NC win rates are dreadful

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Callsign-YukiMizuki, Sep 7, 2017.

  1. LodeTria

    Raven MAXes are pretty up there in the OP scale, just straight up better than the other factions maxes AV.
    Keklone is also considered to be op smg, although I dunno where it stands even after that slight nerf.
    GD-7F is also one of the best carbines, at least for CQC anyway.
  2. Zagareth

    NC does not need to win! They go down in glory, taking everyone with them in the name of the freedom :D
    (Disclaimer: no current reference to a certain nation's politics like this... hmmm really?)
  3. Yessme

    I am NC, and Need to say, it`s ok that NC don`t winn so much, because NC still have most PoP.

    other faction ( like VS) if they don`T winn, they have nothing, They allways underpoped, allways get zerget, ( on Cobalt).

    and on cobalt, NC get most time 2 front lines, TR and VS fights on cobalt mostly small.
  4. Cymric

    The jackhammer with its 3 round burst fire is without doubt OP in CQC fights. It can OHKO more reliably and at greater distance than any of the pump actions. Whenever I use it in tower base A point fights I feel extremely sorry for my opponents who have no time to react before they are dead.
  5. Necron

    The Phoenix was for about a day then it was nerfed... The ZOE Max was for almost a year before it was nerfed. And people wonder why so many players went over to VS way back when.

    NC has the highest learning-curve of the three factions. Their weapons are great once you figure out how to use them, and get enough certs into them, but VS and TR weapons, overall, are easier to use right out of the box. NC weapons are also punished far more for missing since most have high-damage and low ROF. TR has dakka and large clips, VS have easy to control recoil. NC got the short end of the stick because in general people look for the stuff that gives the best rewards for the least effort, and that isn't NC.
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  6. Wrutek

    I don't play NC because when I first started to play PS2 on Connery it appeared that NC was the highest pop at the time and I'd rather help a lower pop faction. Since then I've grown to hate NC. So much so that I'll almost always go to any and all TR vs NC or VS vs NC fights and fight NC specifically. Also, someone mentioned TR zergs on Connery but every faction zergs on Connery. There seems to be some kind of faction rotation because I'll look at pop and it will normally be close to a 3 way even split. I'll look later on at pop and one faction is at 40% and this happens to each faction as if a portion of the population said lets all go over to so and so faction and after about an hour that same pop switches factions, lol. It's more likely that each faction has high pop times but it appears that the same amount of players switches sides at the same time. All I can suggest is wait for NC high pop times and hope that TR and VS don't double team you. If there are more NC haters out there then they are probably doing what I do and that's go to any NC fight and kill NC, if I get lucky cause I suck, lol. Only God can save NC from the skilled haters. =P
  7. pnkdth

    Two alerts in a row was completely ignored by NC overpop on Miller and practically given away to TR. Was bizarre to see. Both Amerish and Hossin was pretty much a ghost cap though it seems NC sort of wake up during the Amerish alert. #IndarSide
  8. Campagne

    I completely disagree. Post-Shotgun Changes, I find the Jackhammer to be one of the worst weapons I have when used in its burst-fire mode. My GODSAW is overall better in CQC than a bursting JH, in my opinion. It's okay in single-shot mode, basically becomes the best semi-auto shotgun for all the difference that makes.
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  9. Cymric

    Riiiight... whatever you say bro.
  10. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    I started playing Miller a bit lately due to low VS pop there most of time otherwise I play Connery.

    The NC seem to dominate most of the time I am there it seems in population at least, a lot of veterans there it seems enjoy playing

    As a side note, I wouldn't recommend playing on Miller if you reside on the West Coast US, the 140 ping rate won't be helping your KDR if that is your main goal :)
  11. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    I think that supports my assertion in a lot of the vets on Miller like NC and those vets seem only interested in farming most of the time. So going to resecure a ghostcap isn't in their best interest.
  12. Bambaleilo

    Jackhammer feels worse than a basic NC shotgun... whatever it is. I am not even sure that full perfectly placed into head burst kills anyone exept infiltrator. You are way better off with SMG for CQC than with that crap.
  13. Xada

    It's been pretty clear for 4 years that there is something wrong with the nc, it's a pretty consistant theme over all servers. If NC were as strong as people said, well they would have figured it out over time, but here we are, 4 years later with the same results, huge disparity over winrates for alerts and it's pretty clear tr/vs fight nc because they are easy to farm.
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  14. Callsign-YukiMizuki

    This is discrimination
  15. Traveller

    NC win rates are dreadful huh? Here is one wayto fix that. Stop joining up with your vanu buddies and actually fight VANU once in awhile instead of winning continents for them constantly. (Like you all do currently). Since the only real NC strat and preference is to help vanu double-team TR, even in cases where TR has lowest world pop, you shouldnt be suprised by the numbers.

