NC MAX needs a serious buff

Discussion in 'MAX' started by ADUILO, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Epic High Five

    The most efficient way I've found to kill masses of infantry is with a VS MAX and Blueshifts. Walk around going full auto, dragging your cursor over heads for even just a fraction of a second. Collect certs.

    The most FUN way I've found to kill things is with slugs or Falcons. Why settle for Machine Gun#4423 when you can have something fun? Every single damn other thing in the entire game gets a couple variations of machine guns, if you want them so bad TAKE YOUR PICK. You know what noting else has? Akimbo dual souped up battle rifles strapped to the arms of a solid gold walking tank. And people just want to give that away for what will likely amount to a 1% increase in killing efficient SOME OF THE TIME?

    Y'all crazy, SOE plz close this thread it's gone full lunatic
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  2. Kriegson

    I would really love to see a video of you efficiently using dual sluggers. I'm not being snide or sarcastic here I just want to see how it's done. IIRC slugs do 500 damage so you need 2 to kill, 3 if there is ANY dropoff or they have nanoweave or of course on shielded heavy, then it's 4 if I recall (5-600 more HP)?

    If it's really as great as you say it is, I would happily go dual scatcan-slugs and enjoy the panic on people's faces as a walking blueberry actually hurts them, badly, at a distance over 8m.
    (I do pretty decent with dual falcons against AI so I imagine I might be able to slug it out if I can get the certs and wrap my mind around the idea).
  3. ohknoh

    QUOTE]Reason #1 Your argument is invalid, shield does nothing against splash, and being as buggy as it is doesn't really stop any of the other stuff either.

    Read what I said. Shield allows you to take fire while engaging air targets. There's more than just splash damage coming your way. Any mitigated damage is a good thing, and allows you to stand your ground longer, or retreat successfully where the other faction's maxes wouldn't survive. Bugs are another issue, although I've never seen the shield do anything other than what it was meant to do. So no, what I said is far from invalid.

    Bullet drop is something that you can account for when firing, and something that you can actually take advantage of. Say Landing shots on a vehicle that's at range, behind some cover that is blocking nearly all of it from your LoS. About the stats,all you have to do is look up the weapon's stats and compare them. From Planetside Wiki. So instead of thinking what you want, try knowing.

    So now you're saying shotguns aren't the gods of CQC?. A pump can one shot any infantry, semi-auto shotguns can 2 shot infantry. NC maxes dual wield shotguns. A shot from each gun at the same time will kill infantry. So, as I was saying, NC maxes are the gods of CQC, why on earth would that need any sort of buff?

    VS and TR maxes don't insta gib anyone at range. They're good, with dual anti infantry the VS max is essentially dual wilding carbines. Carbines are sort of middle of the pack when it comes to effectiveness. They're not as good at medium range as an LSW, and they're not as good as smgs at cqc. As for the kills per mag, the VS max without an extended magazine is going to be able to kill 2 or 3 people depending on what's going on. It's the same, you have fewer bullets in your mag, but it TAKES fewer rounds for you to kill people.

    That's just bad play on your end if you're walking towards an enemy max and spending 24 rounds. Remember, shotguns are CQC. If you're running shotguns as infantry, do you expect to win in a stand up fight with someone carrying a LSW who's 15-20+ yards away? Use shield, sprint to them, or pick a closed in area and dare them to try and get past you. That's what most good NC max players do when doubling up on hacksaws.

    Now of course this goes the other way around, why should any other max expect to win against an NC max in close range? Well in my opinion, the reason is that Maxes aren't infantry. They're heavily armored units, so why should anti infantry weapons be able to out damage anti armor weapons?

    Just as I said before Maxes are meant for close range fighting when carrying anti infantry weapons. They're best for holding objectives, or storming closed areas, absorbing damage while dishing it out. The NC max is the best at this, and just as capable as any other max in any situation that you'd want to use a max in.
  4. Posse

    36 hours to get 1000 kills? LOL, you're BR 94 and you can't even get 30 kills in an hour? That's definitely your problem. Besides, having to spend certs doesn't entitle you to a completely overpowered easy mode instakill. Oh and I don't go easy mode lolpods, 90% of my kills are as infantry. As for nerfing our MAXes? I wouldn't care at all, they shouldn't even be in the game (at least the way they function right now, higher HP and higher DPS than any other class, good balance), but the NC MAX needs a big nerf too, all 3 MAXes are overpowered right now.
  5. thepyrosdarknes

    duel scatmax with slug. range problem solved:p .
  6. Corezer

    500 certs 1000 kills?

    maybe if:

    you never use boosts
    you never subscribe
    you never squad with someone using squad boosts
    you never spot targets
    you never cap points
    you never cap bases
    you never drop ammo
    you never hack terminals
    you never heal allies
    you never revive allies
    you never get ribbons
    you never destroy a vehicle
    you never hit an air vehicle
    you never drive a vehicle with gunners
    you never earn any medals
    you never get assists

