NC max - Reality vs Fantasy - Video of all 3 max's compared

Discussion in 'MAX' started by MisterBond, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. MisterBond

    I just watched SOE live, the event, watching VS ZOE max's fricken destroy everything in front of them

    Oh yeah, this SO is not op right? Being able to kill 114 players in 30 minutes, soooooooo not op!
  2. Konfuzfanten

    Any good MAX with support can kill 114 players in 30 mins if he is defending a choke point. And yes ZOE is also OP.

    In the end of the day, the NC MAX will continue to be "gimped", because you pay a heavy price for the privilege of having a zero TTK at 10 meters against infantry. TR and Vanu TTK might be "close", but its not zero. You "pay" for that advantage.
  3. RenegadeHelios

    Basically, I agree with a friend of mine; he has been playing TR since close to the game started.

    TR remember the old scatmax, where we actually had an effective range. They didn't like how a scatmax could surprise them and kill them at the NC's effective range. Many people on TR complained because they were using their max in the ranges that it was not meant for. People complained because their own skill was lacking in the area of MAX combat. Then, because of Forumside, the NC MAX got nerfed. (He then goes on a rant about how easy it is to CQC combat a NC MAX and win with his MAX) The NC Max is this, in a nutshell: A walking mech with 6 shotgun barrels and a bad attitude. At the moment, it's performing like a two barreled Bruiser.

    From the mouth of babes. a TR MAX player that wants competition in MAX combat. And doesn't want easy kills.

    VS and TR, don't yell at NC players wanting a few buffs to their scats. Forumside warriors nerfed it in the first place. We're trying to get it back to something effective.
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  4. Moltke

    I use Ravens instead of my scats cuz im useless otherwise, unless i camp a corner enemies run by.
  5. TeddyMan56

    Personally I think the NC players are blowing this issue of out proportion. If the effective range for a scatmax is 10m then why are you not getting with in 10m of your enemy? If your going to keep your distance why did you bring a shotgun?
  6. Purg


    You sound like someone who's never played this game before, let alone as an NC MAX.

    Trying to get within 10m of your enemy can be achieved in a couple of ways but they all spell a very quick death to the NC MAX if the enemy is half way competent. For the most part the NC MAX has been relegated to an ambush unit (they were a little less so before the multiple nerfs). I'm pretty successful with my NC MAX on my main because I've been playing it since release - I can use it offensively at times and wipe the floor with swathes of infantry if I'm careful. My TR/VS MAX are a lot more versatile and I don't have to be as careful when dispatching said swathes.

    It's not a case of an NC MAX keeping distance by design, the vulnerability of running around as a lumbering oaf, 4 times the size of normal infantry makes for a tempting target to any enemy in the vicinity - especially when they know they're probably pretty safe shooting at you. If you don't bring a shotgun, what can you bring? Falcons? You might be able to kill that one infantry that got close to you before they take off 3/4 of your health, the projectile speed is so slow that any half observant enemy will easily strafe the projectile - even then it requires multiple hits to kill them. Ravens? Ditto. They'll even howl at you to tell you to move.
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  7. amega

    I know only one thing. nc cqb max was fine and now its a certed piece of junk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you vanus babies !!!!!!!!!!!
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  8. Brayton

    I've only played NC max once, the only reason I lived was because I was standing behind all of the infantry being 100 times more effective than me because the moment I actually tried to do my job, I was worthless.
  9. TeddyMan56

    Actually Ive been playing all 3 empires since the early closed beta days so i am quite aware on how maxes work. Fighting with in 10m of the enemy does not spell a quick death if your a competent player yourself, you just need to know when to leave when things get bad. For your distance situation you can bring a scattercannon(mattlock etc.) and a raven or falcon. The scatter cannon can protect you from that infantryman that runs up to you and you can use a raven or falcon to shoot back at distant targets, if you cant hit someone with a raven id say you need some more work on your aim. The NC Max is far from usless and I find it just a versitile as the other 2 maxes
  10. Purg

