale Sniper Rifles to Shotguns.

    So with that. How does a scout rifle fair verses a smg? Impetus verses MKV or Punisher, for example. Speaking range situations or maybe even dps kill time. A scout rifles 2nd follow up shot, may offer no flank or reply time. While in most cases a smg allows some reply time or even more so, flank opportunity. When dealing with a enemy, who has a smg. Verses a enemy who has a scout rifle. The scout rifle may go on killstreaks at any range (400 feet, or 2 feet away), the smg isn't able to do both.

    Or any 1 shot sniper rifle, verses any 1 shot shotgun. Similar story. The shotgun isn't able to kill 24 people, 2 miles out, in 1 hit. While the sniper rifle, is able to kill 24 people, 1 inch from your face, too easily. So then people blame cloaking & that's not the problem. When people barely play smg infil to begin with, because most medium lvl players die too much when playing it. So cloaking isn't apparently helping the smg infil, become more new player friendly.

    Then the real blame, is the kill time, at near ranges. In the same way that the smg or shotgun, don't have vets killing with those guns, at 100+ yards. Then the simple solution. Is to make the scout rifle & sniper rifles, as bad at near to medium range, as the shotgun / smg is to extremely far range.

    It's the kill time that's the problem. Not a problem if you can find cover. Then a op problem if the person is at a range, where cover isn't helping. The only range that cover helps at, is far range. Medium range cover isn't going to help enough. So saying scout rifles killing 20 allies in 0.9 seconds, instead of 0.1 seconds like a sniper rifle, makes no difference. Reply times needs a tad more than that or flank opportunity. Obviously a gun, that's good at all ranges, 2 hit or 1 hit, isn't going to offer any flank opportunity / or the least out of all guns.

    So both genre's don't really work at medium range. Thus we need more battle rifles for that range. As battle rifles have lower dps / suitable for medium range. A aurax scout rifle, killing everyone in 3 or 4 chest shots, but it happens so fast it seems like 2 chest shots, isn't fair either. Or rapid 2 hs scout rifle hits, a troll vet may abuse with scouts, nearly as easily as a 1 hit sniper rifle. At CQC. Engi's too.

    Some of the 1 tap 2 tapp'ers are near doors, boxes, stairs, or spawn room shields, so they would still 2 hit you with the Engineer class (if for some odd reason they weren't able to play Infil). However yes rapid 1 hit CQC is a worst problem, than rapid 2 hit CQC. Either way they both need a nerf, at 1 foot away to medium range.

    I'd reduce sniper rifles near to medium range dps by 60 - 80%, as if you reduce it by 50%, then they just become the new 2 hitter... So it has to be more of a nerf, than half is. I'd then nerf 2 hitter scout rifles, that have a follow shot of 0.9 seconds, by nerfing them 20% dps at near to medium ranges. Only the rifles, that deserve it for scouts & pretty much all of the 1 hit sniper rifles need a medium range nerf.

    Laslty, give no scoping for both these gun genre's 40%+ more recoil. Get rid of every optic below 6x, for scout & rid 6x for snipers. Then release 3 new battle rifles, for lower dps medium range.
  2. RRRIV

    I simply thought you were misguided by perspective bias and stubborn, but no, you are actually stupid. You have no inkling of a clue what the TTK for most weapons are and you somehow think that CQSemis, Scouts, and BRs have significantly faster TTKs. I've looked up your stats and the weapon types you complain about you hardly even used.

    Again, I'm RRRIVv2 on emerald. Have fun looking me up. I have nothing to hide.

    You want the Rapid Fire Low Damage scouts to have only 6X or greater? You want auto scouts to only have 6x or greater? you want to nerf both the damage and hipfire accuracy of both? you want to literally delete CQSemis (CQSemis are just long range semis with less velocity and shorter dropoff). You have absolutely now clue how the game you play works.

    Also, fun fact. Since you also seem to have no clue how PS2s damage model works (which is hard to believe from a lvl 50 asp 2), ill pick up some crayons for you. PS2s damage model works off of 3, and only 3 factors. Max Damage. Min Damage. and Drop off distance between the two. You CANNOT nerf a weapons "mid range damage" while retaining its "long range damage". Even hypothetically tweaking the HS multiplier, you cannot make a weapon by virtue of damage, bad at medium range but good at long range.

    But what about ROF i can hear you asking? You mean the only reason Marksman weapons are used? Why would I use a semi auto, slow firing precision weapon that cant kill in a reasonable amount of time. You are advocating for all CQSemis, Scouts, and BRs to have dooku weapon ROFs or less with out adding damage to compensate.

    Your numbers are arbitrary as **** too and not just in this thread either.

    ****, I don't like sounding like Demigan (hes smart/intelligent but an ***) but your ignorance if really bringing it out.
  3. JustGotSuspended

    They actually do, though a big part relies on you hitting the head, which usually isn't too hard to do. I do think they make up for it in the bad hipfire and rpm. Only tweak I'd do is reduce the hs multiplier on those a bit, nothing too ridiculous, so it takes one more bullet to the head to kill.

