NC max - Reality vs Fantasy - Video of all 3 max's compared

Discussion in 'MAX' started by MisterBond, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. M6Hurricane

    You must be trolling.

    Two shots from an NC MAX and normal troopers are dead. Not to mention your "instant shield" that you can pull up and put down without any delay. I think your problem is that you don't understand that NC is a "high damage, high recoil" faction (based upon your mentioning that your guns aren't accurate). And the NC accomplish that damage part quite nicely.
  2. MisterBond

    But it almost always takes more than two shots past 10m

    At that, the other factions kill times are almost the same, even at 10m and less, 0.320 seconds is still impossible to react to, and then you still can go on and kill infantry at 30-40m without effort

    How is "Trolling", this is reality, TR and VS max's just destroy NC max in all AI abilities, which isn't fair period

    And the shield does nothing for combat, there's not any good reason for NC to have the longest reloads when they dish out the least amount of damage, it makes no sense.
  3. ChironV

    And there you have it. The key to being a successful scatmax. Proximity. I won't even think about opening up unless I am in the enemies face. 5m and under is where the scatmax shines or should I say annihilates the enemy.

    Camping quietly around corners is hugely profitable. If I see a cluster of enemy, max rush, get in close and click, click, click, click all dead. At 5 meters your average TR max lasts 2 clicks. VS zoe max, 2 to 3 clicks. Max rushing in to splatter a group of enemies is nice but most times I prefer to camp 2 or 4 kills then change position. I save the max rush for quick exits or if I see a LA fly above.

    Dealing with C4 lobbers, the best defense is simply don't follow. Most times they see you, run out door, flip a c4 down and wait for you to run after them. I simply change the game and leave for another position. They have expended a resource for no gain as I am still chuggin around.

    Work a scatmax's strengths and you can easily have a 64 and 4 streak.
  4. MisterBond

    Funny how none of the other max's have to rely solely on camping corners to kill things......

    How does this make scatmax's "Acceptable" when they can only operate in one scenario, when the other two max's have NO problem killing things in the same manner?
  5. MrK

    From a victim PoV with server under lag, OSK ~ 0.5s TTK
    I don't escape TR/VS MAX any faster I do NC ones, tbh. (especially VS MAX under ZOE who can keep you on crosshair the split second more necessary to finish the kill)
    The whole "But!!! but.... instant kill close range!!" is a farce due to hit detection lag most of the time.
    Reading TR/VS whining about NC MAXes is like if I go on a rage about MAgrider stupid ability to climb everywhere.....
  6. ChironV

    It makes it "acceptable" for how I want to use it. I see plenty other scatties running dual slug so they can lay down the law at 20 plus meters. I prefer 5 meters with extended mags. Just the way I roll. I also see plenty of scatties using shields. I prefer max rush to get in there and bust some skulls.

    I also play VS and TR. For a Zoe Max I just ADADADADADADAD and win. With a TR I use Mercies with extended Mags and lockdown. I can pick off enemies at 50 plus meters like a laser beam. Course I am total C4 bait but hey...
  7. Soporific

    I've had more luck using the NC MAX rush/attack "F" key thing than using a gun against infantry.

  8. Patrician

    I doubt you would use them after you've got over the novelty; way to situational as against VS/TR AI Max weapons
  9. Patrician

    You were getting into effective range with the shield up for five seconds at the start; in a real battle do you think you would get to effective range with much of your health left? You're really over estimating the effectiveness of the Aegis Shield.
  10. Patrician

    Not sure if trolling here; either that or you're one heroic person who is governed by a sense of fairplay.
  11. Patrician

    If an NC AI Max uses charge to get within effective weapons range it had better make sure it takes out all the enemy in one clip, because if there is just one left they have a four second window to take that Max down while he reloads. Remember, he can't use charge to get to a safe area because he's already used it to get close enough to be effective.
  12. Spude

    NC max = u charge in Control point room and oneshot so many ppl how many shells u have. Simple as that.

    NC max has the biggest burst dmg and can clear control point b4 enemys can even react. So why not use the max for whats its made.
  13. Goretzu

    You can do the same with TR or VS low TTK AI weapons though, it is pretty much as effective (0.3 seconds in an ambush is functionally the same).

    The difference is with the extra range you don't have to play like that if you don't want to.
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  14. Purg

  15. snoopfish

    Please show us a video where you play like that on a real battlefield @ Miller server when a decent amount of players is online.
    I'm sure this discussion would be over then....
  16. Xocolatl

    NC MAX are front loaders. You shoot, and you switch to shield while reloading.
    TRs gets more damage overall, and easier to hit things to boot, but they can't move. Being sitting ducks is no fun.
    VS gets to run faster (woot!) and hit harder, but at the cost of dying easier as well.

    Of the 3 abilities, only NC actually did not trade anything for it, at all. The shield is meant to cover them during their down time--fixing their weakness, rather than making them stronger while adding a new weakness.
    Does that means they get the short end of the stick? I dunno..depends on personal preference.
    Then either all MAX on my server stinks pretty badly (I doubt all of them are), or something is wrong with your play style, because I know I cannot claim to be that good of a player.

