Need some way to threaten vehicles

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by gunshooter, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. gunshooter

    I think Infiltrator is the only class that a tank never ever has to worry about. help soe
  2. Grabes

    Bouncing betty maybe?
    • Up x 1
  3. Grotpar

    A while ago, I heard someone talking about anti-materiel sniper rifle ammo, and how it was removed.

    I'd like to see that return.
    If anyting, in a separate rifle that comes with different kinds of ammo, allowing it to specialize in taking down certain targets, or giving up damage for increased velocity.

    Because of the extreme accuracy a rifle like this provides, there should probably be some restrictions like:
    -Only affects weak spot on heavily armored targets.
    -Takes longer to shoot a second time(compared to a regular bolt action rifle)
    -Extremely loud.
    -Lower mobility
    -Cannot be fired from the hip.
    -A lot of drop over range/low velocity.
  4. Worthless

    In PS1 all sniper ammo was armor piercing. So while you could not shoot very often you could actually do something to light armor, 5% per shot i think. It was good harass, beyond that there were tank mines you could lay... and you could hold more than 2... that didn't disappear if you changed your load out.... or if you walked too far away... or if the server just didn't like you that day and exploded them when no one was in the radius...
  5. Cimota

    Yeah it was great fun to get the last shot on an enemy Tank with a sniper rifle and see it blow up. heh heh.
    Mining was also great fun,especially putting them in sneaky places :) oh wait, didn't we also have ,Motion sensors,Boomers,mines and spitfire turrets too.
  6. Meiu

    I hate posts like these. They imply an extremely horrible type of logic that destroys gameplay at the most base level. This kind of post implies that all classes deserve an "equal" chance against everything effectively dividing by zero. You are taking completely different functions for classes and trying to turn them all into something equal. Dividing by zero does that and it effectively destroys the fundamental concept of mathematics.

    There are tradeoffs to everything you do. If you play infiltrator you essentially terrorize ground pounders. Medics, Engineers, and Heavies will absolutely despise you (assuming you can aim properly and prioritize targets). If you play an LA then Infiltrators, Medics, and Engineers will completely hate you. If you pick a MAX then you will totally dominate what you are equipped for and be completely useless vs the two others you are not. For everything you excel at there is a trade off and I find it insulting that you want infiltrator to be able to destroy everything. If you want a super class that can do everything you will do nothing but cry on these forums every day and hopefully these tears fall on deaf ears.

    You trade your ability to screw up a tank with the ability of being a Terror to any other infantry.

    So please, is there a way you can say what you just said without implying or actually saying you want everyone to play the same class with the same weapon with the same stats?
  7. Aktarus

    i hate post like yours , because it seem that you never played Planetside before and you are limiting your role as a random sniper like in all other kids game like CoD or BF , and thats stupid ...

    in PS1 one of cloakers main role was to prepare any assault on a base by droping a whole minefield at strategic point , and could also hack ennemies vehicle when they was camping to much and static , and PS1 was way more strategic and balanced with those infiltrator features than PS2 well never be.

    infltrator role is in he's name , its mainly supposed to be a saboteur in planetside world , actually he cant do it. there is nothing related to inflitration when u camp a rock in the middle of nowhere sniping static nubz . and you're probably the only guy who think you're a terror by doing this , light assaut are effective in infiltration with their jetpack, have great carbine vs infantry that can take down any heavy and have C4 that can instant crush any armored vehicle + they have a better armor and everyone is fine with them.

    so if you think you're a terror by just camping and sniping a few static nubz from your rock , open your eyes those guys will be defending their point in the next 5 sec again .while you wont ever been in the caping area while doing this.
  8. Meiu

    Dat incomprehensible blithering. Morale of the story is, you want a god class and don't even know what you are talking about. PS1 wasn't way more strategic it was just much slower. If you call strategy spamming nonstop thumpers down a hallway to prevent people from entering the place you were hacking while everyone is playing the exact same loadout except infiltrators who were only moderately useful since the only thing you did was boomer people then by all means keep saying it is epic, mind blowing, strategy, however if you actually played planetside 1 for a good while you would realize it was just as stale in that regard as anything else. I don't play CoD, BF, or any of those games, nice assumption but I played PS1 for quite a long time and probably much longer than you.
  9. Fleabag

    If the EMP nade works the same way it did in beta, use that. Infil's can help disable an MBT, while, in theory everything else pummels a now mostly impotent tank.
  10. Aktarus

    i hope you started on closed beta then otherwise your wrong

    Moral of the story is you didnt certed for anything else than snipe and dont realize that you play ( well i start to doubt you really play it ) the only class that cant be effective in anything else than headshoting humanoid targets.

    Light assault are effective vs any human target got great mobility with their jetpacks and are actually the real infiltrators, i mean the only ones who can fly trough some forcefields to get in some protected base and **** peoples from inside , and via certs the start to be really effective vs vehicles trough the C4 line wich combined with the jetpack is insane and transform them in a jack of all trade class.

