I am creating a thread for this oft-maligned weapon. Who else is rocking the DMR? What I've found is this weapon engages optimally with the 4x LX scope; a 6-9 round burst on a stationary target will usually put it down. If moving L-R you might need to use more. At longer ranges, the rifle can put down an infiltrator or other stationary target fairly quickly on semiautomatic. The 20 round clip isn't really an issue given the speedy short reload. The 100 round reserve can go very quick though if you're not careful -- it's also a totally inappropriate weapon for head-on clashes where you are exchanging fire. The DMR is meant for long flanking maneuvers, covering known approaches, and picking off enemies from a supporting position. Ideally they never get the chance to fire back. The default Gauss AR is effective at the same ranges -- I would compare them by saying the DMR feels a little less cooperative to the player (almost demanding crouched fire!), but far more decisive when you work in the weapon's optimal zone. The characteristics of the DMR cannot be worked around -- you need to adapt your playstyle -- but it's solid in that mid-range/mid-range+ engagement zone. Seeing the Carnage and GR-22 had their own threads, I thought I'd give the Reaper one too. Your thoughts are welcome!
i havent even tried the reaper. i wouldn't trade my gauss s [with HVA, (adv.) foregrip] for the reaper. i will stay with the gauss (s) but just my 2 cents^^
After some 40 days of playing, I´m still undecided if this is the gun to use for the next months. Bought most possible upgrades and zooms. I´m obsessed by this weapon, despite knowing I could kill more with other weapons , so please excuse my block of text : At the start this weapon was a shock, so hard to kill with, and I play FPS since Castle Wolfenstein in the early 90´s. The vertical recoil is one of the toughest in game, 0,44. That how I play it (Im only lvl 27 and far from a pro) Upgrades: Concerning the optics, I go mostly with the 2x Reflex and the HS/NV (doesnt matter if its night or not). Tried also the 3.4x optics and even the 6x optics, a waste. The Teclyte 3.4 is a clumsy device that covers a large portion of your screen, and the x6 needs a very high degree of precision, the whole setup is inferior to other snipers and the hv ammo makes this gun almost unbearable. You often need 5-6 bullets to finish off enemies. Teclyte 1x not bad, but due to the low ROF, there is no need for close encounters. Didnt try the x4 zoom, some guys in the forum recommended it. Dont like hva, makes a difficult weapon even more difficult. Compensator is simply a must, **** the extra visibility on the map. The grip is a waste of money, Reaper has no horizontal recoil. Situations: If I get surprised with this weapon, I´m dead, the movement penalty makes it hard to adapt here. No crouching is often equal to no kill, as you stated already in the OP. If youre duelling with snipers that are aware of you, you´ll lose in 90% of cases. They need 1-2 shots and have 12x zoom optics, you always need more hits. And try to land these while you face a cloaking enemy. If youre shooting from a good cover at an enemy 10-40 meters away, thats what I love this weapon for. 5 quick bullets or 2 in the head, with a 2x zoom, and its over. Close quarters, it has to be very close <1m to kill, otherwise... General: The 20 bullets magazine is a bad joke though, ok 200dps. Meaning you need a bullet less. At the same time the rate of fire is very low compared to Vanu and TR stuff. Died countless times when I went out of ammo (total is 120 bullets), an average TR HA weapon has 100 bullets (per magazine), and my enemy kept on firing, of course without a comparable recoil. This weapon with a 25 bullet magazine could be deadly. Can imagine excellent players can pile up some kills with it, but we talk about 5% of the players. It needs sooo much trigger discipline. Again, Im only average, so I´m happy to get some hints from real experts Comparable NC weapons: I bought the two main competitors, the GR-22 and the NS-11 to see what the stuff is people praise so much NS-11 Must say, its a really smooth, versatile and user friendly weapon. 35 bullets, cool, lower damage, ok, but a very low recoil comes with it. A noob-friendly allrounder weapon rather weak in long range. A killer with compensator and grips and 1x zoom, but anything over 50meters gets difficult to drop (didnt try more than 2x zoom tho) The allrounders dream. Challenging? Its EZ mode compared to Reaper DMR. GR-22 Dont know what to think of this one. Got it with 1x zoom, advanced laser sights for CQC. I dont need to zoom anymore, hip fire monster, 30 bullets, but the weapon is futile above 40/50 meters, very low damage (think 144 per shot) and no x2 zoom possible. I miss those long range encounters with the GR-22. Overall a nice weapon, but needs a completely different approach than the reaper Good for rambo medics.
I really dont know why people go for longer ranged focused weapons in this game for a general use rifle. Probably something like 20% of my fights are within 10m range, 65% are within 65m range and only the remaining 15% of my fights are 65m+. That being the case it makes very little sense to go for the Reaper DMR and much more sense to go for the GR-22 with its hugely superior DPS, ROF, larger clip & lower recoil. I just feel if you are trying to shoot at that range you are probably going to attract snipers or vehicles that will kill you much faster than you can kill them. That aside and accepting that people have different play styles and for those occasions when you really are engaging at long range then given its range of certs (adv grip, high velocity ammo + compensator) and higher bullet damage (6 shots to kill with the Reaper vs 7 with the Gauss) this gun is probably a better choice than the Gauss Rifle variants. That said I'd probably consider the Warden battle rifle for engagements at this range.
agree with you. Originally, I thought the Reaper is competitive at all ranges somehow, a good allrounder rifle with emphasis on long ranges. But its not, it has a niche role Ok...only another 764 kills for the final weapon achievement Anyway, its good to have the NS and the GR 22 as well. The Warden looks like a very interesting weapon, although not for Medics. Any links for discussions about this rifle?