    Being the junior partner in the Vanu conglomerate sucks doesn't it?

    You have plenty of OP weapons, (nearly) as many hackers and exploiters as your Vanu buddies, so....complaining about weapons seems to be missing the mark by a few miles.
  16. Rydenan

    Huge samples like this make factors such as population, peak times, outfits, events, etc "even out in the wash", so to speak.
    This only leaves two possible explanations for these results:

    A.) NC has inferior equipment
    B.) NC has statistically worse players, on average, than the other two factions.

    With samples this large, those are the only two variables that can explain the shown disparity.
    Personally, I find it highly unlikely that there is some mystical force drawing all of the bad players to the NC. But that's just me.
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  17. Xada

    Please, enlighten me what weapons are OP. I need a laugh. Also, we got hackers and OP weapons? Man, wish that would actually help us win anything.
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  18. Cymric

    You are not sure? I can help bro! Here is the link to the jackhammer's stats. You are welcomed!
  19. MurgNC

    Gonna have to agree with the others who say the NC's consistently poor win rate can only be explained by its empire-specific gear/vehicles OVERALL being worse than the other factions.

    And some people will say, "Well some certain NC weapon is really good!" And maybe it is, but we're speaking overall.

    NC empire-specific small arms are characterized by high recoil/ low magazine size. They punish severely for missing and are difficult to learn.

    The NC empire-specific MBT excels at one thing -- close range 1 vs 1 duels. But that's not a trait that's particularly useful for pushing enemy hexes. VS have a tank that can push any hex from nearly any angle, and TR can set up a firing line of prowlers that can dominate a hex by decimating enemy vehicles at medium/long range.

    Shotguns. I don't know why it was decided NC would be the shotgun faction, but it is and it hurts the faction since shotguns are niche weapons that aren't useful in most situations. Even the directive weapons get saddled with mostly useless under barrel shotguns, or shotguns on top of shotguns, or....

    Anti-infantry MAX shotguns. The empire-specific NC weapons are all point blank range, while TR and VS AI MAXes can fight out to medium range. Until the recent NS gun came out the NC lacked a medium-range anti-infantry option entirely.

    This problem of overall bad balance could be fixed by tweaking some of the NC specific options. For example, making the railjack not useless, or increasing the strength of the Vanguard's shield while nerfing its firepower to make it more of a hex "pusher" tank, less of a close range ambush tank. Even a few small changes could go a long way and would have a ripple effect over time.
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  20. CrimsonEclipse5

    Seeing a lot of NC victim complex ******** in this thread. Stop it. Now.

    On paper, the vanguard almost always wins in a 1v1 MBT engagement. If you lose it's because you got outplayed. No exceptions.

    In fairness, the reaver is slightly worse than the other ESFs when it comes to the important things (profile, maneuverability) but the differences are so minute that ESF duels almost always come down to skill (or coyotes or ganks) anyway.

    Infantry weapon wise, there is very little real difference in performance, and in many cases the NC have the best in class weapons (AC-X11, Cyclone, Gauss SAW (I prefer the NS-15M but that sort of defeats the point of this faction pissing contest)), and in any case, population attrition and individual player skill weigh far more heavily on the outcome of a fight than the tiny differences in faction specific weaponry.

    NC MAXes simultaneously have the best long range (slugs) and CQC (shotguns) armaments of any faction. They are also the only faction which has managed to retain a somewhat usable ES MAX ability. If I had to play any faction's MAX (I don't because they're all ******* annoying to play and play against), I'd pick NC, hands down.

    What then is my reasoning for the NC losing so many alerts?

    Are the NC players typically worse? Maybe, though their weapons definitely have a higher skill floor and ceiling.

    Are the NC players typically less coordinated/teamwork focused? Maybe, though this can vary greatly from server to server.

    No. I say it's simply because the NC on the whole don't give a **** about winning alerts. The differences in faction equipment simply aren't enough to equate to the large gap we see in win %, but I think a general apathy towards winning would explain quite a bit.