Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Terrarion, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. GaBeRock

    Out of curiousity, what's going to happen between prey/qry? The outfits are pretty much redundant, and have some duplicate members.
  2. rguitar87

    QRY is a totally different outfit than PREY. We had duplicate members to play with them on Mattherson, or if we were part of the DA comm clash team.

    We are closely allied, but will always be two groups.
  3. Autorelic

    Don't trust rguitar, he's a fish IRL.
    • Up x 2
  4. Benjamin Wagner

    Always good to see you guys in the air ! You really know how to fly :p By now I enjoy being shot down by you !
  5. Verviedi

    You have inspired me to make an NC toon. Geez, I love the Vortek.
  6. rguitar87

  7. ItsJustDash

    I like to fly like a turkey who has had too much to drink