We always need good snipers and recon! The disruption will also come in handy. I'll throw you a friend invite later today and try to catch you online for the outfit invite.
If anyone would like to know more about us please visit www.death-legion.com and have a look around our website and forum. Our teamspeak information is on there too. Also we've started to implement our medal and commendations system for members. You can view these on our roster page and we'll be regularly awarding medals to our members for their actions in the clan and on the field. More features and perks for clan members are yet to come!
Ingame name: AdmiralWolfen Best Class and Vehicle: Infiltrator and Flash Would I be able to listen to orders on TS3? Yes. Why would I join in the first place? Fun fact: I have a sense of humor and make people laugh.... at me or with me it depends. Coolest moment I have ever been on: There are just too much. Let me summarize: BIG BATTLES. BIG FIGHTS. BIG WINS. AND BEST OF ALL... Teams cooperating with each other, which is why I like to join.
That's quite possibly one of the most colourful applications ever. I'll try to catch you online at some point and I noticed you signed up for our forum which is always a plus!
In-game name: Nehlis Best class/vehicle: Light Assault/ Flash (Seriously, I have a grenade launcher on it. I hunt tanks for fun ) ... barring that, Reaver. Willing to listen to orders on ts3? (y/n) Yes, and I have a mic. What role fits you best? Recon and flanking, specifically ambushing and high explosives work (I love that C4). Fun fact about yourself: Made a homemade composite bow at a friends house for fun once. Coolest moment: Took my M40 flash with 2 c4 strapped on either side of it behind a pair of tanks too close together. Unloaded 3 shots each to their backsides. As they were turning, I parked my high explosive ATV inbetween, and pressed the detonator, while laughing madly. 2 tank kills from full for 1 ATV and 2 c4.
I won't be around this weekend but I've let the officers know that you need an invite. If you hop on teamspeak someone should be around to do it straight away
In Game Name: OverpoweredBossX4 Best Class and Vehicle: Assault Classes (Light for Flanking, Heavy for Direct Attack), Reaver Willing to listen to orders on TS3?: Yes What Role Fits you Best? Heavy Infantry Base Assault Fun Fact About Yourself: RockBand 2 MASTER! Coolest Moment you've Experienced: Deployed onto the base in the drop pod right in the middle of where the cap was with tons of enemies on it and I just start mowing them down with my LMG getting an absolutely insane killstreak killing almost all of them letting my team push forward with their much fewer numbers!
In-game name: Noodlenrice Best Class & Vehicle: Light Assault & Liberator Willing to listen to orders on TS3: Yes w/ mic What role fits you best: Light assault and Flanking Cowboy w/ a Carbine Fun Fact: Swimmer and Basketball Player Coolest Moment in-game so far: Drop Pod down onto a Galaxy and blew it up.
In-game nameMalarokoBest class & vehicleInfiltrator, and I once flew a Reaper without crashing it, does that count?Willing to listen to orders on ts3? (y/n)Derp. Yes, obviously.What role fits you best? (Support, Recon and Sniper, Soldier (Heavy or Light), Team Leader, Pilot or Driver, etc.)Recon Sniper, though I do also enjoy grabbing dat LMG and some rockets to ruin some purty Vanu flyers and hover tanksFun fact about yourselfUntil recently, and even then only due to the fact that no one makes good ones anymore, I gamed with a trackball. Don't tell my Corsair gaming mouse, it thinks I mean it when I say "I love you" to it.Coolest moment you experienced in-game so farUse of cloaking to get in behind and then knifing an entire enemy patrol. That and every glorious headshot. And every smirking, "I hope you got a warranty on that tank that covers rocket damage" moment. There are a lot of fun moments in this game
I've already noticed a couple of you have joined teamspeak. For the others, I'll make sure you get outfit invites asap!
Hey everyone, Kevin Boehler here. I'm currently the Colonel of the Rough Necks, Death Legion's recruitment section. We are still looking for more members to join us in playing this amazing game! All we ask is that you log onto our teamspeak when you are playing with us. We prefer teamspeak because the IG voice chat is just disgusting with lag and does not work for everyone one. You can join us on our teamspeak at, www.death-legion.com. We also like our members to create an account on our forums at www.death-legion.com but it is not required to play with us. We use our forums and website to keep better track of players and other games that we play. We are a multi-game Clan that I have been apart of for coming up on 8 years now and we're not going anywhere! You can apply here on the forums these forums, join us in teamspeak, or apply on our forums at www.death-legion.com. Hope to see you all IG and LONG LIVE THE NC!
Death Legion Centurion / Long time member here. Great to see so many applying here. I look forward to seeing you guys in TS and and game.
Biggest organized outfit for NC Jaeger? Yep I'd say so. Great to see all the new legionnaires we've really picked up some great people here.
Some really talented and fun people in this outfit. You'll definitely have a good time hanging out and joining in on ops.
Congrats go out to one of our finest members, Sylas who has managed to hold the top spot on the leaderboards for Jaeger for a couple of weeks now! http://www.planetside-universe.com/leaderboard.php?server=Jaeger Joining him in the top 100 this week are Arkanian, Ladders and Daggith. Well done guys.
We're still looking for active new recruits. Friday should be a busy one for us so if you're looking for a good time to try the outfit out that might be a good call! We're getting to the point where we almost fill a full platoon at peak times and will be looking to aim for a second platoon. We have openings for skilled squad leaders also!