NC...the redheaded stepchild? a rant

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Verceterix, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. Archard

    I love the NC arsenal.

    I'd happily trade the NC players themselves for players from the other factions though.
    • Up x 1
  2. ThreePi

    Zergs.Win.Alerts. Always have. Maybe in another year or two the population overall will drop enough to make NC competitive in live play, but for as long as Alerts have been a thing, and even before that with the World Domination Series, the NC have been the whipping boy and neither SOE or Daybreak have ever acknowledged it. Literally YEARS of underperforming.
  3. Taemien

    Sorry to say but you're off the mark.

    First.. NC won most of the Server Smashes.
    Second.. NC won the Multiplayer World Record Event for the Guinness World Record.
    And Lastly... Alerts aren't super great indicators anymore.

    More on that last one. Alerts make it easier to capture a continent, but don't ensure it. Not only that, but sometimes alerts are a distraction. I know some people will ignore an alert to make gains on another continent in areas that might be harder to get. For example, if an Alert happens on Esamir and the population moves there.. and leaves you to take Indar Excavation, Comm Array, and some other hard to take bases. Its going to be hard to want to do those alert.

    Here's what you've got to do. You've got to look at a server and see who owns the two continents currently capped. And make sure you do this at the END of primetime for that server. For Connery, I can honestly say it varies between all three factions.

    Does it change during the night? Sure. There's a crazy unpredictable population shift during the off hours. You do NOT balance around those players in the offpeak hours.

    As for Zergs.. I helped break apart a few VS zergs earlier tonight on Connery on my TR toon. We did it with 3 and a half squads. Everywhere we went we routed them. Didn't matter if they had 40, 60, or even 90+. We won the alert and later the next one and took Indar.

    Zergs are too easy to distract. They are attracted to 'farms' like flies on turds. You can use that to hold them in one location while taking important facilities elsewhere. VS is the easiest faction to do this to. Sure we always here about the 'close knit' hard core outfits on VS. That's hilarious because the 3 factions are usually pretty balanced during various primetimes.

    So that tells me, the small close knit outfits are there because everyone else is zerging. Sure I'm sure some of the small 3-6 man outfits are great together. But they get stomped when fighting similar coordinated forces that have 3-4 times their number. The VS running with them are zerging and can only do so much to provide meatshielding.

    But they'll do well when large coordination drops off at the tail end of primetime. But they aren't winning during primetime.
  4. ThreePi

    You're right, you don't balance around players in offpeak hours. Just like you don't balance based on the few hundred players that play in the handful of Server Smash events. You balance based on the thousands of players that play on live servers every day.
  5. Taemien

    By the way, judging by the number of open platoons I see in Primetime and correlating that with the population. I think its safe to say less than half the players are actually zerging.

    Primetime on Connery has about 450 players per faction. There's 4-5(sometimes more) platoons available to join. Without counting the un-platooned squads and the closed outfit squads/platoons. 1/3rd of the players are in open platoons. With that said, I'm one to believe that the majority of players are not lonewolves following the blob.

    It never made sense to me whenever I see figures like 90, 95, and 99.9% of players are solo. Its not even close to that. In fact I think its less than 40%.
  6. The Shady Engineer

    I don't get how OP is having trouble with NC carbines yet is perfectly fine with NC assault rifles.
    The Mercenary and Gauss rifle literally have the same ADS CoF. The handling of the two weapons is very similar, if anything the Merc has better handling because unlike the NC1, it recoils straight up instead of having a rightward pull and it has a comfortable 1.75x first shot recoil multiplier instead of the nasty 2.1x the Gauss rifle gets. Also Merc has better hipfire, but that's kind of a given since it's a carbine.
  7. LaSouris

    NC weapons, thanks to their not as brutal CoF bloom or high Horizontal recoil, are some of the most RELIABLE weapons when you learn how to control their recoil. I main NC on PS4, and I do really enjoy the feel of Solstice and the TRAC 5 (I am more of a CQC in your face player), but I find they can be unreliable. The Mercenary on the other hand, just counter the recoil and you can wreck, and PS4 plebs aren't used to having to counter recoil! NC carbines are so easy to use, I don't see the issue with them
  8. Eternaloptimist

    Well, I could not get on with VS LMGs when I played HA despite there being no obvious reason. It could just be the "feel" of the faction/class.

    I main engineer on all factions and I find the GD7F (for CQC) and the Gauss Compact Burst (for medium/lomg range) excellent weapons. I do find that engineers tend to depend a bit on what is going on around them and maybe your NC team mates haven't been doing so well..............
  9. AxiomInsanity87

    Captain obvious, it was a joke lol.

    Thanks anyway.
  10. AxiomInsanity87

    All random side-to-side recoil needs to go in all 3 faction.

    It's just a bs random factor.
  11. Verceterix

    NC Assault rifles are just about laser accurate, much like TR and VS weapons. NC Carbines, on the other hand, shoot in random ******* directions that make no sense to me. I can see it from the tracers. I have no problem hitting targets with the assault rifles, but I can't hit jack with the carbines. Looks and feels like that spaghetti noodle gun firing that some guy here in the forums has in his signature.
  12. Trudriban

    A helpful mental tip that helps me out is to treat every and all carbine as close/med range. There is no such thing as a long range carbine. Not the razor, not the burst, and funny enough especially not the AC-X11. Grab the warden for engy when you're fighting outside and need ranged accuracy, and dodge pretty much everything while getting closer as a LA
  13. Ryme_Intrinseca

    There is nothing in the stats to explain why you'd do worse with NC carbines. They generally have very good accuracy, and some of them are almost identical to TR/NC weapons statswise (e.g. gd7f/serpent, razor/pulsar c/cougar). Probably it's just a random bad experience or two followed up by confirmation bias.

    Just take the emissary buff the damage so it can be an emisnipary
  15. Problem Officer

    Don't look at the stats, just go in VR and try every single gun, look for recoil patterns you like.

    Honestly if your good u don't have to worry about recoil like me :)