How do I burst fire my guns like the reaper/tross/gauss and maintain accuracy while still having a fast TTK? How many shots before COF bloom becomes innacurate? What ranges should I be full-auto'ing?
depends on the weapon's recoil, rof, distance to target,target size and if you are being fired upon, vr training is the best place to get a feel for it, sorry if it's a lot but it's not something you learn quickly but i suggest you chose the weapon you want to use and get a feel for it best suggestion use the Gauss rifle it's 600rpm and good recoil characteristics make it a good weapon for all ranges except for spooning distance with a shotgun. first you want to get used to the recoil characteristics of the weapon empty the mag a few times into a wall about 20ish meter's away while adsing and don't compensate for the recoil let the weapon run wild, slowly you will get the feel just by seeing how much the weapons jumps left and right while it is random you will start to see as the weapon recoils you can compensate for it in real time allowing you to fire more rounds accurately for longer periods of time allowing very long bursts until bloom kicks you to the curb. also side note the tross is a slower ttk than the other 2 which are pretty competitive TLDR: give a man a fish he eats for a day teach him to fish he eats for a lifetime
Adding to Bhudda's great suggestions: Practice a bit with the Gauss Rifle Burst in VR. It forces you to burst fire. Once you have figured out how to effectively aim and fire with that weapon, go back to the full auto ones and do the same burst fire clicking you were forced into while using the burst rifle. Muscle memory is your friend.
Bursting? I usually just quickly tap off maybe 3-4 round bursts...just pretty much gotten used to it playing shooters for so long lol. At closer ranges where bursting helps but isnt needed, I give maybe 5 round bursts in rapid succession. Bursting in this game is really helpful because it lets your weapon CoF instantly reset, letting you maintain accuracy. Its really helpful in this game as guns fly out of control pretty quick, but reset instantly. Ive noticed a few times I just fire and fire and fire cuz im spazzing or something and notice I cant hit ****....once such instance saw me dead to a shotgun from like 30m But with a Gauss Rifle, you wanna quickly fire off 2-3 round bursts. NC1 has an odd up to the right kinda recoil.
I think bursting is one thing I'm finally bashing into my head, I do it but not quite as often as I should but when I get it right the difference is enormous. I usually try and do no more than 5-7 rounds, when I focus on it, and 7 is extreme, I'm trying to get more consistent between 3 -5 especially with the lower RoF weapons of the NC.
It depends on the gun or range you're fighting at, but try playing around in VR, shoot targets with different amount of bullets at different ranges (rangefinder is useful for longer ranges) and try to find a amount of bullets that doesn't make it too hard to compensate recoil with. As you practice more you'll get a feel for how long you should burst with each gun, one thing to keep in mind however, is that if you're accurate enough, you don't need to burst at all under 20m, this can extend up to around 30m with certain guns, and even more if you're going for body shots. Finally, you'll need to get used to compensating for recoil when bursting, and this implies learning to control first shot recoil, by pulling your mouse in the opposite direction of the recoil; faster at first, and then slowing down so the subsequent shots don't go off target. Now more of a specific example, with the 500rpm guns, you're probably looking at: <20m while moving = full auto; <30m if you're standing still/crouching 20-40m = 2-4 shots; 4-6 shots. 40-50m = 2 shots; 3 shots >50m single shot, and let your gun's recoil "reset"; you can do 2x bursts at range when standing still. Of course, you can do longer bursts than the ones I mentioned, but this will make your shots a bit more random, and I prefer to have more control over the landing areas of my shots, which is the reason I do very short bursts at range.
For the Gauss Rifle you can send 10-15 rounds downrange no problem up to like 100 meters. Quick ~8 round bursts with micro pauses where you just let go of the trigger for a split second but otherwise do full auto and compensate the recoil by pulling your mouse down is where the Gauss Rifle shines. It's one of the reasons why it's my most used and undoubtedly* the best long range AR in the game. *Because I said so.
This. The Reaper/Tross/Gauss are 3 of the most accurate automatic weapons in the game, so with foregrips and a 3.4x-4x scope, long bursts of 8-10 shots are quite doable out to 80-90m. Even farther vs stationary targets.
The SAW might (although it's at least as accurate on the move as any VS LMG but the Ursa due to its low Horizontal recoil and Tolerance). However, this is the Medic forum so I (and presumably the OP) was referring to the Gauss AR, whose accuracy is just fine while moving.
Oops had a brainfart right there thinking you meant the Gauss Saw instead of the Gauss Rifle Zzz Back on topic though, I find I tend to tapfire most NC weapons at medium distances. I simply don't trust the COF bloom on 167 dmg tier and above. What's more important about bursting is to learn how long after a burst to start another burst. Many times I started the second burst too early resulting in the COF not resetting fully.
1. First you have to understand that bursting is something you want to avoid. 2. Use this mindset: don't try to calculate when to burst, how long burst should be, what distance should it be. Instead, think of "bursting" as firing always in full auto, but with pauses to regain accuracy when it becomes necessary. Stop firing in two cases: - You see/feel that your bullets don't hit the target because of the large CoF. - You see that your crosshair is not actually on the target, and you're firing past it. If you continue firing while trying to put the crosshair back on target, the recoil will get in the way, and chances are it will be too late: your CoF will become too large or you will waste too much ammo. The point where you have to stop firing to regain accuracy can be postponed if you fire from a more accurate stance. Gauss Rifle stand still ADS CoF: 0.03 Gaus Rifle stand move ADS CoF: 0.3 Bloom per shot is 0.06, so essentially you get a boost of accuracy for the first five shots you do while standing. Generally, it's not a great idea to stand still in PS2, but in some cases it can be done without much risk: shooting from cover, or when the enemy is unaware of you. The pauses you take before you start firing again depend on how large was your CoF before you stopped shooting, but 0.2-0.3 seconds should be enough for most cases. The only exception to "full auto" rule above is when you're dealing with targets way out of your effective range, then you want to fire only 1-2 rounds at once. To address this part: the "micro pause" needs to be at least ~0.2-0.3 seconds to be worth it, otherwise the pause won't be enough for the cone of fire to return to normal, and you will just subject yourself to first shot recoil multiplier for no benefit. edit: goddamnit, you tricked me into responding to a month old thread.