    That said with snipers I would take an opposite approach. What he said is true, sniper rifles currently are as effective at long range and in cqc (please don't bring up extreme long ranges). When I was doing the directive, I used the snipers aggressively in cqc. Regardless of whether they were cqc oriented or not, I rarely had a problem hipfiring or quickscoping people. Even when people got the drop on me, more often than not I'd 1 shot them before even reaching half health. And when cqc was done, I could snipe people miles away as they were rushing out of their spawn.

    Basically my choice of weapon didn't limit my extremely low ttk ability no matter the range. I guess the only limiting factor where my ammo reserves.

    It should be changed so sniper rifles get that 1hk potential only for a certain range. For cqc rifles, we could make them lose the 1hk ability over medium range. For long range rifles make the damage actually increase the longer the range. So they can't 1hk in cqc, maybe not even at medium range for some, but when they reach those longer ranges that's when they become really lethal.

    Also I would add a delay before firing, someone brought up we could make the cloak in an actual weapon slot or something, that way they automatically have a decent delay when they need to switch to a weapon. Especially with the nanoarmor cloak, I can't believe I had as much health as a resist heavy with no movement penalty and lower ttk weps. It's ridiculous.

    I think a big part of balancing these weps is balancing the cloak to add a chance for other players to react, which currently is not the case. Dink! You die. The opponent then appears to uncloak, then immediately recloak. That's not a fun experience. I would much rather die to a sweaty 3kpm ha who I believe earned his kill through skill.

    One more thing to do is also worsen hipfire on snipers, and remove the ability to quickscope. There needs to be some downside to giving players 1hk. Right now it's like a tank shell. Needs to be balanced more like a shotgun.
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  4. RRRIV

    I can agree with reducing the HS multiplier. Bodyshot damage wise, i think precision weapons do enough damage.

    unless you are barrel stuffing, I don't think you got many kills hipfireing. A lucky headshot here and there or picking up an assist, sure, but not consistent enough to rely on it. Hell, of all the weapons Auric is complaining about, only the auto scouts and AMR-type have "good" hipfire.

    I personally don't quickscope because of how jarring the "blink" can be when scoping in. I choose to take your word on this. Besides, since I prefer ranged engagements, I don't see the problem with a slight increase in ADS time.

    Part of the problem with "1HK at certain ranges" is it requires a fundamental remodel of PS2s weapon damage system. I mentioned the "sweet spot" mechanic from BF1 but I also understand that such a change in how even just a small group of weapons act is asking for an act from god at this stage of PS2s life.

    To be clear, I do think cloak is the main problem and think that after(by that I mean if) cloak gets sorted out, CQBolties and the diyamo(spelling?) are gonna need a pass over too. I don't think CQSemis, scouts, or BRs are (currently) a problem enough to warrant a drastic change to the entire precision weapon category.
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  5. JustGotSuspended

    yeah that I completely agree, I feel it's a bit like smgs - a tiny hs multiplier tweak to add like 1 more bullet to kill with headshots is all it would take. Like from 2 to 1.85 or something.

    The damage range tweaks thing was just for bolts, though I agree it'd be a bit tricky to implement.

    That said yeah fundamentally, the issue is with the cloak. Even on vehicles. With some rework to how the cloak works, even without tweaking the weapon damage we'd already be 2/3s the way towards balancing the weapon/class.
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  6. AuricStarSand

    You're replying like a scout rifle main would, then the irony trying to title me " Bias ". Yes 6x or more for scouts, unless they get rid of 2 hitters. 3 hs hit kill should be the " min. " then, if these guns want 4x range. All 2 hitters, get 6x or more. You mention TKK, then forget to mention Range. You mention cloaking, yet fail to mention the fact that I already proved cloaking isn't the issue, when most new players avoid smg Infil.

    Or for my server, All of them avoid SMG Infil, every single faction person out there mostly. I only started playing smg infil lately & I'm the only 1 doing so, because it's not that " easy ". People will say any class is easy. The only way to know how " easy " a class is, is by how many new to medium tier players, try that class. How often. Till then all the vets are full of it, that's the real ratio to tell how easy a spec is or not.

    Lowering dps isn't the only way to nerf a 2 hitter. Sure. Dynamo nerf, for example. Yet it is the most simple solution to nerfing the 1 hitter. You also failed to mention the smg to scout rifle; shotgun to sniper rifle. Quick scoping, no scoping, low optics, high dps, recoil, slower following shot, & less range opportunity. Yes I'd say nerf 1 hitters or 2 hitters, on all these things. However possible, for mid range. If they aren't able to min max the dmg edit, than they simply give these guns the Dynamo nerf.

