Need to Be Able to Pick Up C4/Mines Again, also Enemy Activity Map

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PeanutMF, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. PeanutMF

    Given the increase to the Infantry Resource cost of C4, mines and grenades since launch (C4 used to cost 50 and grenades used to cost 5, as opposed to the new 100 and 45 respectively; I wouldn't know mines but assume it increased), we need to be able to conserve them if we misuse them.

    Considering that if we mess up using just two of these things you have wasted almost as much resources as an MBT or 2 MAX suits (?), you need to be able to pick them up again if you place it in a bad spot.

    Another reason (for C4 in particular) is for friendly fire; I put C4 down in a room as a trap for enemies, but friendlies then moved into the room and pushed them back. I had rushed and put another piece of C4 into the area where the enemy was holed up but couldn't detonate it because the first piece of C4 was surrounded by 4 friendlies and they would've died instantly. I could only detonate after the friendlies had been shot dead, and I still wasted a piece of C4.

    We need to be able to pick up these utility items again if we misplace them, particularly given the increased resource cost, if not, then they should be made a bit cheaper again. The only limitation should be that if you pick up a utility item after you have resupplied at a terminal and you are carrying full capacity, it should not increase your carried count but instead go back into your pool for when you resupply again.

    Another point is that the Enemy Activity map and contextual indicators do not work at all if you're looking at the map of a continent you are not currently on (or at least this happens to me). If I am on Esamir and want to see what is being attacked on Indar, it will always show up as No Enemies Detected even if there might be three platoons at Allatum or something like that.
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