NC needs a nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rendezvous, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. dough

    You don't see the irony in your position? You claim one set of weapons is overpowered, while freely admitting you don't have much experience as infantry. I play infantry all the time, except when using ground vehicles to get from base to base.. to me its highly apparent that things are well balanced. The only time you'll find me thinking things are wrong is when I run into a hacker that my team can't kill no matter how many rounds we put downrange on target.

    I don't see things from SOE's perspective, because I can't see the stats.. but given how much I play infantry, and as TR no less, I'd expect to feel overpowered by some folks.. thing is, I don't. I kill fast, they kill fast. In situations where its truly 1v1 it seems to work out fairly even. But I rarely face 1v1s since I run in a team, and run into teams.. In those situations, the guns all seem to kill equally, but superior teamwork seems to win the fight, JUST LIKE IT SHOULD.
  2. DorkSided

    When I first started playing I on played infantry but now I mostly pilot because it's what is needed in my outfit. When I don't pilot I am in front of the pack dying first because someone needs to push. I could stand back and farm but I don't care, If I cared about my k/d or certs I wouldn't be in a sundy or galaxy I would be in a mag or a lib.

    This, rarely is there a 1v1 situation. Vanu max are awful while NC max are god like with dual scats. Have you ever tried to snipe someone with a VS weapon beside the sniper rifle? Yeah the enemy doesn't take much damage. But you can snipe with NC weapon very easily and VS infantry is a bit better at close range because of the ROF.
  3. Iksniljiksul

    Actually all of the leeches are in VS now.
  4. Dkamanus

    The real problem with NC weapons is that the act unpredictably sometimes. You've got the dude on your sights and sometimes the spread behaves in such a manner that those bullets won't hit the dude in a medium/long range. The Vertical Recoil also makes bursting at long range impossible.
  5. Fox234

    Sense, you make none. Denied. TR is, was and probably always will be easy-mode.

    Btw is this you? Mr NC,

    Troll- Confirmed.
  6. Alesteex

    Wow Rendezvous, if that is indeed you then you seem to be doing just fine with NC weapons.
    • Up x 1
  7. Akrasjel

    You are a horrible person and should be ashamed of your self
  8. Yil

    itt, people feeding trolls.
  9. Ivalician


    When I play FPS games, I generally play pretty aggressively when I'm using an aggressive role. I do not play NC aggressively at all. And that is perfectly fine. Play your faction, class and weapons to its strengths.

    But what gets me is somebody was saying NC is fine, just aim at their feet and let the recoil bring you up. This is equivalent to saying, unlearn all your FPS instincts that you have honed over a decade like not looking at your feet, aiming for the head or centermass... etc.

    Yes, what the guy is saying makes a lot of sense as a statement taken by itself... but in the bigger picture, not so much.
  10. HerpTheDerp

    I did well with NC weapons today too. Zurvan was being overrun as usual, so I just stood in the spawn room killing TR through the shield one after another.

    Seriously, when will they learn? Defenders can shoot through the shields.

    Well, one LA tried to C4 me, so I'll give him that.
  11. Fox234

    lol I consider that free XP the real defense XP :p
  12. Jestunhi

    He presumably thinks that getting lots of last shots (i.e. a kill in the stats) actually makes a good player.

    He must think PS2 is a team deathmatch. ;)

    Logic has no place in an NC whine thread. It's all "it feels worse" or "everyone knows that we're worse" or "the numbers prove us right!!!", but when question rarely even know how to find the numbers, let alone use them to form an actual argument.

    And when they *do* use the numbers they only use a tiny subsection which supports their claims. Weapon mod availability? recoil/rec? CoF bloom/sec? ADS runspeed modifier? Whether the weapon has predictable recoil (straight up or always the same direction) or random recoil (sometimes left, sometimes right)?

    All of these things, and many more are ignored, so they can say "LOOK! they have more RoF and a hundredth of a second quicker TTK!".

    Vertical recoil is the easiest to counter.

    All you have to do is move your mouse downwards at the appropriate speed while firing.

    If the recoil is predictable, it's a pure L2P issue. If not, then fair enough, but which gun are you talking about? NC are certainly not the only ones with variable horizontal recoil.
  13. Blitzkrieg

    This is what will happen to the NC weapons:

  14. Dkamanus

    Try bursting 2 shots with the AC-X11 and make both shots hit the head. Damn near impossible at long distance, because the amount of vertical recoil is unreal. Even the compensator won't help diminish by one bit this problem. It goes way beyond a L2P issue, NC weapons do act unpredictable sometimes.
  15. Jestunhi

    All factions have weapons with unpredictable recoil.

    With the predictable ones, all you need is practice.

    IRL people have used things like shooting ranges pretty much since guns were invented to practice both aim and gun control. But these days people expect to start a game and instantly be perfectly accurate.

    Learn to shoot your weapon. Burn the recoil countering action into your muscle memory the same way the good players who do well with NC have done.

    As with anything skill based, if you refuse to practice, how good do you think you will be?


    Weapon stats:

    Note how many have the possibility of left or right horizontal recoil in the recoil column.
  16. Dkamanus

    Just trying to show that it isn't a problem of L2P. Yes, the weapon does sometime behaves unpredicteably.

    Starts at 9m 45s. If you care to see the rest of the video, you'll see that the recoil does add up a lot at greater distances, turning the burst idea a myth.
  17. TheBloodEagle

    Can't really stand our LMG's much anymore (TR). I'd throw down cash to get Assault Rifles. I pretty much play HA 80% of the time though, so I have biased opinions. Our faction advantage is ROF but only 2 of the LMGs directly fit that distinction (the VS have the same higher overall ROF's & Orion is the same as CARV). All the other sidegrade LMGs give up that important advantage in order to be sometime else. Hell, the VS LMGs are direct upgrades overall even if less ammo. I don't really know what to spend my certs on currently, now having 3 LMGs & the BR. Half the people here hate the asymmetrical aspect of the weapon because they're used to pure twitch gaming and the other half want it more prominent, as to be more unique. I really wish it was more prominent too but clearly that pisses people off.
  18. Antivide

    No different from Beta forums.

    Mr. High And MIghty, need I not refer to the "BUFF VS" threads that dominated the beta stage?

    Everyone is holier than thou, you freaking idiots.
  19. B0bzor


    You know that all ESFs are virtually identical, right? Not to mention Reaver pilots had bugged cert prices for flares, and another apparent bug which effects dive speed?
  20. Rendezvous

    What makes you think I get last shots of everything? Apparently 90% of the time I wait for someone to be low on HP and then I fire at them.