Yo shoot me a friend request in game. We run ops weekly on Wed/Fri starting at 8 pm EST - 11 PM EST. We typically have a squad on wed, and 2 squads on fridays. Let me know if you guys want to do some platoon work. How many guys do you typically have?
Yea we want in on this. Looking to start working more with the rest of the Conglomerate. We are running about 8 almost every night, get a squad to a squad and a half on the weekends.
Cool stuff Uben, we're running ops tonight you guys want me to get you in our platoon? Let me know your situation.
Time for a resurrection. Looking for 10-12 good men/women to fill the ranks. Do you have what it takes? Please answer the following questions: 1. What kind of team do you prefer to be in? a. Gimme 50 guys and a waypoint, that's all I need! b. I prefer a small tight knit team with a high level of coordination and comms. My single squad can get as much done and have more fun than 50 zerglings. Also zerging's for *******. If your answer is b, proceed to question 2 2. When I am greatly outnumbered I think: a. Aaagh! This is hard, redeploy us Funk, redeploy! b. Time to go to work. If your answer is b, proceed to question 3. 3. The idea of operating in a heavily populated TR tech plant or amp station, blowing up vehicles, turrets etc. and generally being a complete PITA: a. Gives me a chubby (or female equivalent). b. Makes me wet myself (in a not good way). If your answer is a, proceed to question 4. 4. When I think of NC guns, I think: a. Whaah! ROF Flinch mechanics Recoil QQQQQ! b. Whatever, Saints will still own face. If your answer is b, proceed to question 5. 5. When faced with a challenging fight I prefer to: a. Rise to the occasion and test my team's skills. b. Run to another continent. If your answer is a, proceed to question 6. 6. Lazors!: a. Are for sissies. Actually that wasn't a question. If you've made it this far, congratulations! You might be Saints material. Please send TheFunk and friend request in game to get in contact.
TR are facist. Get it right! Argue? Here ya go: State/ military industrial complex running things in a dictatorship? Power of the State above power of the individual? That is Facism. Equal rights and equal pay with the government providing all jobs in a dictatorship? Power to the people who form councils that determine who gets what? That is Communism. The two are similar, but definitely not interchangeable. Imperial Germany was Facist. Russia was communist. The way they ran things was completely different. There was no Krupp manufacturing in Russia, or other massive businesses that basically controlled everything. A closer to home example: Modern America is starting to closely to resemble Facism with massive corporations and lobbies having far more influence on politics then the average Joe, Modern China is Communist with the economic structure of a capitalist nation. Those Heretic Scum Vanu are Communists. We of the Glorious Terran Republic are Facist! You NC Rebel Scum are an oligarchy/run by corporations.
Look I could get into a long drawn out discussion about why you're wrong but really that's Uben's thing and he's on a break so you're just gonna have to deal with it until he gets back.
Why would you edit the post I replied to in a response to my response? Also since you appear to have reading comprehension issues I requoted myself so you can read it again.
Don't claim I am wrong if you aren't willing to back it up. That is asking for me to drive my point home.
Nope. It's not. In fact I pretty much asked you NOT to drive your point home. But you fundamentally could not resist. Your gun was already loaded and you were determined to fire it.
Funk's parenting tip of the day: Giving in to your kids whenever they cry just teaches them that crying works.
Seems some folks are taking notice. If anyone wants to talk we can talk. Wanna work together? Sure. Join up? Great! Lemme know. I'll be straight up, not lookin to be merged or poached though. We're a tight bunch.