Here's the trick. With the DMR, you need to FORCE those fights at longer ranges to happen more frequently. If you push those general engagement ranges to the right, you start to tilt the fight to your advantage. Practical example is a biolab -- you don't want to be inside getting blindsided, you want to be on the ground outside picking off enemies from ranges they don't like to fight at. The key to the DMR is not the right hand (mouse point and click), it is the left hand (where your character is positioned). If you can't shape the battle and engage at the ranges you dominate, you're going to get out-DPS'd, and you need to switch to a different gun. The true battle and Infiltrator rifles will outrange the DMR - in which case, then you want to close and use the DMR's ROF to your advantage. There is definitely a sweet spot at which it performs superbly. What makes it a niche, is that it's narrow and unintuitive. What makes it powerful, is that if you hit that sweet spot, most weapons can't mirror this -- the Reaper has a better damage falloff and tighter COF that work to your advantage, especially compared to the close range ROF monsters most players embrace.
Cheers, which optics do you use for the medium ranges, lets say within 10-40 meters? Do you have the forward grip, makes it any sense?? I feel it was a waste of certs
Thing is, the "long range" weapons work just fine at ANY range as long as you're ADSing. I mean, it's not like they become less accurate at shorter ranges or anything. Problem with long range weapons is that they're usually gimped when you hipfire them, and in PS2 you generally end up more in CQB situations than sniper duel in the middle of a desert situations. So you end up with situations like: I can take the Gauss Rifle and still hold my own in CQB while still being effective at range or I can take the Reaper DMR and suck in CQB while being about as effective as Gauss Rifle at range in most cases. It's just not worth it.
I love it with the 3.4 personally. As many have said it requires extreme discipline with your trigger finger, you must wait for the right opportunity.
I picked up the reaper dmr in the infantry starter pack yesterday Despite it's limited ammo supply and poor hipfire, I really enjoy it, it has amazing ADS accuracy and drops people very fast. Doesn't seem to do any better at long range than the Gauss rifle like advertised, but it's still great at mid-longe range.
You are right its hipfire is great, but get some more unlocks for it before knocking it at long range, that is its shining point over the GR. If you get the HVA, adv foregrip, and compensator, you have a filthy anti-sniping machine, which can also get kills with patiently timed hipfires.
Honestly, in head-on fights at close range, I just bug out. That's not to say you can't get kills but the range is sub-optimal. You are far better served by re-establishing standoff and fighting on your terms. Incidentally I use the 4x and it seems to help control my ranges. The funny thing here is, you're right. The Reaper is inflexible in pretty much the same say as a shotgun. You're specializing in a niche at the cost of versatility. As a metaphor, if you are engaged at 60% of the time at over 15m with the default shotgun , you are going to lose almost every single one of those engagements. The remaining 40% are not guaranteed either. Where shotguns excel is at extremely, extremely close ranges -- so you want to push your ranges to the left, so 90% of your engagements are within 10m. If you can't do that, it's a bad weapon. So when people say "I threw it in the trash can", I understand completely -- flexibility is a virtue this weapon lacks. However, so is specialization. That's why it's fun to go on a sick streak with the DMR -- you're learning to make that specialization an asset, and it can catch people by surprise. If most PS2 players generally gear up for CQB situations, and you consistently engage them at ranges they're not prepared for, you suddenly have a big advantage. That's the entire crux of whether the DMR is actually "good" or "bad". Because to me, at least, there is no question it is lethal...
Personally I love how you can use this in cqc. When someone appears around the corner you occasionally just get that badass mode and fire off the double-tap headshot kill on reflex. They barely get a bullet out. Feel like a boss.
Love it love it love it. So crisp and rewarding to use. Its a big stick sort of weapon. You will lose to Some trac 5s and solstices up close but it opens up a whole new dimension of gameplay that is truly unique to the NC. this is a purists weapon. A G3A3. What most of the free world carries.
The DMR is an absolute beast. Above posters are correct, if you position your self well with this weapon you can dominate. It you can't snap head shots with this with a 1x in say a bio lab you should be using it outside. Flank enemys in a fire fight, you only need a quick burst to put them down, especially if you can get the headshot on the first shot. If he doesn't move you can get the second HS in or pull the burst down to finish him off. You only have enough ammo to drop one or two guys, sometimes more. Fall back to a position to flank an enemy attempting to flank your previous position and you will get plenty of kill streaks.
i really like the reaper because of its 1st shot accuracy. aside from that it is difficult to use due to wid recoils. the times i get to use this are very situational as most often we are indoors capping bases hence not capitalizing on its strength. it is however perfect for flanking enemy cover from a distance given that you have line of sight and visbility (not night time for ex)