Welcome new recruits! We are a Special Forces Unit named The Heart of Darkness (H.o.D.)WebsiteLibertas aut Mor(Liberty or Death)History The Heart of Darkness was formed back in 2003 while playing Novalogic's FPS Blackhawk Down. We formed an outfit based on friendship and similar play styles, however, HoD really came together in the summer of 2003 with the release of Planetside 1. We were a small but very effective outfit, capable of defending towers against an overwhelming force, and home to some very skilled shooters – 2 of which were on the top 10 leader board and still with us today. What We Do The Heart of Darkness works like a Special Forces Unit in that we operate primarily behind enemy lines with little to no support from the rest of our empire. We use small squad tactics and aggression to create the appearance of superior strength in order to disrupt, destroy or dismantle enemy efforts. Teamwork and communication is key. We believe if you can move , shoot and communicate you have most of it figured out. Weapons Since we don't rely on the rest of our empire – we only provide support – we are completely independent and can operate far away from friendly forces. We have a wide variety of vehicles equipped with some of the best weapons in New Conglomerate technology and the most effective optics needed for the mission. We Leave No Man Behind. We work as a group. Travel as a group. Kill as a group. The Heart of Darkness: Home to a few, remembered by many. Recruitment Form:(Limited Spots Open - newbie friendly)Note: We request that all recruits be over the age of 18Recruiters:SgtGrizzlyMezinovMavSmileyBombThorland(in game) Name:Age:Class(es):Vehicle(s):Days of week/Time you can commit to playing:Are you willing to use Ventrilo:Thanks, SgtGrizzly
We are in need of good soldiers focused on teamwork. We are a small family and greatly encourage you to join.
(in game) Name: Caenodus Age: 29 Class(es): Engineer (Primary), Inf, Max Vehicle(s): Sunderer (as spawnpoint) Days of week/Time you can commit to playing: Daily, afternoon/evenings. Are you willing to use Ventrilo: Yes, lacking decent mic at the moment. Will remedy.
Anyone on the fence about our operation standards, consider pm'ing any of our current members in-game and maybe do some running around with us for a day. You can witness our effectiveness and put to rest any uneasiness.
Hey guys i see you really fit my style of play i would really like to join the outfit (btw sorry for my english i'm from Quebec in canada). I got in the game 2 weeks ago and its just crazy the potential it has! I Really like how is it goin and i plan to play A LOT!! I'm really motivated to get better to the game. And btw I really like too follow order of good generals. It's a lot less messy imo (in game) Name: PaXXXman Age: 18 Class(es): Heavy Assault (primary)and all the others in time of need Vehicle(s): I got the sunderer with the spawning ability. I like tanks and i will train a air cause it looks awesome and so advantageous. I also like to be gunner in all those. Days of week/Time you can commit to playing: i can be online atanytime of the day or the night. Really. Are you willing to use Ventrilo: No cause imma get a Mic this Christmas!! A Crazy *** Mic
hey PaXXXman thanks for the application, We attract a specific few but that just means we function with more cohesion. Ventrilo is a necessary feature of our outfit because we rely heavily on communication - without communication our outfit is nothing - so I would ask that even if you don't have a mic, to install Ventrilo so you can hear us. Conversely it will also benefit you because we will keep you informed with enemy positions. Stand by for PM with further instructions. Sgt.Grizzly
OK ok I understand. I can install ventrillo then np. I just saw the video, awesome XD Hope to hear from you guys!
(in game) Name: ovakino Age: 25 Class(es): Heavy Assault Vehicle(s): Days of week/Time you can commit to playing: weekdays 6pm=>9pm, weekends 6pm=>dawn Are you willing to use Ventrilo: yes
hey my bad sergent i got you the wrong name XD PaXXXman is the guy on Jaeger XD in Waterson my name would be Badadafouin lol Sorry for this :S
(in game) Name: GoodOldJest Age: 21 Class(es): Light Assault and Engineer (I really love carbines for some reason) Vehicle(s): I want to improve my ESF flying and I'll be certing up my tanks/flash once I get my infantry to where I want them to be. Days of week/Time you can commit to playing: Pretty much anytime right now Are you willing to use Ventrilo: Yes, of course!
ZanderArch 22 Engineer, but always willing to fill gaps when necessary.Mainly MBT/Lightning, like the Flash, have Sundy Certs if need be, not the greatest dog fighter.Not available late nights Monday through Friday, but any other time is good. Of course, what good is teamwork without communication? I've always been an objective player and always try to help other players when I can, but moving with the Zerg is getting tiring. Some small, well organized unit is what I've always wanted to work with.
Hey guys, Thanks for the application. We'll be sure to put your skills to good use! Stand by for a PM with further instructions. Sgt.Grizzly
Name: Acton Age: 40 Classes: Heavy, Medic (pref), Eng. Little bit of the Armor, and totally suck at flying but ok as a gunner. Wed thru Sat available from about 5pm to Mid, Sun thru Tue available most of the time No problem with Vent
Hey Acton, Thanks for the application. We're definitely always need of medics so your class of choice is appreciated. Stand by for PM with further instructions.