It could last indefinitely and it wouldn't matter. He can't reload or shoot you, so it can last one minute or a hundred minutes, it wouldn't change anything.
It's basically a mobile temporary spawn shield. Hide teammates behind it and have them run out, shoot at people, then run behind it. When yours breaks, grab another MAX and repeat. It'd also be nice to protect an Engi who's repairing you or other MAXes.
I'd be fine with it if it activated and deactivated instantly. Then you'd have something skillbased that can be used reflexively and tactically. A defensive ability with a long activation time is poor design and utterly useless.
i could agree with making it slightly wider. But earlier on Test..... mie absorbed 6-8 c4's + 2 grenades AND quite a bit of the ammo from another NC MAx's weapons (AI and AV), befor it even got droped down to 1/4 shield hp. And the thing recharges almost as fast, if not faster, than a LA's jetpack.
Nah, the problem is that you have no way to attack an enemy or plan an attack, it can only be used as a defensive tool and even then you cannot run away. We need to be able to move faster with it up so we can close distance safely to use our shotguns.
If it was up to the community we would all have OHK weapons that could bombard people from space. I think I am the only person here who cares about balance. Absolutely ridiculous ideas in this thread.
Its not the guy holding the shield you worry about. Ask any SWAT team, or breaching team in the army/police. Its the 4-5 guys behind him makeing use of that cover that do the damage. The shield does what its sapose to do, letyou push threw so that those other guys can slip in and spread out realativly unchallanged. If anything, the shield will cut down on how often Infantry die to betties and AP mines. I think the shield even protects against those. so have a NC MAX walk into a generator room first, to absorb mines and you'll not lose that engineer who's wanting to repair the gen.
Thats the mindset of someone who wants to play solo with the shield. The shield isnt a 'solo' players ability, its a TEAM ability. You take shots with it so the guys following behind you can take advantage of the fact that they are not getting shot at.
None of the other max abilities are team abilities. In fact they directly buff the max's firepower. And I don't see how this is a team ability either. How does a personal shield help the team? No one is going to shoot at it on purpose. They're going to shoot around it. The second anyone sees a defenseless shield max ponderously stumble through a door they're going to chuck a grenade behind it and collect the free kills of the idiot infantry dumb enough to move that slowly behind a max that can't even begin to clear a room for them.
Yeah, this isn't going to lead to some SWAT system where a team is stacking up outside a door moving as a group. Like, that kind off coordination doesn't exist except out of hardcore ArmA2 role players. And hell, even the SWAT guy carrying the shield has a pistol out when he's doing it. If you can't sprint or reload this thing will be useless. Straight up.
I know left arm should use shield and u can equip a shotgun on the right arm u just right click and the shield tilt a little for a shotgun fire.
You guys are quite blind to the usefulness of this shield as already implemented. Its already a massive damage sink that would be extremely hard to take down. It recharges incredibly quickly. You can reload while you have your shield out. You are still mobile with it out - can easily close a 50m distance with a TR/VS MAX (even with lockdown). That is a HUGE distance, and more then you would experience in Bio Labs & Towers. Seriously, a 2 person NC MAX team would basically be invulnerable to all but a flanking attack with C4 - and I can tell you those attacks are already not fun, or not easy to do. Basically, you have one max pushing the shield, the second MAX pops out and shoots, then when he needs to reload, they switch roles. Yes, you guys have some drawbacks - that its not an omnidirectional - but in its current implementation its still quite OP with how much damage it can suck up. Seriously, NC MAX crashes are going to be impossible to stop, and they are already the hardest to stop currently.
It's obvious the numbers are exaggerated to get people to even bother using it. That has nothing to do with the functionality of it. And the shield isn't easily closing the distance with anything that can simply wander off as soon as they see the shield go up. Reloading with the shield up also looks like a bug. It seems everything good about it is likely either for testing purposes or is completely unintentional. You're trading speed, 100% damage, visibility, rendering yourself vulnerable during power up and power down time, all for limited damage resistance from the front? Meanwhile TR gives up 100% mobility for a consistent, fully controllable, MASSIVE dps and range buff. There is no dubious usefulness of the other max abilities. It's clear why they're useful. Meanwhile we have lapalose and rhapsody trying to think up situational and overly complex teamplay strategies to make the shield even appear viable. Giving up 100% combat ability should give you something clearly useful. TR get far more for giving up mobility, which is far less valuable than the ability to do damage to the enemy.
shield is fine now, im completely sold on it, absorbs quite a significant amount of damage, and covers the max wholly, I can't wait till this is live
In my opinion this illustrates the extreme OP of C4. The biggest danger to your max is an unshaped charge dropped near your heavily armored hardsuit? That says alot about C4 balance (not to mention the rediculous damage it does when simply dropped on the ground near vehicles!). A riot shield SHOULD be effective, but that one OP device makes it worse than useless in PS2.
on the Test client, The Shield withstood 4-6 C4's set off by a grenade, and only lost 'maybe' 1/4 of its hp. Yea.. that OP Brick of C4 will only work if it goes off behind, or 90deg's to the side of the shield toting max
Oh wow, I stand corrected. I thought it was only a directional direct damage shield. Pretty amazing then. This means when anyone spots a LA, everyone will yell: "light assault, shields up!!"
If they would add a melee option that could be used with the shield (maybe a f**khuge sword) Then I would grab this in a heartbeat. I don't care about effectiveness, I want a max with a giant shield and a sword to swing at people.