NC medic aversion

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nuggz, Nov 15, 2018.

  1. Nuggz

    Why is it when I join an NC platoon someone always has to remind the 24-48 players that 1-2 medics (if that) is NOT enough.

    Why is it NC seems to think that a squad of all HA/Eng/infi is going to make ANY headway defending or attacking ANYTHING?

    Why are NC players so opposed to playing one of the most lucrative xp earning classes in PS2?

    Yes I like playing my HA and other classes too but if I am in a squad I've made the conscious decision to opt in for TEAM play which means I need to use what is most advantageous to the team, not just for me. FREEDOM doesn't mean you have to act like you're too stupid to be part of the team.

    Squads do not exist for you to join them for the bonus xp while you do your own thing. If you want to do your own thing then DO THAT, don't go joining a squad and then trying to do wtf ever you want like you're entitled to solo play while in a squad/platoon. If you want to solo then pike off and go solo.
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  2. FLHuk

    Leading anything in this game has been a constant "This is how we win..." cat herding exercise since day one.

    Regardless of the faction you're playing...

    This is one reason most serious team game play is done within outfits.

    Simply screaming at casuals to get gud fails.

    I know you know this but still worth saying ;)
  3. Jbeasty

    I'll never touch medic again, now that I can use ARs on my engie. With this double XP week comin up, I'll have ASP on VS as well, so the same goes for that faction. It shouldn't be a surprise why people don't want to play medic though...

    But yea, I've never joined a platoon (aside from a few instances to utilize a boost) and have always had ALL comms to mute 24/7.
  4. Nuggz

    well you're the opposite of the players I'm speaking to... I'm speaking to players who play as a team not some solo artist in a massive multiplayer shooter... Your play style is completely useless to the overall game objective and therefor I'm absolutely disinterested in ANY aspect of your game play.
  5. Jbeasty

    Lmao, well alrighty then. Goodluck on your crusade.
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  6. JibbaJabba

    1. It's not an NC phenomenon. Happens everywhere.
    2. You can't complain about a lack of medics while playing a non-medic class. Otherwise hypocrisy divides by zero and we all die.

    I personally enjoy playing the "medium assault" class and will do so if we need to. The GD-7F + Bishop medic on NC is a frickin' beast man.

    The SL/PL needs to drive this problem to a solution though. If you don't run 2-4 medics per squad, chances are your forces will struggle to be successful. If nobody wants to volunteer the SL/PL should play it this way:

    Ok, everyone stay alive then. Next person to die switches to medic, if they come back alive as something else, kick them. If you do NOT want to play medic, that's fine... just don't die.
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  7. strikearrow

    This made me grin and it's a very good idea.
  8. PlanetBound

    The best platoons to join are those from the large disciplined outfits. Phoenix, Anthem, etc. Appleogies for anyone I missed.
  9. Twin Suns

    Let me see....more XP than any class, but the trade off is you become the Bantha Fodder in a FPS. The ultimate sleight of hand. :). No thanks.
    I refuse to revisit that class out of principle.

    Words of wisdom or fallacy from a Auraxiumed NC Combat medic with DBG's patented, trolled you with a gimped "Gauss Prime" rifle. *rolls eyes*

    P.s. How's dat BeetleCHEESE Rifle treating you....;)
  10. LaughingDead

    Why would I spend 2 seconds reviving someone that has already failed to shoot this guy when I could just shoot that guy instead?
    -All of my medic playsessions so far.
  11. DemonicTreerat

    Let me guess. You play on Miller or Cobalt. Because it seems that those are the only servers where the NC lack medics & engineers. Sure no shortage of either, even in the public squads, on Emerald - if anything we have a glut of engineers when we could use more heavies.
  12. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Wait...are you telling me that there are Support Roles in my First Person Shooter? I thought you were just supposed to play Heavy Assault in all situations since that class can do "everything" and is clearly overpowered. If you failed to detect the sarcasm here you fail and I will mock you accordingly.
    That's the wrong way to play Combat Medic. You're only supposed to bring your bumbling ally back from the pale after you've seen off his killer. Combat First, then if there's anyone still clinging to that Score Screen when the Bad Guys are down, Medic Second. The only "Medic-esque" deed I perform while there are still enemies to shoot is to glow like a Three Mile Toad.
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  13. Vanguard540

    Cobalt NC is just MBA / lightning spam, once you prevent them to spawn camp with these they lose the infantry game big time, and I indeed rarely see medics
  14. HomicideJack

    You're playing the redneck, stoner and little kid faction. Take a wild guess, bud.