[NC] Praetorian Guard

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Hosp, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Hosp

    we've mostly been on holiday, but now that everyone's schedules are returning to normalcy, we will be getting back to normal daily operations.
  2. Hosp


    We had some people end their probationary periods, which started back in Nov-Dec. They are now full fledged Praetorians. One also stuck out, and after some Officer discussions, we have promoted StrateuNC to Evocati (NCO level) to begin his leadership track.

    Also, anyone interested, seek out Kane101 for H1Z1 outfit.
  3. Hosp

    For PS1 vets and vets around from early PS2, welcome Evil Diego back. RL duties took him from us for almost 2 years but he's back now and kickin higby.
  4. Hosp

    New PG video brought to you by EvilDiego

  5. Hosp

    Happy Paczki Day!
  6. Hosp

    And now, a word from Fluffy Bunny Hunter (aka fbh)

  7. Hosp

    Another Founder, Karion, is soon to make his return.
  8. Hosp

  9. Hosp

    New forums quite improved over last post. Take a look. (see link above)
  10. Hosp


    For those wondering how to apply, there are a couple ways. First, goto the forum link above. Find the PG application thread, copy the app into your own thread, and write out your answers.

    Another way, find our outfit and run with the platoon. You may be handed an invite.

    In both cases, Teamspeak is mandatory. If you're not on TS within a week after acceptance into the outfit, you'll be dropped out. Lack of a mic is no excuse. You still need to be able to hear orders.

    Otherwise, giv us a try if you want something a little more organized than simply zerging it. (which we do too if you don't want to completely give that up). :p
  11. TwistaX

    Great NC outfit for those NC who need a good home.

    PG ftw
    • Up x 1
  12. Igmaruckfed

    PG checking in. We're still kicking and still recruiting. Redeploy side is dead. Time to bring out the tactical play!
  13. Hosp

    Just to put a couple rumors to bed...

    - Our activity is down, but we do have very active Ops Nights. (and more recently activity is actually up)
    - While we have relaxed standards to join, you're still required to perform or get the boot.
    - Anyone can lead if they want to step up and lead. Senior Officers and NCOs will help out.
    (Guess what happens when a new guy is at the helm?)
    - The only change in direction of the outfit is the switch from a PS2 only outfit to a wider gaming community looking into multiple other MMOs.

    I am the senior most, longest (now semi) active member of the outfit dating back to 2006. Our activities have always been cyclical. We'd have our highs where we've kicked *** consistently. Our Lows where we're barely active. And in between where we've zerg recruited and lost quality on average...only to come out stronger in the end for those whom managed to forge themselves with us and stick through the tough times.

    Currently there is a new generation of leaders and I've had to take a step back to a more administrative role. One of our key rules is "REAL LIFE COMES FIRST." This is a video game, we prefer you get your life straightened out before feeling the need to commit time to any game, let alone an outfit.

    If every member stood with us through our highs and lows, rather than getting frustrated and leaving for "greener pastures", not only would we have one of the larger outfits in the game...We'd also have the toughest and most newb friendly. But we're not for everyone and anyone whom leaves of their own volition is just assumed to not want to put in the effort or grow the thick skin required.

    But one thing is certain, we've weathered numerous storms before. Even survived an active attack on our membership by SOE admins at one point. If rumors are all that is floating around in some attempt to discredit us, all I can do is laugh. We'll press on.

    See you on the battlefield
  14. Hosp

    Lotta vets making a return, particularly with the stuff DBG is working. Hopefully they keep it up. I was not on for this, and only heard it from Kane but, apparently he was running an OP and someone decided to call us hackers and say something along the line of [Paraphrased] "Here comes Praetorian Godmode"

    That was pretty funny. It'll likely see more use now. :p
  15. FeralBoy

    An old PG vet from PS1 here, NCdpENG. Glad to hear PG is still alive and kicking in PS2. I used to run with PG back in the day when Karion was leading most of our ops along with Evil Diego. We definitely got stuff done. Was a lot of fun.

    I played PS2 Beta but real life issues kept me out of any dedicated gaming until this past October when I finally returned. I've been lone wolfing on Emerald and for some odd reason playing as TR, but I ran into a guy from Connery looking for a decent Emerald TR outfit. He said he was Connery NC and I asked him if he ever heard of PG. He said "Yea, they're still on Connery and a pretty tight outfit." I said "I'm sure they are. We were in PS1 too."

    You guys interested in recruiting an old CE/UniMAX/AdvancedHacker PG vet from PS1?
  16. Hosp

    I do not remember you from PS1. Though I was on a hiatus for a time. But sure, look for anyone with PG online and most should be able to shoot you an invite.
  17. FeralBoy

    No problem, I admit I do not remember your name either lol. I'm pretty sure Evil Diego remembers me. I think Karion left shortly after I joined because he was contemplating going to into the service. Was he the one with the TR CR5 brother NeoAngelo?

    I did hold quite a few hacking records for the outfit I overtook from usamitch. I came along after zRock but before SpineyUrchin if that puts any time perspective on it, and I remember doing a lot of deep black op Interlink gen drop and holds to open up continents with a guy named Jim lol.

    Any way was good times and we were very tight. I'll be sure to hit somebody up soon. I miss being the small squad tight knit NC spearhead we were in PS1 as well.
  18. Igmaruckfed

    PG Checking in, we're very much alive and gearing up for some other games. We are, however, still maintaining a presence on PS2 and run regular Ops every week. If you're interested in finding out more about us just let myself or anyone else in the Outfit know and we'll get you filled in. Until then, I'll see you on the battlefield!
  19. reid the dog

    Sup folks, hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween! New recruit in PS2 and already getting some training on how PS2 works and everything. Check out the beautiful site at http://praetorianguardgaming.com/
  20. reid the dog

    The fun begins for my Halloween adventure :) Will be learning the ropes with igmaruckfed next week. AS always, check out the beautiful site at http://praetorianguardgaming.com/