    600 certs takes like 4 hours played these days...
  7. Epic High Five

    Every time I try to record I get crazy hitching, otherwise I would have proof beyond my stats page, though I consider that sufficient (I've never run buckshot, so all kills are slugs)

    Just check out Xboxerdude or WaaWaa on YouTube, they'll steer ya straight

    It's a 2 hit (instant w/ two shotties) out to 12m, which is a whole helluva lot more than buckshot can say, past that it's a 3 shot out to render distance.
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  8. Mongychops

    Let's have a quick fact check. Here are the in game stats:

    1. "The Falcon is slower" Yes and no. The Comet has an initial velocity of 90 that is constant, the Falcon starts at 40 then accelarates to 120. It starts slower, and then it ends up faster.
    2. "Comet has no bullet drop" This is true, though not particularly relevant in a base fight.
    3. "Comet gibs people" The Comet does 315 + 85 splash = 400 per hit on non flak. Therefore it needs to hit 3 shots to kill someone. The Falcon will gib a player if you hit 2 shots. Both weapons are capable of killing in one magazine. Since the Comet needs to hit with both arms of at least one of the shots, and has a higher CoF, the Falcon is arguably better.
    4. "The Comet is laser accurate" The Comet has a CoF of 0.2, the Falcon has a CoF of 0.1, hint, lower is better.
    5. "The Comet DPS is higher" Using the stats I have supplied you can culculate the DPS of the weapons. The Falcon has a DPS of ~308 per arm, and the Comet has a DPS of ~274 per arm. The Falcon has a DPS on vehicles 12% higher than the Comet.
    Though of course, since you play MAX a lot, you knew all this, and you just decided to lie OOOOooooooooOOOOOoooo. ;)
  9. Kriegson

    Ironically the only vids I can find are (Surprise surprise!) hacksaw max's in biolabs prior to the PU6(iirc) nerf. Some of which state "relax guys, it's been nerfed".
    Not exactly inspiring confidence...
  10. Epic High Five

    The Falcon has a DPS of DIVIDE BY ZERO ERROR because it does all its damage in one giant lump sum like a PROPER weapon should :crossarms:

    Was at work so I couldn't post specific examples. Not sure why more recent ones weren't showing up, they're all over the place:

    Also worth noting, WaaWaa and I tend to fire on the run and firing somewhat faster than an accuracy-minded MAX would want to. What you're seeing in those videos is actually the worst case scenario for slug accuracy. In reality they can be made to be much, much more accurate than even that.

    For contrast here is Xboxerdude, who often runs buckshot (and is very good with it) but look at how even at sure-fire slug kill range he has to magdump to secure a kill:

    Just a few examples, both pages have more.
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  11. Kriegson

    awesome, thanks! I'll have to check these out. Yeah I limited the search by month, and then year under several different terms, but got nothing recent =/
  12. Epic High Five

    Youtube filters are a strange and nebulous thing, I have the same troubles.

    Not sure what server you're on but if you ever see me on I'm generally willing to go slothpacking (like a wolfpack, but much slower) with someone who wants a wingman while they get used to slugs and/or Falcons. Hit me up! I despised the NC MAX until I gave slugs a whirl and now I'm in love, I'm more than happy to help someone else along the path to the #SLUGLYFE
  13. ADUILO

    No, we have to spend 500 certs more any VS or TR player. That's three times as much as they have to spend and that isn't really easy for a new player to earn.
  14. vanu123

    No, the NC max has the fastest TTK in the game.
  15. ADUILO

    Yes, it less than 7 or 8 meters.
  16. Posse

    So? How does that entitle you to get a completely broken and overpowered thing? Besides, it's not like the NC MAX without slugs can't do anything either.
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  17. ADUILO

    So, why shouldn't the slugs be unlocked by default alongside buckshot as a different option or cost one cert?
  18. Posse

    Cert cost is completely irrelevant to balance discussions. And it's not like getting 500 certs is hard, unless you're terrible.
  19. noidea

    Learn to play. I've no issue at all with my NC max.
  20. ohknoh

    Can TR or VS unlock a weapon or ammo type for their max anti infantry role that allows them the same kind of power that the hacksaws give the NC max in close range? The VS has 3 anti infantry max weapons, and all of them do about the same thing, with only slightly different stats. And 2 of them cost 1000certs, or 700 station cash to unlock. And crazily the weapon that's claimed to be the most accurate is actually the least accurate out of all of those, with the highest spread increase per shot.

    Quit crying about the NC max. It's EXCELLENT,to the point of being overpowered, at what it does, and it has the option to also do what the VS or TR max can do as well, with some certs. Options are a powerful thing.