NC needs a nerf

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rendezvous, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. Rendezvous

    I'm not going to say this anymore. We, the TR, have such weak weapons. Why is it that our bullets do less damage per shots, yet the NC guns are so powerful with one shot. ROF/COF doesn't matter; it's all about one bullet at a time. The AF-19 Merc, for example, is so OP because of the damage it does in one bullet.

    Why is it that my Trac-5 is so underpowered? I request a buff for ALL TR GUNS/a nerf for every single NC guns because we're having a hard time defeating NC and their strong guns. They have the strongest guns in the game, why whine about being underpowered? It's obvious that TR is filled with constructive grown-ups whereas NC is filled with kids. All whiners went to NC, but all grown-ups went to TR.
  2. Compass

    ( _-_ )
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  3. Udnknome

    TR is easymode.

    The AF-19 Merc at 5 meters will bounce off center mass in 4 bullets. Takes 3 headshots to kill.

    The Trac-5 however won't bounce off center mass in an entire clip. If shooting for the head, it won't bounce off the head @ 5 meters until 5 shots. Takes 4 headshots to kill. + 4 bullets come out of the track 5 faster than it takes the 3 bullets to come out of the AF-19.

    What are you talking about.
  4. Skurcey

    ps: you forgot to change your avatar
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  5. wabbitseason

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  6. Mootar


    Try harder.
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  7. Rendezvous

    I made this to show what TR says every time a NC says NC needs a buff.
  8. B0bzor


    NC easily have the hardest weapons to use. Recoil + flinching = hard mode.

    Not to mention the low RoF is terrible in close range without one of the side grade weapons.
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  9. Neoxide

    All I got out of this post was that NC cry so much that they need to impersonate another faction and pretend to cry so that it seems the NC cry less, or just as much as the TR. Which they don't, NC QQ way more than TR do. So much so that NC are literally crying FOR the TR.
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  10. Rendezvous
    Is this you? If so, your argument is invalid.
  11. DorkSided

    I agree that NC weapons are a bit OP. I play NC when Matterson is down and each time I play my NC toon I can't believe how good these weapon are.

    They are a bit harder to use but they pack so much punch at all range that it doesn't matter.

    Vs easy to maser weapon but can't really be as good as nc
    Tr average to master weapon almost as good as nc
    NC hard to master weapon but when you do it **** on ever other weapons.
  12. Rendezvous

    Let's see your awesome stats.
  13. DorkSided

    My stats mean nothing since I fly galaxy or drive sundy most of the time
  14. Verenz


    Is the bad troll being trolled by a better troll?
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  15. Rendezvous

    Then you have little to no experience with infantry weapons you're saying.
  16. DorkSided

    I do play infantry when me transport is down because of god damn reavers that are the best ESF. Usually for a brief moment until I /suicide to the nearest place where I can pull one.
  17. dough

    Another kiddie whining about balance. Things are fine.. if weapons were so imbalanced, you'd find NC walking over TR when they were outnumbered. But that doesn't seem to happen.. at least on the servers I play on

    Please take your own advice: "I'm not going to say this anymore.". I agree, be quiet.

    I saw this type of whining result in endless swings of the nerf-bat in PS1, which just made things just crazy.. I sincerely hope SOE doesn't take the adolescent whining into account and uses statistics based information to make their decisions.

    The most interesting part of all this is that I find the whining an indication of BALANCE, not IMBALANCE. Adolescents don't whine when they are constantly winning.. only when they are being owned and start looking for excuses outside their own way of playing.

    And FYI.. I play as TR a LOT.. never had any issue with killing folks with any of the starter weapons. I just use my Trac5 on LA and Engie.. just never felt the need to get any of the other weapons. And the Carv LMG is just a dream. Properly employed all the TR weapons are all death machines.
  18. Rendezvous

    Is this you?
  19. Bape

    lol Rendezous u made me lol so much with the PSU stats.
  20. OMGItzChucky

    I didn't want to take part in a troll post made by someone who needs attention desperately but what makes you think that being a no lifer/having played since day 1 of beta makes your argument more valid?