Need help leveling Leadership Directives!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ostdarva, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. Ostdarva

    So lately I have been working on leveling my Leadership Directives.
    I have had a hard time finding effective ways to level Platoon Leadership. (20/250)
    How do you guys level your "Platoon Leadership" directive at an effective rate? It seems like I play 3 hours and it only goes up by about 2 with 3 full squads. My Conquest (facility caps) goes up faster than this. Am I missing something? Is it really more effective to go ghost capping with a platoon than try to level platoon leadership?
    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. GrizzV

    Directives are meant to reward performance and experience in certain specialized aspects.
    As such, leadership directives reward good leadership.

    You get pl ribbons when your SL get theirs. SL ribbons come from squad xp. Get your squads to play like actual squads, instead of pushing around an amorphous blob of 47 people.
    get them to stick together on specific objectives.

    That's almost impossible in pub platoons, where half the people seem... uhm... slow.
  3. Ostdarva

    Are there separate types of SL Ribbons/Xp?
    In which ways does one obtain the ribbons, using sundy spawns? flipping points? gal/beacon drops?
    I tried googling my quiestions but cant seem to find any answers for them.
  4. AgentStark427

    Step 1. Get friends.
    Step 2. Make squad.
    Step 3. Make platoon.
    Step 4. Open platoon to pubs.

    Im serious. You earn these ribbons by being with your squad/platoon and capping stuff.
  5. Ostdarva

    Yeah I get that and that ranks up the "Conquest" one. I am speaking of the "Platoon Leadership" one. I want to try and get my Squad Leads XP but I dont know what I should have them doing in order to streamline the XP gaining process.
  6. AgentStark427

    Have their squaddies play for the objective, not certs. Make sure they are within the same territory,
  7. bladedcross

    I've never had a problem with mine. Just keep in mind that Directives aren't meant to be farmed over night. They take awhile. They're supposed to be "earned".

    Also, AgentStark is right. Anyone can throw some randoms together into a squad, but that's not platoon "leadership". Make sure everyone in the platoon is in the same hex, fighting the same battle. IIRC, you get leadership ribbons when your squadmates are supporting one another (healing, rezzing, ammo, etc). If everyone is spread out across the map, fighting their own battles, then you're not going to get many ribbons.
  8. GrizzV

    squad xp happens when someone helps a squad mate. Ammo, heal, savior kill, assist, etc.
    when someone gets bonus squad xp while the squad lead is nearby, squad lead gets a tick. Several ticks later, they get a ribbon.
    If platoon lead is nearby for when the ribbon pops, he gets a tick. Several ticks later, pl ribbon!

    So just make your squads stick together and relatively close to each other (same base).

    Impossible to do consistently in a pub platoon.

    Also, leaders should focus on leading and winning fights, not padding their own ego (read: directives). Just lead the right way, play the game, and the ego strokes will come.
  9. \m/SLAYER\m/

    manage platoon
    unite engineers medics and HA, make them stick together. divide low lvl between squads. as leader - dont play support, because when squad member getting ribbon you will get too