[NC] Praetorian Guard

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Hosp, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Hosp

    I saw your app. You should apply anyway, as it allows you access to our forums and notifications about stuff. Hopefully, when open recruitment is over, everyone who joined up and wants to stay will apply. Whereas those who've tried us out and don't believe they fit would have avoided the trouble to begin with.

    That said, I saw your app and am at work so my responses during CST business hours are often delayed. Yes, find our squad(s), hook up and ask for an outfit invite. Get on coms and you'd have essentially bypassed the application process. Do that and app is automatically accepted. Just make sure to follow those guidelines you should read ahead of the app.
  2. Hosp

    I'm posting this due to the historically bada-s nature of the quote, and just posting the quote w/o saying this would probably make some mod delete my post for spam.

    " If. "
  3. Hosp

    Back from Vacation. I'll be taking a break from the game to study for exams, however, I'll still be lurking for administrative purposes. So PMs will be answered (timely matter or not is tbd).

    Outfit still active, but semi-selectively recruiting. No sure what that means exactly, but I'm sure it has something to do with going inactive shortly after joining the outfit will get you a boot.
  4. Hosp

  5. Renuse

    The thing that i like the most about PG is their stubbornness. Even if they get pushed off of a fight, they will come back to duke it out. Fun group of guys.

    xoxo Brother Neilas.
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  6. Neilas Astelan

    Awww <3 Renuse. I have a loadout with 3 shotguns on it just for you :)
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  7. Renuse

    I am going to kill you. Many, many times.

    But I will still rage at the one time you kill me with your shotgun.
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  8. Hosp

    There was a bit of talk about the role of stats in the eyes of the outfit and how they should be viewed, used and/or affect gameplay. Many of our fine people managed to throw in their 2 cents and everyone got a view of each other's opinion on the matter.
    So with that said, I'll be posting a series of excerpts from the discussion, over the next few weeks, so other players (and of course potential recruits :p ) can get a taste of how [PG] rolls and why we may utilize the stats we do and what we believe stats are when it comes to being a contributing member of the outfit.
    These are Opinions of individual members. Not outfit requirements or standards.


  9. Hosp

    Continuing on with our series of stats and gameplay:

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  10. Hosp

    Next up in the series:


    *Referring to NC Zergfits
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  11. Hosp

    By Frotang
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  12. Hosp


    *I'm assuming he meant time per session vs overall time played.
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  13. Hosp

    It took a while to censor this, but this is neither something I can truncate nor something our Australian sensation would want truncated. So without further ado, the man with his own verb...Munroe.
    Everywhere you see [ ] or -- is something I had to censor.
    PS: (1) Munroed: Verb; the act of having one's rear end torn in two, verbally, for actions that could be considered incompetent. Often accompanied by a swift call to one's therapist due to a lack of thick skin and/or over-sensitivity.
    (2) To go/Went Munroe: Verb; the act of Channeling Munroe resulting in the aforementioned definition.
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  14. Hosp

    I've run out of quotes about stats on our forum so here are my 2 cents:

    I do use stats to an extent to see where I can better myself, also use the killboard more see where I might've screwed up in a particular scenario and what I could've done better. I like joking about the "zomg my K/D is 6.0 this session" but typically, do not care.

    Doesn't matter to me. Stats can be farmed and that inherently skews stats. Even BR isn't a good way to tell experience because I'm positive there are people who've failed their way to the top. And as Munroe said, the stats do not cover decisions made, sacrifices made, strategy used, etc.

    Prime example: NC Connery are notoriously bad when it comes to pushing a point. If PG, or X or another Spearhead Outfit doesn't do it they often don't do it themselves and just sit back and farm. There was a bottleneck in terrain where NC and VS armor were trading blows, but noone was pushing foward. I grab a Vanguard with an LA and charged through the bottle. Popped the Vanshield and killed 2 smoking magriders then rammed their AMS which was hugging the corner. I jumped out before the van blew after getting a round into the AMS, then C4d it and myself. I killed 3 pieces of armor, 1 Max and a couple infantry roadkill. NC followed me in and we took the bottle neck and pushed onto the next base.

    So, while stats are certainly useful for personal improvement, I find knowing my team, their strengths and weaknesses as a unit, and the knowledge that we'll do what zerglings won't a much better determiner of our combat effectiveness. There are no stats that track that.
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  15. Hosp

    For PG Posting:

    Outfit Meeting Dec. 7th. See Forum for Time & Details.
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  16. Hosp

    Not sure if I'll be online tomorrow or not. But I know I'll likely not be on through the long weekend. So with that in mind:

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  17. Hosp

    The start of a most epic Outfit Night last night.
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  18. Hosp

    Status Update:

    2 things to mention.

    1) A few times a year, PG swells with zerg recruited newblood. During these times it may appear as if we've dropped all semblance of quality for quantity. That is hardly the case. Over the coming weeks, many will learn the outfit isn't for them and will leave. Some others will drop off the face of the game finding the game isn't for them in general. And others still will be removed for failing to perform to outfit standards. (Not based on stats in case anyone is thinking so).

    So for all the nay sayers jumping to conclusions...Your personal views of how an outfit should recruit are yours and yours alone. We do things a little differently and will come out stronger, as its always been, during this process.

    2) As of Saturday (possibly sunday AU time), Munroe got his 50,000th Jackhammer kill.


    Send him some love, or hate, so we can all enjoy it.
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  19. Hosp

    Status Update:

    Due to a lack of In game ranks, PG has decided to go back to their old ranking system from PS1 to better direct people to whom they need to answer to/ask questions of regarding the outfit. These are public here: http://thepraetorian.enjin.com/foru...712706-praetorian-guard-roster/post/last#last

    2 ranks not shown are Milites and Immunes as they are temporary/probational ranks. For IG purposes, due to the lack of available ranks, some of those ranks will be doubled up. But again, they're posted now for everyone's reference.
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  20. Hosp

    Don't like having to bump twice in 1 day but...

    Couple murmurs around reddit claiming we have some bad apples. The post above has our entire non-probationary roster. Goto an officer, such as myself, and give them screenshots of these bad apples. We don't tolerate it, but we also aren't on 24/7. Otherwise, all we can do is call our accusers thin skinned b--t hurt individuals since we probably killed em and all they cared to see was the tag.
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