NC scattercannon users:please dont act like magrider drivers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Louis Farrakhan, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. MarkAntony

    good luck with that while you are both unable to see and move. btw. there is always a second door.
  2. Deavonere

    The real question is, if you'll support us in getting mid range weapons like cycler, when flame throwers will be introduced in march ?
    After that Scatmax will be obsolete.
  3. Louis Farrakhan

    i think anti infantry NC MAX should have the SAME fighting range as the other MAXes. at least one type of scattercannon should have the range of a cycler, like in original ps1.
  4. Johnnyseven

    I can understand your point and whilst my MAX is "straight up better" in next to point blank range its effectiveness drops off a cliff the further you move away. I cant speak for the VS MAX as I haven't used it or seen too many (Though what I have seen of them hasn't been as bad as widely stated, they certainly don't seem up to par). (Playing as infantry) The TR Mercy MAX however is extremely underestimated, I have been killed by that weapon in all environments and at substantial ranges, up close the difference in time to kill on an infantryman between that and a Hacksaw MAX is meaningless, its practically instant. It also has a far greater capacity for sustained/suppressing fire which is extremely useful when trying to breach into biolabs. On this point, I have invested over 1000 certs into my Hacksaw's and can just about manage a constant stream of fire, it takes extreme trigger discipline however and greatly reduces damage output. Its an excellent deterrent though.

    As for all factions getting all kinds of weapons, I again can understand that point and to a certain extent agree. They would have to work hard on defining the factions in other meaningful ways though.
  5. Louis Farrakhan

    problem is ALL variants of the scattercannon is close range. it funnels ALL nc MAXes into cqc and worsens the range difference.

    NC should get some AI weapon with the range of TR mercy.
  6. Johnnyseven

    At this point I think its safe to disregard whatever this fine gent says.
  7. dumbo

    [The Hacksaw may be overpowered, like many things in PS2, currently RoF>>>other things]

    But otherwise, it's very difficult to see how you can re-balance this - the NC AI MAX is worthless against anyone beyond 10-20m. In-game the AI MAX gets pulled out of a sunderer for the final stage of Tower assaults and biolabs... and it's actually not that great at tower assault... otherwise the only time I see an NC max is for AA duties.

    IMHO, the problem with all the MAX units is a simple lack of bullet resistance. Change that 'a bit' and see what happens...
  8. Louis Farrakhan

    im speaking the truth. in cqc respawn is very fast. xp is nerfed to 25xp. scattercannons at biolab cant farm xp anymore, that was your ONLY viable place to use it. this is for your own good.
  9. Pumpkim

    As a dual mattock MAX with extended magazines and slugs. I pity those who are up against me. And that's when I don't have a dedicated engineer on me.

    Removing slugs from the MAX would probably be a good idea.
  10. Deavonere

    To be honest, I don't really think there should be huge differences either in CQC or midrange between factions. That should be weaponry choice for a situation you are in.
    NC Scatmax is too good due to TTK, but drawback is, that if you will not be able to kill your enemy before reload, then you are most likely dead.
    Upgrading armour for TR and VS MAXes will shorten distance at which you'll win against NC AI MAX, but you'll still have to stay away from hugging them.
    • Up x 1
  11. Louis Farrakhan

    i would prefer a more constant rate of fire with a much higher magazine for the scatmax.

    in ps1 the scatmax had a 50 round magazine and killed in 2 or 3 direct hits. i feel that would be a more satisfying type of gameplay than the current hit or dead theme.

    likewise the jackhammer had 20 rounds, was much more satisfying to use in ps1.
  12. Zaik

    I guess you guys didn't notice, but scattercannons are just copies of normal shotguns. There's nothing particularly special about them, other than having one more round in the magazine, two more with extended magazines. Can't really say one is overpowered without saying both are.

    If you've ever actually used an in-game shotgun, you should be able to think of a way to neutralize it fairly easily. Particularly Hacksaws, while they fire faster they also have the worst pellet spread, identical to any of the automatic shotguns.
  13. Louis Farrakhan

    shotguns are not the problem. its that the ONLY choice for nc MAX is shotgun. so you see a lack of MAX support in outdoor fights, and an overabundance of MAXes indoors.

    close range is not the problem. its the NC can ONLY fight at close range. either the scatter MAX kills instantly, or it doesnt kill at all. thats very unbalanced.

    in ps1 NC scattermax can be accurate up to 50 meters with the tightest firing mode, at the expense of firing rate.

    the osprey shotgun turret was accurate up to 100+ meters.....
  14. Oreo202

    I am certain that there is a disparity between the MAX K/D ratios, although the difference is likely minimized due to how UP MAXes currently are. 1 mag of an extend magazine SMG can nearly kill a MAX if all bullets hit the head (will leave the MAX with one health bar, I'm pretty sure). An extended mag of buckshot to the head will kill them easily as well. MAXes need to have tripled health and resource cost. If they want to make MAX instagibbed by as many things as normal infantry, fine, but at least allow a MAX to kill 2 enemies before it screams it's lungs out asking for nonexistent engineers.

    I really agree with this. It doesn't make any sense to lock someone to a certain weapon type because of their faction choice. It's like saying TR can only use highly inaccurate guns that have a RoF above 1000 and can't be used in medium range.
  15. HadesR

    Let's hope those sheet's take into consideration the amount of kills the Max's get because idiots charge out of camped outpost tele room's in Bio Lab's
  16. Louis Farrakhan

    devs want to decrease camping.

    you have to choose. have unfair advantage in a biolab, or be more useful in other areas so the NC can finally capture a non empty continent.
  17. Doogle

    What I find odd is that they have the same power of a shotgun on each hand where as the TR and VS AI weapons have half the damage output on each hand in comparsion to an LMG.

    The fact that maxs hipfire works better with shotguns than with rifles is another factor.

    Also engaging stuff at ranges beyond 20m in any max is kindly asking a HA to get his overshield up and decimator you.

    that being said I think a better method for balance would be to turn the max AV weapons into anti max weapons.
  18. Louis Farrakhan

    cant do that when scattermax instakill maxes.
    TR and VS MAXes can kill a HA at 20m. why shouldnt NC MAXes be able to do the same thing? even out the scattercannon range and accuracy and dont make it so extreme and situational.
  19. HadesR

    Don't worry we do .. But are you saying Vs/TR only capture continents because they have Max's good at medium range AI ? .. That's weird
  20. nella

    Honestly, NC maxes kills other maxes too quickly in CQC, but that's because maxes are terribly weak against small arms fire. But past 10 meters, the NC max will lose so I really don't see what the big deal is.

    You couldn't close the distance against magriders because you'd be dead before you got close enough. You can however keep your distance against NC maxes.