    Like I said--if you are getting swarmed, then you can get killed easily by MAX. If you need to go for that suicide rush (no place to back up to, you're in a last stand, etc), then yeah, that MAX will probably kill you. But given the freedom to run and gun, MAXes should never kill anyone at range further than 30 meters. Well, not combat classes anyway.
    Please show me a video of TR/VS MAX achieving anything close to that in VR. And I mean run and gun (pretending you are inside a building), no crouch and aim allowed.Or actually, just try to get that many kills in that period of time with the other two faction from any distance, with any method. Not too hard, right?

    Now, factor in the damage that you take while you are doing that if all those targets were shooting back at you.

    For VS, factor in the extra damage that you will be taking as you have Zealot mode on.
    As TR....yeah, you can't use your ability and achieve anything like that. Or you could just turret mode, sit there, and imagine 10 people firing at you.
  17. MisterBond

    The VS and TR max's will still kill more infantry, at a close and farther range, then NC Max ever will


    End of statement

    I see you going "Well NC max has shield" which does nothing, have you tried using a NC max shield? I have, you know what enemies do?

    They swarm to your sides and shoot you in your flank, that's what, making the shield 100% useless

    TR and VS simply have way bigger damage per magazine and do far more damage at range. The fact the TR and VS max can kill TWO max's per reload at 40m, vs the NC max that can't even kill ONE max at 40m is probably the biggest indicator of this

    SOE themselves said that most kills in this game happen at between 85-95m (According to Reddit and 4chan) so saying that NC max's being "Superior" at short range kills means absoltely nothing, because you're barely ever attacking people from short range.

    And even at that, at short range the TR and VS max's are JUST as effective at killing people as the NC max. The NC max gets instant kill at 10m while TR and VS kills in 0.310 seconds, which isn't enough time to react and get away regardless.

    These max's are not balanced, period.
  18. Xocolatl

    If you are out in the open, then yeah, VS MAX will have a significant advantage against infantries. That's precisely what they were made to do.
    If you are out in the open, protecting a convoy (Sunderer and armor line), TR MAX would be my preferred option.
    If you are in a building, or near buildings, NC MAX will have the advantage. That shield is not supposed to be god mode. It helps you negate damage from the front, but getting swarmed will still kill you.
    Getting swarmed as TR or VS MAX will also means that you will die even faster.

    PS. bar latency, 0.3 sec is plenty of time for an average gamer to squeeze out a few headshots. Even with a MAX helmet on, that still hurts. A lot. Have you ever played a game with 0.3sec (300ms) latency? If you have, you will know what I mean. The difference of that 0.3sec is very large for average gamer. For pro gamers, that gap of time is nearly an eternity. I think pro SC players can squeeze in like 3-5 commands in that space of time (depending on complexity, of course). I have a friend who will DE your face off from across de_dust tunnel in that time span, and most of my friends will AK47 your face off from that distance.

    Bigger damage per magazine must be balanced with burst. Let's give a concrete example that you will understand: DotA (and MOBA)
    In MOBA, you have your DPS, and you have your nukers. Nukers are great at pummeling a target quickly. That's NC. DPS are TR and VS (of course they play differently too).
    Both are important to the team. Being able to nuke someone to death before they react is a real advantage, because it means you take significantly less damage (MOBA games balance this by usually giving life steal only to DPS characters).
    DPS are better in prolonged fights. They can wipe out the entire enemy team, given they are protected by their teammates. Similarly in PS2, VS and TR are vulnerable to focus fire. But if you are well protected, you can do some real wonder.

    So it's not that NC MAX are bad (or particularly good). They are not good at killing many, many targets in a row. But they have a role that they are really good in (MAX CRASSSSHHHHHH!) that the other two factions cannot hope to compete against. Like I said before--I do not know if having non-mirroring units will unhinge the game's overall balance. But if you try to turn that tank/nuker hybrid into a DPS, you're going to have a much harder time.
  19. MisterBond

    VS and TR max's almost always have the advantage though!

    I'm standing away from TR and VS max's shooting at them 20m away, they have the advantage

    I'm standing and shooting at them from 50m away, they have the advantage

    I'm standing and shooting at them from 15m away, its balanced

    I'm standing and shooting at them from 10m away, I have the advantage

    10 is NOTHING for crying out loud, goto the firing range and see how far 10m actually is

    Most max vs max fights don't take place at that range

    Look, I'm sorry that big awful NC max killed you once, its still completely unfair for NC max's to be this gimped for EVERYTHING other than point blank gameplay

    Not to mention your VS and TR max's can walk out and SHOOT OTHER PEOPLE FROM BEYOND FIFTEEN METERS WITH NO PROBLEMS

    And THIS IS NOT MOBA, this will NEVER be MOBA, MOBA only works because you have ultra utility to back up the ultra burst DPS

    Just where is NC's ultra healing huh? Our engineers are just as good as your engineers, so what exactly is the support unit for the NC MAX in this case?
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  20. korpisoturi

    NC maxes need magazine buff , soe clearly nerf NC maxes too much when they did that "super triple" nerf.

    1. give maxes old magazine size back (NC maxes are only maxes between 3 empires who are FORCED to cert extened mags to both arms (2000certs) if they want to harbour ANY chance to win against other maxes.

    2. change/repair/redesign "riotshield" to actually "shield" the max instead of this joke of a shield what "shield" only VERY partially even when fire coming strait infront of a max.

    3.make riot shield faster to activate/deactivate.