Necromantic Autism: An Emerging Epidemic Among Medics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pie Chasm, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. Pie Chasm

    Necromantic autism is a syndrome where the individual is simply incapable of any awareness outside of the location of corpses; whether it's an encroaching enemy platoon, a squad of mangled friendly infantry begging for healing, or even a battle tank, individuals with this debilitating affliction have next to no awareness of their existence.

    I have, however, found a cure: It seems like the survival instinct awakens some out of their stupor one they have taken enough rounds to the cranium. Some speculate that it is a nanite related defect that can only be resolved with sufficient forced redeployment. In my experience, there is no cure, but out of consideration for the patient I have tried multiple redeployments with a shotgun, albeit to no avail.

    The purpose of this thread is to raise awareness of the issue. Thank you for your awareness. I promise you that if you should ever contract/develop (we're not sure if it's contagious yet, or merely the product of inbreeding) this disease that I will start treatment immediately.
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  2. Herrick

    TL;DR I TK medics if they don't heal me fast enough, I'm the only person who does this because I'm a super special snowflake.
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  3. Eugenitor

    Due to its persistent lack of success and its proponents' claims that it works on an enormous variety of ills (including a related disease which involves engineers and MAXes), I would have to file this therapeutic technique under quackery.

    It is, however, satisfying to administer.
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  4. Loegi

    Dead people are a lot less effective than people with HP. So I don't see the issue if medics take preference over reviving people, instead of healing people to full health. Besides, you are able to heal your health yourself via different methods, you can't revive yourself (except if you count spawning at a different location, but I take it that it's logical that that doesn't count).

    Classy by the way.
  5. EagleGuardian

    Pie Chasm, you do realize that the "symptoms" you describe have nothing to do with actual autism (or any other form of PDD, for that matter)? If anything, it should be a behavioural disorder. Also, disorders are never contagious. If you're going to make a sarcastic post, at least get your facts straight...

    That said, reviving falling comrades gives a healthy amount of experience, which may explain the risk-taking behaviour. Also, when one is focussed on the mini-map looking for 'corpse icons', it can be hard to pay attention to one's surroundings as well. Lastly, when someone screams 'MEDIC' in a chaotic area, it is more often than not impossible to find the person requesting aid. If you want aid, select the medic, and then select 'request healing' from that specific person.
  6. Zaik

    with medic tool rank 6 it's actually faster to res people at full health than heal them from half health to full health.
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  7. teks

    Ah the cert farmer comes in many forms....
    Medics running around reviving the dead completely ignorant of their surroundings.
    HE tank sitting by a busy spawn room filled with pubs who have failed to realize the hopelessness of the situation.
    That AV turret in the hills killing all those tanks who have no prayer of tracing back those magical invisible projectiles or escaping until they are dead.
    That max in the biolab camping a high traffic area.
    Shotgunners hiding next to a door shooting people dead as they pass.
    All those players at the crown still but humping the American dream of a free meal.
    All the HA's with their new-fangled ESRLs attempting to farm their prey, jumping to the forums to whine whenever the seasons harvest brings forth a poor yield.
    All those unseasoned 'tankers' who thinks tank is Latin for 'farming utensil'. Most of whom create posts along the lines of "Tanks Suck" "Tanks should be able to kill everything" "Droves of infantry should cover in fear of my mighty tank" "ESFs are OP against my TANK"- All translate to "Tanks should be a tractor, and PS2 is my farm"

    I think in the end of the day there is a very small demographic of players who are actually playing the game at any given point. Maybe 20-30%. Things like the new events are a good step in the right direction.

    We need things to bring these zombies back into the game.
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  8. Zynex

    This. If I'm healing in a heavy combat situation, sometimes it's more productive and faster to revive with full health than to spend longer healing. Your K/D may not like it, but sorry that's the way it is. That being said, I don't purposefully run past people who need healed to get revives.
  9. Razzyman

    Well, Pie Chasm, at first I thought you were going to make an amusingly sarcastic post trying to inform medics to pay attention, or suggest ways to make them more effective. Instead you say you're going to hurt your faction by killing it's medics because you're not being paid enough attention to, or the person playing isn't good enough to meet your standards :(. A better thing to do would be to tell medics to keep an eye on the mini map for heal signs, or to pop their healing aura when they here people call for heals, then anyone around them who needs to be healed can run into their area and get healed up.

    I would suggest some patience, some people are new, or busy, or bad, possibly even being distracted for a moment by real life. Rarely does TK'ing them for those reasons help, it might even make them not heal you in the future.
  10. FateJH

    If there's one thing I think Engineers have that Medics don't it's automatic tell of ally damage. I see a wrench over any machine that gets sufficiently damaged (save for base turrets, quite noticably) and can make my way over to it. Medics, or so I hear, don't see anything special over their allies when they are hurt, unless they are dead or the heal is voice emoted.

    Edit 1: At the same time, I want dead MAXes to have a revive icon over their heads.

    Edit 2: how do medics deal with too many friendlies standing next to each other? When I have a lot of MAXes standing near each other or moving around in close quarters, it's often hard to keep the repair beam focused on the MAX that actually needs repairing.
  11. Pie Chasm

    Glad to see at least two people got the gist of it.
  12. Eugenitor

    Standing in the middle of them, holding down the use-ability key, and drinking up that delicious exp.
  13. Razzyman

    Hey Fate, if an ally uses the V command for healing medics see a cross above their name and they show up as a cross on your mini map. Also, MAX's show the dead icon to medics as of a recent patch.

    As for healing in large groups, its best to use your healing aura. Most FPS players have become accustomed to always moving, this makes healingsomeone when others are nearby quite difficult as the medic tool seems to have a mind of its own at times. Sometimes I just say in proximity chat to stop moving If you want heals so I can target you.
  14. Pie Chasm

    That is the proper TLDR for a CoD player indeed.
  15. FateJH

    Oh, so that's what that means. I've seen it on the minimap occasionally and had just thought "oh, he must be a Medic."
  16. khai

    Hes not complaining about medics who revive just those who ignore everything else around them excepting the dead bodies. As for revive taking precedence over healing its hard to revive anything when you and the entire squad is dead if you feel the need to revive and are standing in the middle of an injured squad thats under fire be a pal and activate the aura the person your reviving wont thank you if they come up and find themselves surrounded by dead friends and live enemies.
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  17. Pockets

    I try to keep everyone up and topped off as best I can, and with a maxed medical applicator and a near maxed healing aura its not like I really have to chose that often as I can easily kick on the aura while scraping people off the floor.

    Even at low ranks you can do both at once.
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  18. Bucketmaster

    Why all the hate towards CoD players?
  19. khai

    Natural enemies alot of the "hardcore" planetside players blame anything they do no like about the game on the influence of SoE trying to attract CoD and Battlefield players. It's not really true or planetside would be on the playstaion not the PC but it makes them feel better.
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  20. Devrailis

    It's one of those odd treatments that ends up making the Doctor feel better than the patient. :rolleyes:
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