NC MAX Slugs - Damage/Dropoff?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by NoctD, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. NoctD

    Does anyone know how much damage a single NC MAX slug does (or is it dependent on your arm?)?

    Also is there damage dropoff for NC MAX slugs, and if so, what's the min/max ranges?
  2. Chewy102

    500 damage at 8m dropping to 334 damage at 40m. There are no other slugs for MAXes and all of them use those numbers as all of the weapons are semi/full auto shotguns. Headshots have a 1.5X added taking it to 750 at 8m and dropping to 501 at 40m.

    To put that in shots to kill. 2-3 for all infantry minus HA shields + armors and accounting for headshots. For MAXes within 8m 20 chest hits or 14 headshots and going to 30 chest hits at 40m or 20 headshots at 40m on STOCK MAXes. Add 60% to account for KA5 armor.

    Slugs also do nothing for COF. They don't have a pellet spread but the base COF is till going to 100% effect them making for RNG hits sooner or later depending on weapons, stance, movement, and time from last firing.
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