NC MAX Aegis Shield

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Comptonunhh, May 22, 2013.

  1. Comptonunhh

    Got my hands on it for the first time just now, and I have to say I am extremely disappointed in the lack of ability to bash people with it, or the ability to use it as protection while I reload. Currently it seems its only use is to slightly prolong your inevitable death as you cant perform ANY useful function while it is up, I had ONE locked down cycler max at the end of a tower corridor and he was able to chew through it entirely before I could reach the end of the hallway, so its potential as a blockade breaker is not even there which im assuming was their intention.

    I really feel this ability would benefit from one or both of the following abilities, to allow a buffer while reloading arms, and to allow bashing of infantry, just like the regular melee, if not maybe slightly more damaging due to it being a big shield and all. Potentially it would be cool if while holding the shield up it would disable one arm (the one holding the shield) and allow you to fire your free arm out the side of it while it is up, a compromise of firepower for added defense.

    Thoughts? suggestions?
  2. Ztiller

    What rank were you at? At rank 5, you get 100% more resistance.

    The shield have not been out for more than a few hours, and you think you know the potential of it and asks for buffs? Give me a break.

    Seriously, let at the very least 1 week pass with people using it. They will figure out a way to use it effectivly.
  3. Comptonunhh

    Lets see, ive got rank 4 aegis, i have maxed out MAX acquisition timer, and played for 2 hours using it, thats roughly 25 MAXes I went through, ive tested it pretty damn thoroughly. There is no "lets see how this plays out" to an ability that serves no purpose, if you arent shooting, and you arent reloading, and youre STILL taking damage, it is quite literally useless, its the equivalent of the heavy assaults shield, except only on the front, and all your weapons jam when you turn it on.

    So you tell me, when you play heavy, how many situations will you actually survive where you would normally turn on your overshield if you suddenly can no longer perform any offensive action what-so-ever, and not even reload?

    Quite plain and simply, it is a joke by comparison to the other two MAX abilities.
  4. Czuuk

    I suggest you try it with about 3 or 4 other shield equipped MAX units, 3-7 engies and 2-3 medics, an infilitrator, a couple light assaults and a heavy or two sprinkled in for good luck.
  5. Liewec123

    it has alot of potential, my only issue is that it doesn't seem to block all damage from the front as it claims, i've crouched and faced right at a guy and he's kept shooting me asthough i didn't have a shield at all.
    and also it bugs out a lot and ends up tilted (but i'm sure that'll be fixed)
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  6. Kasai

    Just gonna say, with all the testing you claim to have done it seems odd that you haven't realized that you can reload while using it if you start the reload cycle and then pull the shield up. You can very easily use it to cover a reload.
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  7. Ev3ntHorizon

    I do not understand the problem here, i have rank 4 Aegis and love it, shield up take thew tank shot, shield down fire fire fire, shield up take the shot. Even been able to get in between lolpods and a friendly sunder and soak up the damage that woudl have blown the sunder. This is the single most useful tool in the NC arsenal.... and it doesn't even cause damage.. that's the beauty, you just shell. And it does nto make you a damage magnet, it makes people ignore you rather then waste shots
  8. Epic High Five

    Or how about you just take all 10-20 people you mentioned there and put them in hacksaw MAXes and have them charge wherever you need dead.

    Why make things way more complicated just to have the brunt of your push be slow units with shields that can't hold up to more than a couple seconds of small arms fire. Just rush in with high alpha and hope you don't all die before they do instead of slowly walking in with high alpha hoping you don't all die before you get there.
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  9. Pivke

    for what purpose? the enemy can run straight trough all your shields and C4 your entire group like a boss
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  10. Anti-Skub

    Feels a lot like the Pheonix really, it's the most fun out of the new things, but also the weakest and least useful...While it's amusing to rambo out into 5 guys and be like "Yeah, you can't kill me!" I fail to see any practical use in being able to do that. It takes so long to equip and unequip that any damage you mitigated while using it, you take while waiting for your guns to be ready...most of the time you'd have been better off just walking out shooting in the first place.

    The biggest insult is that if you go Max vs Max with a VS. Their ability allows them to move backwards faster than you can move forwards with your shield, making it completely worthless as a means to get into shotgun range. It feels like being a midget being held at arms length, flailing worthlessly while you're repeatedly kicked in the balls.

    Also, rockets and C4 seem to completely bypass the shield, making it seem to do virtually nothing when used against the weapons people use for killing's like giving a shield to ESFs that doesn't work vs Flak or Lock on rockets.
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  11. Pikachu

    Has anyone else experienced the shield blocking C4 damage? Some light assault were flying above me and I think I saw him drop a brick then I heard the detonation but I took almost no damage. I don't remember seeing the explosion so I donno. :S

    Anyway how about making it reflect bullets? Imagine walking into a room with enemies and see their own bullets hit them in the head. :D

    I think the least buff it should have is making it wider so allies can hide a little behind it or make it a 90+ degree arc so it protects from more angles.
  12. illgot

    with that type of army any max of any faction equipped in any manner would be dangerous.

    Can infantry behind the shield shoot through the shield or does the shield block shots both ways?
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  13. Vreki

    Give it some time, I remember how the forum opinion on the Airhammer vent form "Worthless crap" to "OP noob-gun".
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  14. Czuuk

    Because you have to hold bio labs for 10 minutes.
  15. Czuuk

    I can't wait for them to try. :D
  16. Czuuk

    We'll find out once I finish my Windows 7 reinstall. :D
  17. Bill Hicks

    so you have to reload ( no offensive ability) and then pull the shield up ( 2 second delay) ? sounds like a dead max to me and this not even counting lag . use cover? lol thats so ironic.
  18. Kasai

    No, it means that immediately after you finish shooting, you start auto-reloading and then just pull your shield up. Basically, whenever you wanted to use the shield before, just tap R right before you hit F and because it interrupts the reload animation without stopping the reload, you're able to cover virtually 95% of the reload time.
  19. Trenyt

    I've been using it tonight and I think it is a grand addition to our MAX. Granted not the most exciting feature, but I'd wager more powerful then the TR and VS abilities. There is strength in defense, and don't underestimate the power on morale this ability has to nearby troops when they see a few Aegis shielded MAXes pushing the enemy lines. I've also used it to defend retreating troops and cover medics picking up downed comrades. In the realm of team work this is a fine tool to have.
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  20. Pikachu

    Since we can't reload after putting the shield up I bet this is a glitch. In the future they will make change so that either reloading is cancelled when putting shield up, or shield was to wait until reload is finished.