As far as i know, the WASP [NA] is based in the NA-East servers for easier accessibility if any of the EU players would like to play with the Americans and vice versa.
Let's do it again soon, we are starting to have a nice group of dedicated pilots! May the enemy fear the WASP's wrath! (a cookie to the one managing to pronouce that)
I've had the pleasure of flying with you guys yesterday and have to admit that I'm pretty impressed by your skills. You managed to crash into other sqad member's liberators way more frequently than the TR. I mean "you" in a non-personal way. I'll make sure to join again next time!
Yes, when there is no ennemy, Church's lib is often used as target practice... Yesterday was a nice evening again, we helped pushing back TR at excavation site (very nice organisation on both TR and NC side, and very nice battle), and then we pushed into Vanu territory, cutting them from their 2 aux bases in the north, thx to Caracca's great gal piloting skills!
I used to play APB too a while ago, also enforcer. But what i do not see in the first post is which side you are actually playing at this moment, NC, Vanu, TR? If it is NC it is maybe interesting for me.
Of course it's a good choice of faction? Who'd want to play with lasers or spray and pray guns? Not to mention that NC is just simply the only way I'm back home in a few days guys, hold the fort on EU1 for me until I can start kicking some TR/VS butt with you all...
Excellent, sound like I won't have my work cut out for me after all..! I hear you're pretty nifty with those aircraft of your Fab... Do you use a joystick?
No I don't, only mouse / kep. And if by nifty you refer to my galaxy crashing yesterday, killing a total of 20 friendlies ( ) , well.. that's mean.