    If your going to skip the smg / shotgun theory, than answer this, with " stats ". Should my SMG & Shotgun kill people 2 miles out? Should it? Are their vets killing platoons easily, 2 miles out, with the SMG or Shotgun? Is their? I don't see any. Yet skip that theory, for more " stat waiving ". Naw dude, the only counter to that Engi who had a Guardian Aurax Scout Rifle, was to stupidly have to use a Infil to 1 shot sniper him. So the only counter to a Aurax'd enemy Scout Rifle, is to use a Infil 1 hitter, to deal with the 3 chest or 2 hs scout rifle. Irony. Stupid Irony. Needing a op 1 hitter spec, to deal with the op 2 hitter spec, no thanks to neither of the 2. 1 was a Engi too.

    How they earn their 2 hit or 1 hit, why not just nerf all the ways they may earn a 1 hit or 2k, why list only 1 option, as some award to wave around? Does a smg mow down a target at far range just as fast? With as many vets, who do so? No. I don't believe so. Or tell me the " stats " of a SMG that does so? Medium to nearer range scout rifle main's, who are replying, pretending like their guns aren't also good at far range. Scout rifles are good at far range too, it's not just sniper rifles only.
  7. AuricStarSand

    Long story short; scout rifles & sniper rifles, should not kill as fast near door fights.
  8. Shadowpikachu

    Sniper rifles scope in time increased by like 0.05 seconds and inability to aim down sights in non-stalker cloak.

    I'd prefer if non-stalker cloak had that delay instead just so it syncs better with other people's games but that's an alternative.
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  9. JustGotSuspended

    That might be a good solution actually, if we prevented people from aiming/equipping weapons while cloaked. So it can be used as a way to get in position and escape, but makes it less of a crutch.
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  10. Shadowpikachu

    Yeah and i checked with the discord too, they seem to want suit slots to equip sniper rifles so they cant cloak and snipe in general.

    I also have this maybe too complex idea of sniper rifles starting at 50% projectile speed and scaling up over 40-50m but that'd be coding hell to make that not effect the drop so shrug.

    These seem to be our options.
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  11. RRRIV

    I dont like the idea of a sniper rifle being a suit slot. its like locking Heavy weapons behind a suit slot for the heavy. I think a better trade is dart, mo-det, or cloak equipped. The way the cloak works in an "attachment" option similar to how the rocklet rockets are.

    Scaling up projectile speed is a pretty dumb idea to implement to all snipers. I can see it being a neat gimick to a specific sniper in exchange for something faction specific (imagine an NC sniper that shoots mini kinetic rockets that accelerate like that, lol)
  12. AuricStarSand

    This isn't a serious journalist photo. I just found it funny. That I entered a door fight, having 2 or 3 max's (to the right of the photo / tough to see / on the stairs), plus tons of enemy infantry staring at me. When I was playing LA.

    I admit they may have been surprised, to see me as I was to see them. Metal gear solid reaction noise. While stepping 10 feet into the door, before realizing I was staring at 10 or so troops. They shot at me. I had enough time to turn around, get shot by some bullets, run 10 feet out the door, another 4 feet behind a box, & around the corner safe.

    So I LA ambusher jet over the wall, even tho the present situation is safe enough. To be safer I jump over the wall & instantly get shot on the hill by a scout rifle twice or 3 times. I just found it funny I dodged & ran away from 10 infantry shooting me, to die from this topics rifle item of discussion.

    The lesson? That 3 enemy max's & 8 enemy infantry around the corner from a door fight, is safer to be around, than near a hillside with a solo scout rifle camper shooting 30 feet away.

    (Note: This photo was taken just to show the infantry there. As I didn't die the 1st run in with them all. The stairs has 4+)


    ( 2nd photo: fyi he shot me on the left hill nearer, to where I'm standing. the photo shows him on the right stairs / he moved position to shoot more vs)


    I've already stated hillside shooters are fine, since cover is a option. So this isn't a technical stat weapon debate, for these 2 photo's. It does represent reply time tho. However still not a serious post. The scout rifle is fine for hills. Just not nearer.

    P.s. Adding SAS-R to the list. 1 hit gun, is lately the main issue.
  13. Crayv

    Sniping/headshot mechanics in games is a holdover from the days when the Microsoft Intellimouse was the best "gaming mouse" you could get and 30fps was considered a good frame rate. Since high precision gaming hardware has come and 30fps is considered barely even playable getting headshots is laughable easy compared to then.

    A simple fix for this would be that taking damage prevents you from ADSing while using sniper rifles. Another measure I would add is a longer holster time for snipers. So when someone gets caught using one they are (nearly) as helpless as someone not using a sniper is at range against them.
  14. AuricStarSand

    That's a really good observation: about fps during past counter strike times.

    Ye halo doesn't rely on headshots for the shield bar. For most guns. I've always stated, " futuristic material helmets don't prevent headshots? ". However halo still has plenty of 1 bullet tko's. Vehicles die with 1 hit often. Snipers 1 hit for Halo. yet you don't start off with a sniper. They are rare timed, hill spawns, you have to potentially wait or duel for them. Using other guns to duel, before getting 1.