[PHX] does weekly OPFOR (opposing force) training. We have TR and VS opposing force outfits. We conduct weekly training exercises. We always notify NC command and ask them to stay away. We offer the same courtesy to other NC outfits. Our OPFOR outfits do not try to take NC territory during training. On Jaeger, we always respected others NC outfit training and they respected ours. Sadly, that has changed on Waterson. Yesterday, we were training against our VS OPFOR outfit composed of veteran PHX members. Someone from an NC outfit with the tag UTSG (spelling?) and engaged in teamkilling PHX members including NC PHX members and members of our VS OPFOR outfit. Of course, killing VS as NC is not team killing but killing other NC is. We don't thump our chests a lot as an outfit, we don't troll open chat channels or forums. We try to be a positive member of our server community. We do not engage in, support nor advocate team-killing. Differences between same faction outfits should always be settled peacefully and respectfully between the officers and leaders of said outfits. However, no one should ever mistake PHX for carebears. That said, I have a warning for the members of UTSG (spelling?). We have 1,280+ members, at least 500+ of them active. If you TK PHX, grief PHX or interrupt our training again, we will defend ourselves. This is a fight you cannot win UTSG. You can whisper me in game or message me in this forum if you want to settle this peacefully.
I like the idea of OPFOR training I've never heard of it in this game. I think I know the outfit you're talking about, just by seeing tags here and there but I'm unsure about them completely. There's a good chance they just had no idea what's going on, frankly. There's a few outfits native to Waterson that have tags just made up of obscure acronyms and I feel like they rarely have an idea of what's going on.
They knew exactly what they were doing. In fact, the attacked the NC PHX more than our VS OPFOR outfit
you type things, but all i see is the sig Kyoji... i never read what you say... or i do, and their dancing erases it... I suppose it's something clever so I'll give it a thumbs up. But i never really remember. Did you or some XOO actually MAKE that vid to begin with cos I really need to outsource you guys for some SENT stuff i swear.
I agree, I don't even read anything he posts, I'm drawn to the random dancing Vanu......Then I exit the thread with little or no clue about what I've read for the past 5 minutes.