NC Infil weapon??

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by MavCooL, Mar 6, 2017.

  1. MavCooL

    Whats the best NC infil weapon??
    Is cyclone getting nerfed since the beginning?? I heard its a beast in the beginning...

    Is Crossbow worth getting for stalker?? Does bow knife still kill people instantly??
  2. Shocky

    depends on what you want to do many consider the best sniper to be the rail jack, the cyclone is still good but i prefer the blitz or the PDW over it.

    as far side arms, cross bow no idea only used it when it came out then stuck recon bolts on it, i have seen some people do well with the bow but it takes practice as far as knife combo goes well i think the one shot knife will do you better then the bow knife combo as the NC knife sounds just like base background noise no one will notice you.

    i personally have the activatable one shot knife and the rebel on my stalker infil. why the rebel it has a suppressor and more rounds in it before having to reload then the NS revolvers. the auto pistol is ok but not very good there are better guns to use. the mag scatter can do ok killing the 1st guy but the rest will know you are there due to the lack of suppressor also you will be out ranged and out gunned if you miss.

    hope this helped
  3. CuteBeaver

    Hello Mav. While some weapons have been adjusted you probably should check out a general infiltrator guide here:

    Early this week we also released a guide "specifically" on stalking here:

    The crossbow is a powerful weapon when paired with knife strikes, mines, and EMPs. However its incredibly punishing and not everyone will enjoy it. Because it pairs synergistically with other combat aids, it gives the crossbow unique strategies that other weapons cannot employ. For example if someone is chasing after you, and you take shelter by running into a building its possible for you to EMP the doorway and estimate the timing so they are affected by the blast. This means it only takes a single crossbow bolt to kill them. This is good because it allows you to execute them so rapidly they cannot harm you significantly. This could be the difference between life and death if your too injured to deal with them using a stealth counter.

    The same concept can be used offensively. If your motion spotter (or dart) shows enemies are about to come out of a building, or round a corner, you can toss EMPs in advance and one shot them before they have a chance to react. Your able to set up a ranged ambush, and have a near instant ranged take down.

    The crossbow is really good for behaving aggressively because it allows you to Bolt + Knife down enemies who are very close to you, or toss an EMP and use the crossbows ranged abilities to pick off enemies beyond melee range. This makes it a good solution for when your trying to clear a point room. You can deal with enemies close to you, or decide to engage multiple enemies farther away. Keep in mind that once enemies are affected by EMP they only need one body shot to be killed. This allows the crossbow user to use cover and intimidate enemies in the room since you only need to fire a single shot - and be exposed for a fraction of a second in order to end them. Combined with clientside advantages this makes it incredibly powerful. The crossbow is terrible for chasing after enemies though, and it takes considerable aiming skills to use it to hit enemies moving erratically. Crossbow also suffers from very slow projectile speed, which makes it frustrating to use on distant targets. (Unless the enemy is not moving)

    I personally use the crossbow, in combination with EMPs to clear indoor locations. Its flexible weapon that helps with killing enemies at a variety of ranges, and its damage is consistent. It also frees up my mind to process other tasks quickly. I only need to think about shooting an enemy affected by EMPs once. Which means up to four targets can be killed in a single EMP ambush without needing a knife. By simplifying the execution process I can plan ahead or pay attention to the next target. This is more difficult when using weapons that require the player to focus on chaining multiple headshots one after the next. Your focus is spent tracking the enemy more, and lets be honest, far more effort goes into making headshots then making bodyshots. A side affect of this is a small amount of tunnel vision. I found when using the Commissioner I had to automatically disengage after a kill or two - in order to catch up mentally so I could plan my next attack. When I use the crossbow, I find I can just go fluidly ambush to ambush because I am less focused on mechanically going for headshots and more focused on what is happening around me. That could just be a personal thing though since I have more time with the crossbow then the Commissioner. I would recommend the crossbow but it does require a considerable amount of discipline since missing is heavily punished and everything about the weapon boils down to timing + being creative.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong in deciding to select a pistol, or revolver if you end up preferring something that offers you the ability to kill enemies consistently with your sidearm alone. Revolvers / Pistols do not require any pairing of EMPS, mines, or knives to be effective.

    Melee has been greatly improved in the game. The melee section of the guide on the site will go over all the little nuances.

    This video also may be helpful as well.
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  4. Eternaloptimist

    I'm a casual infil with relatively limited aiming skills. For my money the Longshot is the best BASR for medium to long range. I've run the Railjack up to 145 kills but gave up on it eventually. It's got more bullet velicty (hence slower to start dropping) but the reload time, smaller mag and firing delay became a bit tiresome.

    The Gauss SPR with the ballistic computer purchased is OK for hectic, closer range stuff, especially now with the lower recoil and lack of scope sway.

    I use the suppressed Desperado burst pistol for stalker work, having tried the Commie and found it too loud (and slow). I like to get close so as to maximise my chances of a kill and so being able to spam the shots is useful to me.

    I've not used an SMG much but I have the NS PDW7 which is pretty useable and appears to have a little bit more effective range than the ES models.
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