Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Terrarion, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. zedfonsie

    Mad cuz he can't get in
  2. J0hnTitor

    Hi, I was wondering if you guys were still recruiting?

    I have dumped a lot of certs on my reaver, and would LOVE to have someone to fly with.

    Gotta say I'm not an ACE yet pilot but i'm super willing to learn from the best!!
  3. IamnotAmazing

    lol cause I want to, you still play?
  4. SSGVasa

    Do you guys take along mascots for the ride?
  5. rguitar87

    Go on...
  6. IamnotAmazing

    yes they have a sacrificial penguin that may or may not be an emperor penguin that leads their charge into battle, and is the first to die
  7. SSGVasa

    Ouch on second thought I wont try to be your mascot since the life of a mascot is a very short one. :)
  8. IamnotAmazing

    I was joking, there is a pilot on waterson named emperorpenguin5
  9. AirSuperiority

    Can i join PREY PLSSSS
  10. rguitar87

    I haven't finished breaking your spirit yet. You may be kidding right now, but just wait.
  11. BlueSeventy

    Dolphin and Whale.
  12. AirSuperiority

    Someone wants to get shreked :)
  13. rguitar87

    You'll always be that guy who occasionally flew the white mosquito and asked "What did I do wrong that time?" each time I murdered you.

    I do not hear my estranged student's inquiry anymore. Perhaps he learned all that there is to learn. :rolleyes:
  14. iPlague

    PREY? Oh you mean DA? Shouldn't this thread be deleted now you've Merge'd with Das Anfall? :rolleyes:
  15. rguitar87

    Hello, Mr.Putin
  16. iPlague

    Are you presuming I'm Russian? Cause in that case you're wrong mister DA member of the year.
  17. rguitar87

  18. Cswic

    Your reaver looks like an ugly foot that someone spray painted.
  19. rguitar87

    I don't see the foot.
  20. Cswic

    Maybe your poor eyesight explains why your aim is bad then :D
