Its my first choise of weapon outdoors where i need range and accuracy, this weapon is in that role a beast, rivalling infiltrators in sniping effectiness.. Its 1 shot mode its shoots faster as the default sniper rifle of Infiltrators with near same DPS, without the wobbling of the sniper rifle, making even inexpierenced CM's a deadly mid-range sniper.. But when you are caught with this gun in a CQC situation, your better off pulling your sidearm, its rate of fire is so slow, a nimble player can litterly dodge the shots, without one shot even hitting them, and get knifed down as the ultimate insult on how you gun sucks.. Its a situational gun, and used for the role its for, its a awesome beast, any other situation, there are much better weapons available
I used the Gauss S now but I do have the Reaper DMR and used it for about a week. What I found from my experience is that the Reaper DMR won't get you as many kills do to the recoil but where it does shine is that it makes them duck. One shot on someone and there running for cover. It is good for suppressive fire in single shot mode from a distance. Highly situational in my opinion. Go with the Gauss S for medic, Gauss Saw S for HA, and Gauss Compact S for Engineer. Are you starting to see a pattern? Also I own every medic gun if you were wondering where I would draw my comparison.
After reading through the forums I did some very detailed testing with a new medic setup so I did... Must admit, the GR-22 with a 3.4 scope (doesnt matter which one exactly) is a blast! Didnt put the laser sight on, its a hip fire monster anyway, I put on the grip, which smoothens the already smooth recoil. Now compared with the Reaper, this gun gives the possibility to kill in close quarters and up to 50 meters in a reliable manner. You´re getting surprised within 5 meters? Go hipfire. You can take an aim on a moving target 20-30 meters away? Chances are good you drop the enemy with your high precision sight and the rate of fire of 800 (!). Any target farer away makes no sense to aim for, the long range damage per shot of the GR-22 is too lousy (think its 114 per shot). The 30 bullets per mag are gone quickly (800 rpm, bursting fire prevents this So at the end this gun covers 80% of situations, the Reaper only 20%, love the Reaper for its niche existence though, making kills with the Reaper sooo satisfiying