NC scattercannon users:please dont act like magrider drivers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Louis Farrakhan, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. HadesR

    True .. found Gauss Saw absolutely shread's Max's at medium range
  2. VSMars

    Hell, if you throw down an AT mine, it doesn't even have to be that near the MAX to kill it. I've taken down several at once with one as they were all piling up near their Sundy preparing for what looked like a MAX rush. In this case the AT mine near the Sundy triggered the nearby one in the middle of the MAX + Engie group, but you can as well just shoot it.
  3. Vreki

    The Flamerthrowers in the Beta were fun and panic-inducing, but a splatMAX is much better at actually killing stuff.
    For one thing, you can see your target.
  4. Kediec

    So you want scatmaxes nerfed basically then ?

    Scat maxes are fine imo and work as they are intended to do, CQC beasts. Yes, i die plenty of times to them, but so what, catch them at range and they die to me, it really is that simple.

    For the record, i play all 3 factions and use maxes from all sides (with NC being my lowest BR) . While scatmaxes are good in biolabs, that is about it really, or the odd Sundy rush if you can get close enough without dieing.
    When i'm in a scatmax i'm certainly not invincible, the low ammo capacity and reload time adds a downside to its power along with having to get so close to be useful. Yes i can have runs where i smash through infantry, but i can also die before even killing 2 infantry.
    Same can be said about all sides AI max, they are all situational and imo balanced and working fine.
  5. Colt556

    The only broken thing about the scatmax is how it fairs against other maxes. But this isn't even just the scatmax. AI weapons in general do too much damage to max units. A scattermax should get absolutely wrecked by a dual pounder MAX or something. A dedicated AV MAX should ALWAYS beat a dedicated AI MAX.

    However, like the Magrider situation. The scattermax is not broken. It does not need to be nerfed. It is working as intended. Instead we need to bring everything else up to it's level. The ONLY nerf should be a general nerf to all AI weapons against MAX units.
  6. Zaik

    Not quite half the damage output of LMGs. It's more, but not an insanely large amount more. The M1 Heavy Cycler *does* have half the output of the t7 MCG and an identical hipfire CoF though, that is rather odd.(source: )

    What's more confusing is that the Mercy has both a 33% smaller initial hipfire CoF AND a shorter refire time than the Heavy Cycler, in exchange for a tiny reduction in magazine size that honestly seems entirely pointless. I can't imagine a situation where i'd ever use the Heavy Cycler over the Mercy. The Heavy Cycler should probably be one damage tier over the mercy rather than something dumb like an additional 10 rounds in a pair of guns that could kill a dozen infantry without reloading. I assume that all the M# suchandsuch weapons are other TR AI arms, although they clearly have intended uses they are ALL blatantly inferior to the Mercy in every way except magazine size, which again is pointless when a pair of mercies have the ammo capacity to motor through a dozen infantry on their own without reloading. It seems less and less that there is an issue with NC MAX weapons and more that there is an issue with every non NC max weapon when you find stuff like this that just makes absolutely no sense.

    The Quasar appears to be an identical copy of the Heavy Cycler with 10 less magazine capacity. That's boring. None of the other VS AI cannons ever match up to the Mercy either, though the Cosmos comes fairly close with a 1 CoF, 75 round magazine, and 167 maximum damage, though the refire takes a pretty big hit. Perhaps because they have no bullet drop, though that seems like a pretty poor way to balance MAX weapons since they're hipfire only. I wish I could see the effect crouching has on these weapons, it definitely affects the CoF on slug ammo scattercannons, though because it's all obscured in favor of having an AA turret reticule sit in the middle of the screen there's no way to truly tell.
  7. Wardancer

    If maxes had proper armor that protected against small arms fire their weapons could be balanced accordingly and suddenly "anti-max" weapons would be more important as well. Now most maxes just use the most effective infantrykillers they have because they work against maxes as well. If the infantry killers did not work well against other maxes it would be really easy to counter a scatmax, just grab a max with heavy anti max guns and pew pew dead.

    That is what needs to be fixed, make maxes have proper armor and make sure the anti max weapons are useful. Will fix alot of these "problems"
  8. Deavonere

    I would tweak the damage by lowering it, increase RoF a bit and hugely decrease reload time, so we would be slightly worse at CQC than we are now, but at the same time our TTK for Maxes would be less in 10m by a bit, but higher when further than 10m.

    Right now we have extremely big sustained damage at first then it drops to 0 (due to reload) and then it goes up to ridiculous amount again. I think it should be tweaked a bit.
  9. Dkamanus

    Honestly, there's not much the Devs can do about this design besides redesigning bases themselves. If we suffer some small nerf, it won't affect our main abilities that are to deal with people at very close range, and the "OP", "NERF" threads will keep coming because people are just too stupid to actually get AROUND another door in a place and try to kill the MAX. Its not like EVERY room in a biolab has more then 3 entrances to that particular room, allowing people to flank. But no, they want to deal with a Scatter MAX the zerg way.

    My outfit has a lot of Dual Scatter MAXes pilots with extended mags and such, mostly because people can't figure out there are more backways inside a place, nor even try to use most grenades against anything. People throw in grenades, I eat them and My engineer thanks for the extra XP.
  10. FlayvorOfEvil

    I'm pretty sure you guys are complaining because your Quasars and Miniguns can't kill NC maxes at pt blank in 2 seconds while those same guns out damage the shotguns by far after 10m.

    If the TR and VS get close range damage increase, then I vote to have the NC shotgun's range increase.

    Also Light Assault+Shotgun= dead NC max
    2 grenade launchers in the general area= dead nc max