    Wielding one AI and one AV? I'd be happy to compare weapon stats, what's your NC characters name? I equip the shield, there's no leaving.!/5428010618025164897/killboard

    My Raven MAX was killed by an SMG above. We were attacking Old Stockpile, eventually got overwhelmed with the Mattocks. Went armor to push them back and shell the A point and a striker group took out my lightning from a ridge above. So, whipped out the Raven to try and dull them and an HA with a Chaingun and Infil came and took me out. Sadly, the Infi was the one that did the most damage. Close enough to make Ravens useless while moving and far enough to not be punchable.

    The death on my killboard near the bottom (Aug 7) to the VS MAX was the ZOE that burned through my shield and took all my Mattock damage.
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  11. lilleAllan

    I don't get the token resistance towards changing the NC MAX from other factions.

    Everytime on of these threads pop up, fools from other factions will on reflex go "Yeah, no, it's fine," or "WELL IT USED TO BE OP AND STILL IS."

    If you think the shotguns are OP and other MAX'es are worse then why the f are you against the NC max getting non-shotgun weapons?

    I hate Planetside's take on shotguns and playing NC MAX camping points and doorways is insanely boring to me. I have some certs in it but my total MAX playtime is around 0 % because I hate the playstyle required. Shotgun balancing in this game is pretty much terrible - in up to 10 m you're overpowered, beyond that you're worthless. Shotguns should be more like the jackhammer imo in that it has tighter CoF and less damage making it more versatile and less OP in CQC.
  12. Delta102

    I seriously doubt anyone would mind if they gave NC ranged equivalent, its just that no one wan'ts to return to the old school scat max which was just as obnoxious and overpowered as zoe max is.
  13. RenegadeHelios

    Except for that huge difference where there's the 0s TTK vs. a .3s TTK. Wait, lemme try to dodge that extra three tenths of a sec-*thump*

    Lag comp gives us almost the exact same stats. But we're worthless after that fact because of both TTK, 'spray and pray', magazine size, and CoF of slugs. That's not really 'paying' for the advantage...... That's getting your rear handed to you on a silver platter.

    In other words, think of it like this:

    NC haz:
    Lowest ammo count.
    Lowest magazine count.
    Extremely close TTK to other factions. (extremely.)
    No consistent attack power after 10m for most weapons.
    Weapons must be certed to be viable in larger fights, due to ammo and range restrictions.

    TR and VS haz:
    Higher ammo count.
    Higher magazine count.
    Again, extremely close TTK. (Muy extremely.)
    Consistent attack power between 15-40m with most weapons.
    Weapons can be used stock in larger fights, due to larger starting magazine.

    We should have a blathing advantage at CQC combat if we have so many disadvantages to our guns. We don't.

    My thought on the matter is jump your average magazine size for a scatmax to 20 rounds, 35 extended mag. Reduce cone of fire for slugs. Reduce fire rate on all NC MAX weapons. Keep shotgun CQC capabilities, but have the slugs work as a slightly inaccurate chaingun in a way. Have Mattocks come with slugs already unlocked, and have that be as effective as a mercy at range but with a lower RoF.

    That way, TR still is the best at long range (even though they can still fight well in CQC) the VS holds medium range (able to fight effectively everywhere), and the NC is the best at close range (even though they can still fight well in longer ranges)

    It's ridiculous that I've been able to use a stock TR MAX on my TR account and wipe out NC MAXes left and right. Equip charge. Walk backwards and shoot from 20m. If they charge you, charge away from them. NC MAX dies while you lost two bars. Five bars if mattocks. Six bars if he was crouching as he shot.

