NC HA long range support

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by LeFitz, May 26, 2015.

  1. LeFitz

    Okay so I created another thread because the support thread is focused on suppressing fire.

    I have been playing TR exclusively since launch. Now with the new certs system, I created a NC character. I enjoy the Saw and I will pick up a annihilator rocket launcher with the BR15 certs. Saw 3.4x scope + lock-on rocket launcher, needless to say I plan to play from a distance.

    What would be the best shield/armor combination? I was maybe thinking of NMG + Flak?
  2. Keldred

    Resist shield is best for long range. Couple that with an adv shield cap and you will have little down time.
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  3. Doc Jim

    I agree, for predictable long range combat the resist shield + ASC combo is a beast.
    The resist shield goes best with the ASC because the resistances from Nanoweave Armour and Flak Armour don't stack with the resist shields own resistances.
    For unpredictable short range combat you would do a lot better with the standard NMG shield and either Nanoweave or Flak though.
  4. Magma52

    Question. Do NMG and Adrenaline Shield stop damage from headshots?

    I don't know why I don't know this. What a noob.

    Anyway, OP, what the others said. Resist Shield.
  5. cobaltlightning

    I do not believe that they do.
  6. Keldred

    They do not that is correct.
  7. LeFitz

    Thank you gentlemen, I'll try the protect shield and advanced shield capacitor then.

    Shields do not stop damage from headshot, it has been implemented quite some time ago to avoid heavies not being killed by bolt action sniper rifle headshots. Fair enough if you ask me!
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  8. qiray12

    Long range support go at least with resist shield. Flak and munition pouch are decent suit options but i wouldnt recommend a 3.4x scope on the saw (unless yourre used to it) for me it throws off my aim alot. Rather buy the hawk instead of ahni cheaper and better imo.
    If you want something else then the saw try he saw s with the increased muzzle it is a tiny bit easier to use at the longer ranges.
  9. Grumblefern


    Just get the G2A(eventually). Annihilator isn't worth it.

    G2A = Ground to air, and it's called the Hawk GD-68 for NC.
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  10. Zoobe

    SAW is a awesome weapon, but I do not like it at long range. The velocity is not that high, and with the ROF it has, your target will often get to cover, move and dodge making kills harder. I like the 3.4x scopes, on GD22, Anchor, and SAW-S. These allow you to put a strong burst, or quick taps on the target, and kills come easier at range I think. Also, ofc, NS15 if that floats the boat.

    Try this for 3.4x scope - set your FOV to 100 in your .ini. Makes it jump a lot less, it lowers the zoom somewhat, but makes 3.4x nice.
  11. BlackPantheras

    Dont forget the phoenix launcher! Great from bombarding from cover or hitting cheeky ESFs
  12. Erendil

    YES all three HA Shields DO protect against headshots. HOWEVER, a weapon's headshot multiplier also applies to the shield.

    IOW, most weapons have a 2x multiplier, so headshots will do 2x damage to the Shield (or, in the case of Resist, the 55% damage that isn't absorbed by the Shield will do 2x damage if it's a headshot).

    OT, I'll echo everyone else's Resist + ASC recommendation, but with the addendum that if you're strictly hunting vehicles to go with Flak + MNG. I think it's enough protection to survive a direct hit from a Vanguard cannon (can anyone confirm this?).

    I wouldn't use Adren Shield when hunting strictly vehicles tho since you're not likely to get 1 kill every 30 seconds, so NMG will recharge slightly faster overall. Unless you want to kill an occasional softie just to supplement the Adren Shield. :D

    For weapons, any NC LMG but the EM1 would be a good long range choice. They're all quite accurate. It's mainly a matter of what specific traits you have a preference for (low vertical recoil, high damage per shot, high muzzle velocity, recoil bias).
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