Need VS alts on woodman!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by capocapone, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. capocapone

    Ever wanted to play VS,here is your chance...join the mighty VS on woodmen.POWER ROLL and POWER lv and get MAD certs farming the peon TR and those goofy yellow NC!....



    All Outfits are waiting for you!

  2. IamDH

    4th factioner...
  3. Izriul

    So are you, I was at the tech plant the other day listening to you shout about your TR character and how you rerolled NC or some shizzle :p

    Also, the whole 4th factioner meaning seems to have changed. I believe it once referred to a faction having an alt on the server to blow up a "friendly" sunderer or TK so their original faction could advance, but that meaning seems to have changed as of late.

    To OP: Vs use to be vastly underpopulated on woodman and I liked that, well, except the part NC would need 6 times the amount to take a base, zerging with a million tanks but it was nice fighting TR and having a huge XP bonus, but recently thanks to that random youtube guy, we've got an influx of annoying low level BR team killing VS's. Certainly don't need more.
  4. IamDH

    Haha lol
    Actually i have a BR22 on NC and BR31 TR
    So technically i'm not a 4th factioner
  5. PhysicsMan

    Oh please no, VS doesn't need anymore characters on Woodman. This server is rapidly deteriorating into the situation on Miller but the other way around.

    It's a shame really, Woodman used to be fairly even a couple of months ago - now it's all gone down the drain, I am becoming disheartened as a member of the TR on Woodman as it seems that this situation is only getting worse and there is no end in sight.
  6. MrAlex8

    I wish I could say the things I'm thinking of, but I'd be banned. So let me say this: Don't do it or you will ruin the game even more for us TR. Greeting Spandex Sc*mbags
  7. Asmodias

    Woodman Prowler pilot here.
    More people join VS please, you make good farming material. You're like cert crops covered in delightful spandex.

    Completely srs face now though! I much prefer to be a minority because there's just so much more to shoot - still, the Vanu situation is a little out of hand due to 4th factioners.
  8. ironeddie

    I have been playing vs on woodman since day one, having been through low pop I'm not going to knock having a high population for a bit. I'm sure it'll balance out eventually again, not all the noobs will keep playing or stay vs. next big nerf to VS or buff to a TR or NC summit will see population shift.

    Dear lord, please no more. Since GU10 80% of the time I get killed its by a new VS recruit. But I must say the battles against TR have been more fun this past week than any other. Especially those around the Perish Plant and its smaller ouposts. Friday our one platoon had a massive defending battle against a large number of TR players. Some real boss battles.
  10. Ganelon

    Woodman TR still fight VS? Peculiar.
  11. S0LAR15

    If it'll piss the TR and NC off. I'd be game. But are there any good outfits that actually get stuff done, ie make everyone go LA, can redeploy a platoon instantly etc,
  12. Kunavi

    Jumping the fence? Switching? Excessive TKing? Impunity. That's the problem.
  13. Ganelon

    You won't piss anyone off, Woodman TR are already so discouraged that most outfits only reluctantly attack VS.

    It's boring fighting VS, you get close to taking a base when suddenly 6 Galaxies drop on top of you with no reinforcements available for the TR because lol25%pop.

    Besides, you'd probably get stuck in the VR training area considering the VS pop.
  14. Snib

    Yep, there's room for more VS, the goal is 100%:

    • Up x 2

    Yo SNIB, remember me ;P. How's the ESF training coming along?
  16. Darkplace

    Yes please, bring us more VS that complain about us not fighting them. You won't get "MAD certs" farming us. You'll be wandering around trying to find a fight because we're actively avoiding you.

    So if meaningless victories and ghost capping empty bases are your thing, then sure come to Woodman as VS. We won't be waiting for you.
    • Up x 1
  17. BlueJohn

    Yea its become so obvious now that the TR want nothing to do with the VS. On Esimier all the TR do is attack the NC, While you would think the NC and TR would try take the cap lock off the VS. But still it made for some fun few nights for the past couple of days on the map.
  18. redsevenski

    We wont be, but maybe a few of my claymores and tank mines will be...your welcome....

    Congrats NC on the alert victory yesterday evening though. Makes a pleasant change!
  19. BlueJohn

    Yea when we got zurvan we raced to esimer to cap fryer as quick as possible lol
  20. Snib

    Of course I do, said I'd be looking out for you. And quite well actually, am still mostly on the ground but flew a bit more. Handling myself reasonably well in dogfights now, still need to work on situational awareness when 1 vs several, difficult to keep track of everyone (and damn your Scythes are hard to see at night...). And found out that the only AA that's really a problem are friendly AA turrets that get hacked and insta-gib you.

    Keeping some rotary rounds loaded for when we meet again. ;)