    This shouldn't happen. Yes, each faction should have individuality. No, that does not mean nerf one faction into the ground for everything but pointblank combat. 'Nuff said.
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  14. Epic High Five

    All y'all chumps need to be sluggin it up 24/7. Here's me in a tower fight (the supposed wheelhouse of buckshot)


    It's every bit as viable up close and TR/VS just stand there thinking you're helpless if you're a decent distance away so you can just peg them with headshots. This is with autorepair too, I'd probably have more if I had been able to shrug off more UBGLs before having to reposition.
  15. Leonidas423

    I can do better, on my goddamn Hacksaws, in a large scale fight and without spawn-camping like you did, with a higher kill per minute. How do I know your spawn camping? Well, your killing the same five guys over, and over, and over again.
  16. Epic High Five

    Show with pictures then, not words.

    This was at Regent Rock on Mattherson about 2 hours ago. I was doing a circuit up and down the tower and across B point. The reason there's a lot of the same names is because those people were engies and medics, which I will always prioritize in a firefight. I guess I could've gotten more kills but I didn't have a pocket engie and was having fun pushing with my shield at ZOE MAXes with a bunch of heavies behind me. Kill their engie, pop shield, push forward blocking their fire as they melt under SAW fire. A lot more fun than it sounds!

    And anyway, we owned the tower. I literally couldn't spawn camp even if I wanted to. I was also killing people in the C point doorway from the tower to cover our heavies who were rushing the point, something my hacksaws (or any buckshot for that matter) would've been completely unable to do.

    There's no reason to limit yourself to 10m effective range when it costs 350 infantry and thousands of certs to get this thing up to snuff. Versatility is king and the slugs are 100x more versatile than buckshot. There's a lot of people who hate the NC MAX because they've only ever tried buckshot (I was that way until I was convinced to slug it up) and it's important that they know there's a viable alternative. If you love buckshot man, hey, keep it up, but I do really well with slugs in buckshot situations and I do WAY BETTER with slugs in EVERY OTHER situation. I even have a few harasser kills with slugs! Sounds worth letting people know about to me!
  17. AuxiMoron

    Today I went on a 48 killstreak with my Hack/Matt slugs MAX. I did this over the course of about twenty minutes and through 4 bases, including a biolab. I'll keep my shotties, thanky much. Shotties is what we NC do :)
  18. Leonidas423

    Scroll down a bit, those are about the average amount of kills I get per life. (No, I haven't been doing as good in Aug. 17, but I was going in pretty much as cannon fodder into locked down rooms. I prefer my Hacksaws for MAXvMAX engagements, that's what I specialize in, can't remember the last time I lost to, or even failed to kill, a single MAX alone or even a MAX with a pocket engi running around with him. I can't remember the last time I failed to kill a MAX that was within 7m of me (provided that there wasn't multiple MAXs at the same time) and let him get away, even in a pitched fire fight.

    Keep in mind, in most of my killstreaks, there are about 5-ish MAXs scattered in there per killstreak, as I tend to prioritize them and go after them. Also, I didn't get to screenshot most of my truly "lucky" killstreaks, the 50+ ones, so you will just have to take my word for it. I got you beat, fair and square :p
  19. KingArthur

  20. Epic High Five

    Haxmax are definitely better in MAX v MAX if they're up close, it really just comes down to playstyle. I dislike shotguns on the whole because they lack versatility - I'm not the kind of player who will return to the terminal 20 times during a fight to change guns. I prefer to get something that's pretty good at everything and then use positioning and engagement distance control to ensure I'm always at an advantage. Versus MAXes I like to dump about 3/4 of a mag into them, pop shield to reload, then finish them off. By that point they're running which isn't a big deal as my slugs allow me the range. I could just walk up to them and full auto them to death but I feel like I sacrifice too much to do that.

    In general I'm just disappointed with the performance of the skillsaws ever since they got nerfed. I don't feel as though they have the endurance or ROF to justify using them in place of Mattocks or (especially) Grinders. Grinders are where it's at right now imo.

    I just love counter sniping with may take two whole mags to do it but damnit I'll headshot that cloaking bastard.