[Guide] - Need Help On HA Guide -

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Paytend07, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. Paytend07

    Alright, im on PS4. I just ranked up my first NC Character to level 14. At 15 I get all the certs I have spent back. Im planning on making a good Heavy Assault Class. Please help
  2. Eternaloptimist

    Well, I'm a PC player but if the mechanics are similar I'd say:
    • Max out your overshield of choice (not adrenaline unless you are killing enemies frequentlyt). Survivability is a major boost if you are playing HA in the intended role of being at the front of the assault.
    • Max out nanoweave armour - same issue as above
    • Get a good multi purpose rocket launcher - I use the one with lock on for anti air and dumbfire for all ground targets, (which are generally easier to hit) - good for blasting defensive positions, Maxes and turrets as well as vehicles
    Other than that it is down to tactics and gameplay style. I stick with frag grenades but some people like concusion into a room before charging in. I also take medkits in place of explosives but again this is about staying alive longer rather than having more ways to do damage and is a personal choice.

    Guns are a very personal issue but I rarely use a pistol as HA so I have not done much about that. Personally I use LMG and always equip a compensator and a foregrip (if available) for decent accuracy at all ranges.

    That's it on equipping. I'd just add not getting isolated (lone player is vulnerable to ambush), keep moving and dodging and busrt fire rather than trying to empty magazine in one go (LMGs have pretty bad recoil and standing still for any length of time also attracts retaliaiton). Oh....and only hipfire in real close quarters (same accuracy issue as busrt firing).

    Hope this helps and that it translates OK into PS4
    • Up x 1
  3. BrbImAFK

    Thou shalt study from the Wrel! All hail the Wrel! :D

  4. Ximaster

    Well,i started a TR HA few time ago. My combo was: Damage reducer shield to maximum,advanced shield capacitor to maximum,medkits,and the T7 Mini Chain Gun. I killed some guys but still i need to improve my skills,the tip was to start to the best faction HA,and that is TR. There is the best infiltrators in NC. TR have the best HAs.