Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Terrarion, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. rguitar87

    Perhaps you'd be interested in the Amerish Valley Vortek Rehabilitation Center. Mitt went there when he sprained his left afterburner and they had him good as new within a week. :D

    Come back! I must observe the Puresalad Codex.
    • Up x 1
  2. SkillSet

    Solid group of players. +1 for this outfit. If anyone has seen Qlydim or know's how to reach him, please let me know! Thanks - Skill
  3. RHINO_Mk.II

    Is there some new thing between SET and PREY? Both of y'all* seem to be bro-fisting each others' recruitment posts.

    *I'm NC, y'all is perfectly acceptable.
  4. j3thr0

    Hi, i wanna join your outfit. NC BR8
  5. Shanther

    Tell Rguitar to stop shooting me down while traveling...it is so mean, I just want to get to a base. =(
  6. Posse

    I'm negotiating a truce with him, he doesn't shoot me down when I'm travelling, I don't shoot him down with my Lancer. I think it's a pretty good deal.
  7. PureSalad

    NCUN/SET has always worked with PREY and supported us.

    This is nothing new and will not change.
  8. totalBimbo

    bro fisting is perfectly acceptable in my eyes aswell...wearing the NC uniform while bro fisting just makes it that much more acceptable.
  9. ThePeruvian02

    Can i join PREY?
    • Up x 2
  10. ThePeruvian01

    Dude WTF!
    • Up x 3
  11. ThePeruvian

    WHO ARE YOU GUYS!???!?!
    • Up x 4
  12. rguitar87

    PREY is a Llama-free work environment, sorry.
  13. Riku

    Sup. :)

    I'm playing in the late evenings in the EU - half of my leisure time, the EU servers are dead so I made an NC on Waterson :D Like a bawz!

    Now, that char is low br, and has exactly...umm... *counts* *calculates* 0 certs in da Reaver. I'd get the absolutely necessary certs and then derp around in the air a bit. Just wanted to mention I might be a nice addition to your team, and will contact you guys once I got the must-haves certed.
  14. EzioDevil

    Hey i am Ezio666 and I am looking forward to join u guys. I dont have a good K/D cause mostly I am flying a Lib and my gunners getting all the kills.
  15. Loui5D

    Room for a little EU whaler?
  16. Slavek

    I don't beleive you are using this term the correct form. There is no question about it, there can never be too many skywhales.
  17. chrisbeebops

    Except for that day when they were invisible. :D
  18. ILoveBerthamon

    Where's my spot doh?
  19. Genserik

    It's by my side....

  20. Genserik

    Cswics response: Working as intended.