    Heavy got insane machine gun , nice armor boost , are effective vs any target human and armored or flying, and can still pilot a tank or any aircraft and be the pilot and the gunner of this vehicle the same time , and still jump out quickly and be able again to down any armored target with he's missile launcher

    medic got great guns with their last up before the release , and are great for pew pewing and for healing reviving to support their team, and if they cert into this role , their healing and support ability will be really enhanced.

    Engi got great carbines , are master pilot because they can repair their own vehicles fast , can make easy xp by droping ammo etc etc....

    while infltrators got what ? sniping , sniping , and ?????........ sniping and a cloak that can eventually lead them into a base where they have nothing to do due to the lack of tools.

    the huge difference you just refuse to admit is that any of the other class are basically already really good in multiple roles and can REALLY enhance their dedicated role alot by spending certs in it, wich mean even if you play one of these but didnt certed into it, you wont be as good as them ...

    actually any sniper with a stock snipe can be as good as a BR 15+sniper who fully spended he's certs into infiltrator role... just because we dont have a real teamplay role like all the other class and because we dont have any other usefull specialties than sniping. we are actually totally limited to static sniping and even spoting is a danger because everyone will locate you and everyone can do it anyway .

    Even if you are lucky enough to infiltrate a base with the crap cloak, you have no tool to support your team even via certs , and if you invested all your point like i did to try a different way of playing your infiltrator , you just wasted your certs because the related gun are broken and you survivablity will still be the lowest of every class..... its simple as that.

    yeah you gonna answer you can hack console to prevent vehicle spawn, but any fully certed assault/light/engi/medic can go to the protected room console switch for 10 sec in infiltrator and hack it back without the need to spend a single point into this role...

    the fact is that actually the only thing we can perfectly do aka sniping , can be done with the stock gun and cert point wont give you any major boost the stock scope is good enough to do it well. spending point into this role is actually a total waste of time.
  11. Timeraider

    Killing tanks with bullets is meh in my opinion.
    What i do want to work.. EMP grenades.

    Ive tried them out lately but so far they are useless, at me they didnt disable vehicle, didnt disable generators, didnt disable any shield apart from infantery shields
    EMP grenade should be an choice for doing something else then killing infantery... atm as far as ive seen EMP is useless agains anything aside from infantery and even against infantery explosions wrk alot better.
  12. Phlux

    I completely agree that the infiltrator class needs some method to counter vehicles. I would like to see specializations through certs within the class to allow for this and other forms of combat; melee, stalker, ect. As it stand now we are the only class that is a one trick pony. Each of the other classes have multiple forms of targets and specializations. Though a few could use some more tools or options to really flush the class out (Medic, Engi)

    Base + cert spending/ load out change for each class (AA = Anti-Air, AI = Anti-Infantry, AV = Anti-Vehicle)

    Max = AA/AA, AA/AI, AA/AV, AI/AI, AI/AV, AV/AV
    Heavy Assault = AI/AA. AI/AV
    Light Assault = AI, AI/AV
    Engineer = AI, AI/AV
    Medic = AI, AI/AV
    Infiltrator = AI

    Hell, even the vehicles have more options than us and that includes the Flash.
  13. deusex2

    Dude, don't feed the troll, please.
  14. Dojak

    And, we're not "fully" AI either. Ever shoot at a Max (Infantry) and see any sort of real damage result?
  15. War101

    I think you infys are decent where you are. 1 shotting ANY infantry cept a max is just ********. Sorry you that one drawback to your OP anti infantry BS is that you poo your tights when a tank comes along with a anti infanrty gun on it.

    Improvise, adapt, and run away.
  16. Timeraider

    Its a 5 centimeter bullet penetrating your skull, IF we make an headshot. Sorry, but if infils couldnt 1 shot with an headshot it would be the worst class ever made in any game.
    There are even things with infiltrator that need changes or buffs.

    I do have to agree that anti-armor aside from an perhaps fixed EMP grenade should not exsist for Infiltrators.

    Nonetheless your post was full of nonesense probably made in anger because you get 1-shot as your AFKing, camping and standing still in the open character should be.
  17. Mansen

    Infiltrators can hack terminals and spawn tanks and ambush enemy tanks? I don't see the problem. That's a heck of a lot more than most other classes can do.

    Put on one of those skull masks and pop out of a bush. They might turn tail. :p
  18. m44v

    give infiltrators C4, every other class has it, even the medic for christ sake.
  19. Flaeb

    They have something, it's called EMP grenades...However they took out the ability to lock Vehicles up, I'm sure it will be brought back eventually though. I hope.......Although even then, unless you're carrying the extra grenade Cert, it's not gonna be that much of a threat due to limited grenades.

    Maybe a tool like the IFF gun, but instead, it disables vehicles for a limited time when hit.
  20. Meiu

    MAX is a vehicle, since it has a cost.