Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by No0T, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. No0T


    So its a tool like the darts vveapon but shoots a dart vvith a cord on it... Restricted to 35 m... and it basically transports the nanites SLOVVLY through the cord from your body to the end of the dart... basically dispavvning from vvhere you are and spavvning at the darts place... SLOVVLY... To implement it you can use the placeable system like deploying a turret... but eventually spavvns you in there.

    Infiltrators only of course. Get your ovvn ideas if you vvant something.
  2. FateJH

    What N0ot was originally asking for must certainly be a tool to repatriate New Conglomerate soldiers into Spaniards.

    I think "teleporting" makes more sense in context of the request. A personal 35m range line of sight slow teleport system for Infiltrators.
  3. No0T

    SHhhhh you maggot is not TELEPORT is nanite respavvn! Hovv many times I said SLOVVVVVVVVLY? huh? is about getting to places to flank people not to get avvay... dissapear vvhile you are being shoot.
  4. No0T

    but the spagniard thing you say vvas funny have to admit it.
  5. LegendarySalmonSnake

    Or the infiltrator can change his cloak to a lets call it Nanite De/Re-Materializer Matrix or something. When activated the infiltrator transforms into sprite of faction colored particles after small channel time during which the infil can fly but nothing else and his shields are disabled. After pressing the ability key he reverts back to original form after another small channel time. The infil has the same hitbox as when crouching during this "phasing?" Or just what op said.
  6. LordKrelas

    A flying infiltrator, whom can reach any position, with a sniper rifle; And it has the smallest Hit-box.
    That's worse than Noot wanting to be able to walk through spawn-shields & similar.
  7. LegendarySalmonSnake

    No cloak, no shields and lets add to that traverse speed equal to crouch walking or is this concept completely out of the table?

    Reported for trolling
  9. LordKrelas

    No cloak, no shields, on a flying target composed of particles, that can reach anywhere.
    From said position, Infil regains cloak, shields, and resumes normal hit-box...
    Places reach-able? Anywhere; including inside buildings.

    A flying ******* infiltrator, made of particles with a hitbox half the size of a man.
    Unless spotting is removed in addition, that's also a flying ******* spy camera, that can resume full functionality, full shields, after literally flying off somewhere.
    Add in ease of escape besting even an LA, same with entering, assuming people are looking at every plausible direction.. it still bests an LA for bypassing defensive cover.

    So no, it should be completely off the table.

    Noot's idea basically is to allow a perfect retreat.
    Your idea, is a flying infil made of particles, that can reach anywhere.

    Like Jesus, Noot's idea on this post specifically is more balanced - as it has exposure time, planning, and of course, is still insane.
    But more balanced & practical than a flying mass of particles.
  10. TR5L4Y3R

    and another thread of NooT asking infils to become uuay too op
    dude play LA already ...
  11. LegendarySalmonSnake

    This is a bit late but I meant that when the device is equipped you permanently lose your shield and cloak.
  12. LordKrelas

    Very late.

    You permanently lose shields & Cloak, to become a flying mass of pixels that can go anywhere.
    So no, flight of that level & capability to an infiltrator like that is still bad as hell.
  13. No0T

    Time is a very important factor you are missing from my idea... I said SLOVVLY... is just to reach after making sure nobody is there to see you going there... SLOVVLY... not like LA at all. So I assume you like MY idea anyvvay.
  14. No0T

    My idea better yes yes. no offense to the guy he had a good idea to but to overpovvered.
  15. No0T

    This is not a flanking **** device is a SNIPER STALKER device... Is about gaining reach... not flanking quick and dirty like a sloppy LA.

    I choose this particular vvay to gain higher grounds slovvly because is believe or not the easiest thing to program for them they could just use the peaceable ability of a turret to alovv the "shoot" or not.
  16. LordKrelas

    Noot, your idea wasn't a flying infiltrator.
    Your idea was a little tube that slowly respawns your character bit by bit, away from the first location to the second.
    Numbskull's idea was a tool that turned you into pixels that flew without restraint.

    I had issues with that guy's idea.
    Yours had some balance to it, Noot.
    Which was ******* shocking.

    So yes, I technically liked your idea in all consideration.
  17. TR5L4Y3R

    ... be it flanking with LA or flanking infil it is still a flanking tool for getting the highground similar to how a LA could do it if IT had access to a sniperrifle or BR, so no .. i mean you can do this more or less with blackhand, hunter or slugshotguns already as LA
  18. No0T

    Technically thanks then.
  19. No0T

    You cant flank slovvly flank is a quick maneuver to surprise or sabotage... vvhat stalkers do is not flank is slovvly infiltrate... vvith this vve could infiltrate a facility better.
  20. No0T

    or snipe from a really hidden spot.