[Vehicle] NC vehicles OP beyond belief

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hegeteus, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. Hegeteus

    I get constantly run over

    E: And I constantly run over people ;)
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  2. Tommyp2006

    You think that's bad? Try going within 100m of a Magrider.
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  3. Ceiu

    Today I was killed by a guy who didn't actually drive over me; he closelined me with the barrel.
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  4. Ixidron

    you are right, today a flying and teleporting NC sunderer destroyed 2 vanguards and my lightning, now that's OP (and also a bug, but primarily it's OP).
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  5. -Synapse-

    Now I know why TR Prowlers have a lockdown mode. It's actually a safety feature. :eek:
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  6. DatVanuMan

    TKs compose around 35% of a Magrider's kills. 15% enemy kills, and 50% self-deaths.
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  7. Hegeteus

    That sunderer was very incarnation of NC's destructive power
  8. Schizomatic

    NC driver: "Oh gods, I'm taking fire! Run away quickly with no regard for the valiant engineers trying to repair me and half the reinforcing team to my rear! Ahhh! FREEDOM!!
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  9. Hegeteus

    I actually have tried the Magrider with my alt account. While I haven't run many vanus over, I have wrecked myself and a gunner 3 times by getting stuck to something stupid and exploding.
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  10. Alkezo

    Today I learned NC haven't tried driving a Magrider. :rolleyes:
  11. Hegeteus

    If magrider indeed is a team-mate mowing killing machine, we are extremely lucky that NC doesn't have it
  12. Schizomatic

    The Magrider can move sideways, which is about the only safe area of an NC tank. So, actually, they should TK more than the NC. How they manage not to is a minor miracle or testament to VS awareness.

    Also, the Magrider can climb bigger hills, so they can run over snipers, too. I'm sorta envious about this one. If NC could run over more snipers, they would, I'm sure.
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  13. Borsty

    Magriders really a dangerous. Their ability to slide left/right really endangers anyone standing close to them!
  14. Paragon Exile

    I came to this thread with links and documentation in hand and rage in my heart.

    Now I'm actually a little disappointed.
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  15. WTSherman

    Actually, the Magmower was the king of TKs once upon a time.

    Most VS engineers learned that they weren't safe to be around and just stopped trying to repair them. Now every VS armor column I've ever seen has nearly as many repair sundies as tanks, because repair sundies can't get roadkilled. :p
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  16. Borsty

    If you are a smart engineer, you always crouch when repairing magriders. That way it's really difficult to get run over, unless he goes over you with all the tank.
  17. EGuardian1

    Ha ha HAHAHAHAH!!!

    I have about a thousand certs in my Prowler. I've wrecked entire NC armour columns with lvl 2 anchored mode and smart positioning without really going tryhard. I have a nearly maxed out Vanguard and I can't do nearly the same without extremely careful;u planning my shots.

    Can't speak to Magrider much. It's so different I'd have to dedicate time to learning how to use it properly. I do see the best drivers being very careful though.
  18. Schizomatic

    At least with the TR you have anchored mode, so you can visually see when the tank's going to be standing still and when you're in danger of being run over.
  19. Alkezo

    Here you see the very common Forumside inhabitant making erroneous responses without reading the content of the original post. Ain't she a beauty?
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  20. TheKhopesh

    I can see that if you're fighting NC.
    They kill each other before your shots land! ;)
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