Feel free to read the following in Morgan Freeman's voice: So you're saying in an equal fight, your shield allowed you to completely negate the enemy MAX units special ability and strength at range; closing the distance until you were in YOUR ideal range (in which we all know that the opponent does not stand a chance), before even receiving a scratch on your actual MAX armour... ...and you're complaining?
i've done something similar acting as mobile cover to deliver troops forward, anyone complaining about the shield just haven't used it properly
Shield blocks Everything, including AP tank shells. having 3-4 of them line up and crouch makes an effective cover anywhere. Think of it like an old roman legion shield line. Yes you can reload, and no there most likely will not fix that on the fact that they added a reload buffer in the game when the shield was released. Switching to the shield does not take 2 seconds it takes 0,5 seconds. Will a lockdown max chew through it completely? sure if you stand there long enough. Is it easy to flank you? Yes. Thats what team mates are there for. Is it possible to block a cap point with 1 shield max per door? yes. Can they eventually be killed? Yes. Is it over powered? No. Is it underpowered, no. The thing about the shield is you need to learn when the enemy is out of ammo so you can pull it down and use your weapon. It works, I've slaughtered tanks this way, infantry, Even ESF's. The other thing is it does protect you from a blast as long as you crouch and the shield is facing the blast. No you can't sprint, you can't reload while the shield is up, you can reload before the shield goes up and finish the reload while protected by the shield.
i can't see for **** at night but atleast it's something to cover you while you reload, just press R and then quickly F
No, im complaining because I was dead before I could reach him, and it was about 20 feet down a tower corridor, i wouldnt exactly call that range, im complaining because YOUR MAXes ability completely nullifies the blockade breaking ability the Aegis shield is SUPPOSED to have.
I really think that these abilities were not ready for launch, not at all. The Aegis Shield is not solid, so enemies can go through it (in particular in a Max dual, a VS Max could use ZOE to go right through you). The Aegis Shield is not really strong enough to warrant the compromises you make (No offense while shield is up, no sprinting, cannot reload (unless shield is brought up after you start reloading, which is probably a bug that they will change in the future). The only benefit you gain is being able to block fire for about 5 to 10 seconds, and only from the front. The only real good use I see for this is when fighting enemy armor, if they get close to you, you can put up the shield and wait for them to reload. After that you take the shield down and fire, and do the same thing over again until they run away or die. I am not sure how much damage it absorbs currently, can somebody do a test on this?
What lacking is the HP if you are trying to get into CQC range against 2 infantry you wont make it to them regardless that how crap it is. It needs its old HP back to even be effective right now I think it a worthless ability I watched TE stream and not one fuken nc max used shield because they knew it wont do **** especially against 50+ infantry.
It's very rare to be in a equal fight, maxes get flanked, c4 raining on their head, and double teamed. Odds are you'll outnumber your opponenet or they will outnumber you. In brief its not max vs max confrontations that kill me its when they are out of that 5m bubble. Now yes the shield does prevent frontal damage but any gamer worth his salt will split off and surround me keeping out of that 5m bubble and begin to unload. Yes the shield lets us survive close quarters but it does little to help us to close the gap since we lost charge, and most run around me and try to flank. Also I recall reading that the reload thing was a bug in the test server, I would prefer to keep that otherwise we're putting a one directional shield, taking all the hits, and hoping they dont kill us/flank/c4 in the transition to using our guns. Albiet its a entirely situational right now the TR ability sets it up as a artillery piece, the NC being a tank, and the VS having a more hit and run style. I doubt things will stay as they are, give it two weeks and they'll tweak this and that to try evening it out.
have you guys tried using them as meat shields yet? the videos from the devs show them crouching and moving forward as cover for team mates you should be able to crouch behind them or have them stand up to protect your other infantry. i could imagine your Phoenix users might appreciate the protection while steering although i agree you should be able to at least melee with it (maybe max melee weapons were considered here and it would be OP?) edit: they removed the reload while it was up too? either restore that or give the shield more HP
reload still works. It would be cool if we could sprint with it, but have the shield sway back and forth so its not completely protecting us. Shield bashing is a must. IMHO it should work similarly to the shield from MW2, minus the part where it protects your back when its not equiped. It absorbs alot of damage, but the dev's should keep in mind we are facing atleast 5 guys shooting at us, and it still can't hold up to a full clip of either max's anti infantry. It's certainly good, there are just some basic things that would make this a bit more realistic and less circus. i don't think any of these would be unbalancing in the least, but we should have some of these options
They specifically said in the patch notes that reloading not canceling is a new feature. As long as you let your reload start you can switch guns or use an ability or whatever and it will finish.
IS going toe to toe against 2 prowlers who knew i was there (them firing up to a launchpad, me firing down with dual ravens) and taking one out and almost taking the other before an LA peek a boo drop podded me..... is that 2 second before inevitable death?... NO it is not, it is the single best survival tool in the game, need to get a bead on an enemy who knows you are there and will shoot the second he sees your head... put the shield up, have a look... infact have a look, maybe write about it on facebook and then go back around the corner.. you will still be alive, hell, go make a cup of coffee and let him bark att he wall against your shield I the worse case i have been surrounded and taken down, this is fair, i shoudl have never let myself get flanked, in the best case... well i will put it this way... 4 mossies coming from 4 sides, staggered attack so none were on a 2 sides at once, 3 out of 4 mosies dead... oh no he is fireinf lolpods art me and i forgot my flak (nano5 as i was goign on infantry earlier) popped the shield took the hits, he ran out of ammo i opened fire. The last mossie took me out, he pretended to be out of ammo and the second my shield was down to fire i got a rotary in the case. Did i QQ?? no, i said well done Sir, feigning no ammo to get me to expose was genius. That is now you use the shield and THAT is now you defeat it For future refferance i want it hereby known that i hereby christen the Aegis shield the "LOLShield"
The shield is terrible, especially compared to the other faction abilities. TR trades mobility for damage, reload speed and bullet velocity. VS trades some durability for speed and damage. What does the shield do? Zero ability to do damage and significantly less mobility to take a limited amount of damage from the front only, and also it leaks damage because the shield isn't big enough. The thing has a giant list of downsides all so you can eat a few shots from the front, which you wouldn't need to take if you had charge or nearby cover. It's a big neon sign that says C4 ME PLZ IM DEFENSELESS AND IMMOBILE.
I am actually pretty happy with the shield. I used it a couple times to great effect. It did what it was suppose to and helped me come out on top the victor. Below is a picture of a run with it while defending a tower single handily against a squad of enemy's. I had rank 3 Aegis shield. I lasted long enough to clear the entire floor near the cap point and wait for back up to arrive effectively allowing us to hold the tower and push the enemy out. I would love to see the shield size increased also to cover the full max. It would help benefit me more when trying to cover outfit mates moving to a hot objective. Along with keeping me from getting pelted from other random BS due to me sticking outside the shield. Also, the ability to bash the enemy would be great for knocking the **** out of people that get to close.
Shield is good for camping points. That's about it. And that's what NC maxes used to do in the first place. We know we don't have a change anywhere other than inside rooms.