Not a whine thread guys, just a genuine question. I've been back about two or three months now, not exactly sure to be honest. But what is wrong with us? It's been a month of us playing terribly compared to our faction counterparts. A month ago things felt great, all 3 factions felt very equal. Now... The vast majority of the time we just fell behind, we can't hold land, we can't take land. It's like we're DoA. Has something changed in the game I missed? Have some outfits quit? -I don't think I've seen as many around recently. Was it something I said? My son has been playing VS recently and it's a totally different experience over there. (Good job VS) I spent about 10 levels or so on TR and it felt much better also. But I'm NC since PS1, I don't want to change but sometimes that grass just looks so much greener over there past the fence. You know? Opinions please.
All the factions seems to go through "phases of stupid" from time to time. Though it does seem NC has it more often than the others.
It seems to me that, on average, Connery NC does okay when it has equal or more than equal population on the continent. The problem is, any time there's an alert, there's a mass exodus of NC players to the other continent, so your two choices are to be massively outnumbered or to go ghostcapping, unless the alert continent reaches the pop cap. Then of course, in the late night and early morning, NC is lucky to have 25% server population in total, which means NC cannot win alerts during 50% of the day, regardless of skill, and they're left at a disadvantage for the daytime alerts because they never start with a locked continent.
Kinda crossed my mind lately during alerts that the game just devolves in " Zerging and Then Redeployside " and since a lot of NC weapons are more defensive rather than offensive we find it hard to break down a stubborn defense reinforced by constant redeploysides .. Just my perspective so take it with a pinch of salt
Who are the first? ^^^ Playing NC connery on and off since release i can say that we have always been the underperforming faction. Definitely a cyclical thing going on where at night the vanu come out.
I believe we have quite a few new players. Also Sunday is terrible, sometimes Monday too. With that being said I have noticed we have some NC on Emerald who are finally catching on. They may be new idk. I don't think they are the VS alts. But I have noticed a change in tempo.
NC Connery is sadly the original noob conglomerate. on Connery many players seem to have migrated to VS with the exception of high skill cross faction groups that still swap around. even then, a lot of the time you see the cross-factioners colluding with enemies because they are on teamspeak together. the only thing that actually makes me annoyed about it is when they're stat padding - i mean having a "training event" or some type of "scrimmage" - and players from my own faction attempt to TK because we're shooting at enemies they don't want us to shoot at. i know OP wants to stay with one team because of tradition and loyalty, but you can't realistically play that way in this environment. you have to look at the overall game and choose where to go based on where you'll have a good time. sucks but there it is.
All the major outfits agreed to just cert farm. A Different Kind, Corporate Legion, Devil Dogs, Recursion, Hav0c, Brothers in Christ, and many others decided it wasn't worth it anymore. Its not so much a combined effort as it is a combined indifference. They refuse to talk to each other. They don't police their members who TK peeps for destroying enemy sundies (aka 'detriment to the farm'). Pretty much they all no longer care. This would change if they sucked in their collective egos and actually talked Outfit to Outfit. But since they don't, they're all intent on being Cert Farming Zergfits.
NC on Connery are the worst faction NA!. I deleted my nc toon a month ago. A lot of reasons that made me rage quit.
I've seen tactically deficient choices from my own faction and the VS before and those don't come close to the pants on head choices I've seen Connery NC make.
Sadly, because of the way the game works I've put a lot of real money into the NC and I hate to feel like I've wasted it, For example (and this was a bad choice) I still have over 60 days on a 3 month boost for NC. A month ago they seemed half decent. Things sure changed. I really wish more purchases were cross faction. But you're right, I might just have to move on. I honestly dislike VS but my son seems to enjoy the purple people, and I would like us to be on the same team. Personally, I sort of want to go TR if I swap around. Whenever I play either VS or TR both teams seem to work together better than NC does. Sometimes i feel like the blueberries actually have the right idea and go to the right places when the squads i'm in make some terrible choices. Recently I've been playing with NCPK and they seem to have their ish together for the most part. But one outfit seldom is able to win an alert. Maybe it's just the time of day I play that's bad. I work 6am, get home around 3pm, hang out with my son and do homework. After dinner I might play a couple hours. If we are doing well I might stick around for 3, or 4 on a weekend. This happens all the time! Then we spend 2 hours trying to get ready for the next fight, have 60%+ of the bases and we still get taken out when the next alert hits. Hell I stayed up 1.5 hours later than I normally do the other night because I just knew we would win. The alert started with NC at something like 75% with TR somewhere around 15 and VS at 10 or so. We lost in the last 5 minutes to TR. How does that even happen. Good job TR. Good job.
Lol I just read this, must have skipped it. If I could buy a helmet that put my pants on my head a voice pack that said "ahhduuuuhhh" no matter what I was asking for or saying, I'd be all over it.
The blame doesn't lie with inter-outfit communication. It exists and it works. The blame lies with a lack of leadership & training inside individual outfits. A lack of pushing members to get into a base and out of a hill, spawn room and/or generally static location. There's just no willingness to push and go down and that's a failure of those leaders. In the effort to create relaxed all inclusive outfits, those outfits have bred a lack of speed, organization and awareness. That creates a snowball effect where players get fed up and goto other outfits or even other factions. You have leaders in smaller more organized outfits willing to teach larger outfits. But it's like telling a parent their child is dumb. They'll hear nothing of it because all their kids are special snowflakes. Also, NC Connery has no air force to speak of.
I had a 3 day boast to use so I logged my Connery NC for the weekend, I couldn't make it through the third day. Overall situation awareness and in-game intelligence was sub-par, I left battles because of my own teammates pissing me off. There just always seemed to be a low BR in my line of fire blocking me, one behind me trying to shoot through me, or both. I actually found myself choosing attack paths based not on the best route, but the route that kept me away from my "teammates". Gave me a bit more respect for the long term Connery NC players seeing what they have to deal with.
So many complete lies in this post it's hilarious. The 666th takes and EXTREMELY dim view of TKing for any reason. We have no "agreement" to just cert farm. And just myself alone often speaks with other outfits in command chat to try and stay co-ordinated. Basically you post is bad and you should feel bad.
I beg to differ there. Our outfit has a fairly robust Air Division and we do work with our faction as best we can (small hint though fellas.... you want air strikes.. ya gotta take down those AA turrets/bursters/skyguards). As the next few weeks shape up I think you are going to see more of a presence of NC air especially to counter the VS air zergs they like to pull.
From my own personal experience as a solo player, I think some of the blame also lies with no one wanting to step up and herd the cats .. Orders channel for the most part is extremely quite for a lot of the time ( Even during alerts ) So those people who are maybe not sure where the best place to be is, are just left following the zerg they are in .. Even if they are maybe better off else where .. Severe lack of willingness to be overall " NC Commander " from anyone