NC medic rifle

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Kalari, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Kalari

    hey how many of my fellow NC run with the reaper DMR? i LOVED my godsaw and know how to use it but is it worth the 1400 someodd certs? (gun and trimmings) i keep commin back to the starter gun but the idea of havin the godsaws baby brother on my medic is a bit too tempting to pass up
  2. HIGHCommanderJack

    I have used this Reaper DMR on my medic since the launch.

    I have a long post about it on my outfits forum,

    All in all, it's the Gauss SAW of heavy for the medic, with just slightly (just enough to be mentioned) worse stats, and a much smaller clip (24 instead of 100).

    High risk, high reward weapon that works best with accurate mouse users with high FPS.

    The three builds for the Reaper DMR:

  3. KnightCole

    Yeah, the Reaper is a good one. I have used it on and off for a few cheap kills here and there.

    It certainly is Gauss SAW baby brother. Only thing is here, the DMR has better recoil and recoil pattern and it just feels more accurate.

    I had a medic where I ran Grip/x2/comp for general purpose and Grip/x4/Comp for sniping. JUst keep it on full auto and tap fire it. Or, cuz its so accurate, in some cases you can full auto it at mid ranges and still ****.
  4. Lightwolf

    Do it and you won't be disappointed. Only thing is you need a good connection to make it work.
  5. Littleman

    Ugh... a laser dot AND a compensator? On the Reaper DMR? It has the widest CoF among ARs, so it's hurting already. Almost as wide as an Orion/Anchor/MSW-R/NS-15m,T-32 Bull. I'd just go without the compensator, but I don't feel the vertical kick is all that severe because I stick to the 1x reflex.

    Otherwise, I myself like the gun, though I have stronger preferences towards the Gauss Rifle, NS-11, and Carnage. The Reaper just screams NC though. I'm so glad it received a 4 round buff too. It REALLY needed it.
  6. cruczi

    Carnage is probably the most well rounded AR for NC.
  7. TheKhopesh

    I use it every time I auraxium all the AR's available to the NC.

    So far, I' had auraxed them all (twice now), and switched back to my favorite AR, the Reaper.

    Aurax them all, switch to Reaper, then the Tross came out, so I auraxed it, and again went back to the Reaper.
    Now the prime is my current grind, and I hate it.
    It should never have had HV ammo. An Adv grip would fit the NC's directive AR FAR better for range (it's intended use).
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