Need Deployed Mine Indicator

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Soylad, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Soylad

    It would be really REALLY helpful if a tiny indicator was added to the Engineer UI to indicate how many of your deployed mines were still "alive". There is so much message spam flying around on the screen that I can't keep track of whether or not my deployed mines have detonated or expired. It doesn't need to be anything elaborate, a sequence of little dots somewhere on the UI would suffice.
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  2. Funzo

    I agree. Since it is possible to "overwrite" a mine in the field, I'd like to know if the next mine I place is my first, second or third that will erase another.
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  3. Soylad

    After 68 views I figured more people might find it useful. Funzo, I guess it's just you and me on this one buddy.
  4. Galberoth

    Make that three
  5. Marzipanzer

    You have my sword!

    A mine indicator is essential to the plant-and-forget side of mine use due to the limited amount we can plant before mines despawn. If I throw down two mines at point A, then run off to points B, C, and D while waiting for the mines at point A to explode, I should have some way of knowing without going back to check. For all I know, the mines I previously placed were blown up by a stray explosion and I'm holding out on laying more mines for no reason at all!
  6. Bubblewrap2

    Yeah, and these things are damn expensive! Need an indicator to help not waste purchases and ideally to know which mine and where is still active (though I'd settle to simply know how many left alive).
  7. Ghostfox

    Most definitely. At the very least some sort of indication that mines you've set have exploded. Something.
  8. Patooie

    +1 on this one. I'm burning resources and I don't always notice one poofing so an indicator is high on my wish list as well.
  9. Goats

    +1, for same reasons as those above.
  10. Metallideth

    +1 another beta topic that finally came back :) They definitely need to have this in game. I know it was mentioned at one time by one of the devs, hoping this will jog their memory and get them and the interface guys to add this soon.
  11. DeadlyShoe

    Definitely. Especially that AT mine I laid 10 minutes ago. :|
  12. SuperLexatron

    No, absolutely not, would we be way too overpowered and would totally break the game...

    Annnyway on a more serious note, agreed - it's a wonder the small, sensible things like this weren't implemented in the first place, they probably should've put this game through some sort of beta testing first...
  13. Phichi

    Please god yes. This would be so helpful.
  14. exLupo

    The better the idea, the less replies you get.
  15. silverme

    Yes this would be great. They are too @#$% expensive to just disappear.
    Also we need to be able to pick our mines back up. If any one can disarm explosives its engineers.
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  16. Jaloro

    Totally agree.
  17. HobartFloytt

    In a perfect world, we'd get them to show up on the mini-map, along with an indicator showing deployed/total, the way we had in PS1. But a simple dot indicator like the OP suggests would be a great start.
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  18. Ryekir

    This would be a nice feature, but not strictly necessary; with the very limited number of mines that we can place, I don't find it difficult to remember how many I have already placed, and I'll usually just drop new ones when I arrive at a different base anyway.
  19. SkepticJerry

  20. HobartFloytt

    Ryekir - it's less "How many have I placed?" as opposed to "How many of my mines are still out there?" The idea is that we'd know if mines we'd already placed were still active, or had provided an enemy with a complementary trip to the spawn room by exploding. :)
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