[NC] Carnage BR Assault Rifle - Discussion.

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by IntergalacticYoghurt, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. IntergalacticYoghurt

    I can barely find any information on this gun.

    I am currently rocking the GD-22 with forward grip, to take advantage of the phenomenal 0.75x ADS movement speed this gun grants. However, I see the Carnage BR offers this same movement speed bonus, but also allows the use of a compensator and advanced forward grip.

    My thought is that these attachments may very well make up for the small shavings I see in weapon stats when comparing the two over the Jan 22 spread sheet.

    Has anyone actually tried this weapon, in-particular, with these attachments? Even better, can they compare it to the GD-22?

    Considering running GD-22 with suppressor and advanced laser, then Carnage BR with compensator and advanced forward grip.

    Please share your thoughts!
  2. Plague Rat

    The Carnage BR is your standard close range assault rifle, but if you've already got the GD-22 there's no real reason to buy it. It has a lower rate of fire which translates to less damage output and the balanced recoil I personally find makes shooting at range harder on the rapid fire guns like this, since it kicks back and forth rather than mostly in one direction which you can at least compensate fore. With the advanced grip the left and right recoil kicks are less helping the bullets stay centered, which helps you out at mid-range.

    Pretty much I'd stick with the GD-22 if you're even halfway decent at compensating for recoil. Higher RoF means quicker kill times, and this translates well to mid-ranges as well if you can compensate for the right drifting recoil. The BR is basically a slower firing twin that can take a few more attachments to make it a little easier to use than the GD-22. But if you have one, there's no real point in throwing certs at the other.
  3. Deschain

    I have the Carnage BR on my Medic, its a fine weapon for 0-50m fights.
  4. Suroped

    That is confusing, why they even put Carnage BR in the game. It is practically GR-22 with different attachments,a little slower fire rate(-50) and bullet velocity(-20). They even look exactly the same in preview.
  5. Intruder313

    I use the GR-22 and love it, the Carnage BR (they really should change that suffix as it implies "Battle Rifle"!) is a very similar alternative but as I already have the former there's no point in me getting the latter.

    I had an Outfit mate telling me the Carnage was better and the stats back below seem to back up his claim that "shots go right down the centre".

    Here's stats which differ, every other stat is identical.

    Reload Times: Carnage = 2.55s/3.2s; GR-22 = 2.31s/3.3s
    Rate of Fire: Carnage = 750rpm; GR-22 = 800rpm
    Horizontal Recoil direction: Carnage is < >; GR-22 is > only (so the horizontal recoil tends to indeed cancel itself out)
    Projectile Velocity: Carnage = 580; GR-22 = 600
    CoF Stand ADS while Moving: Carnage = 0.35; GR-22 = 0.3 (such a bizarrely specific difference to include!)

    So the key difference is the Carnage will be slightly easier to control at the cost of some RoF/velocity
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  6. irishroy

    just as an info:
    GR-22 for medics
    GD-22 for HA
  7. Intruder313

    Yes you will notice I correctly called it the GR-22 throughout my post, the HA gun is in fact called the GD-22S :p (bought it last night and got a Bronze "Anchor" Medal with it.....)

    EDIT: Why does the Carnage even exist? I wonder this myself but not long after launch the Devs chucked in a few new guns with very marginal niches. Cynically I would say "Cash Grab" but realistically I like the options/variety and it's always something they can tune later to create greater differentiation.
  8. IntergalacticYoghurt

    Coming from a HA background, I can say with upmost certainty that advanced forward grips -transform- weapons. Especially when they have balanced recoil.

    The stock NC6 Gauss SAW was a monster until fully certed.

    My thinking is that, the GD-22 AR, even just stock, is incredibly easy to use in close/medium range. My issue is that at greater distances, I am usually better just trying to gain some ground, and perhaps even sneak up on the enemy.
    ...I can't help but wonder whether a decked out Carnage BR would allow me to tear VS/TR apart at further distances than the GD-22. It's very easy to compensate at stock levels - would the certs turn it into a "hold left mouse button to win" weapon?

    Really interesting to hear people's thoughts. Has anyone else actually decked one out and trialled it?
  9. Intruder313

    As I mentioned an Outfit mate uses his decked out Carnage BR over the GR-22 and loves it / prefers it. These 2 are basically Carbines but I'll ask him if he's used his with a Foregrip for longer ranges, pretty sure he uses the Reaper DMR for that though.

    If it seems feasible I'll get a Carnage too and make that my default gun with the GR-22 for CQB.
  10. DuckSauce

    I have a decked-out Carnage BR on my medic (Adv. Grip, Compensator) and I find it very easy to use. It's my go-to setup if I don't know what range I'll be fighting at, and it's definitely somewhat "Hold LMB to win."

    Without the grips, the Carnage actually has more horizontal recoil than the GR does. With the grips, most of the L-R jitter goes away. The vertical kick is also minimal; after a couple hours using the SAW I'll start shooting the Carnage and just drag my bullet stream straight into the ground as I wildly overcompensate. XD

    Honestly, though, I wouldn't use it over the GR-22 if I hadn't certed it out so much. The nice thing about our slow-RoF weapons with advanced foregrips is that their base horizontal recoil is also pretty low, so the grips make them laser precise. I was hoping it would be the same case with the Carnage, but the base horizontal recoil is a little too high to get the performance you'd expect from a SAW or Reaper.

    If you don't already own the GR-22, the Carnage is nice in that it can fill CQC and longer-ranged roles through being able to fit both advanced laser and advanced foregrip. If you already own sidegrades for CQC and range, you'll probably want to pass on this one.
  11. IntergalacticYoghurt

    So I ended up grabbing the Carnage and throwing the advanced grip and compensator on it.

    I don't think it's any more accurate than the GR-22 with just a forward grip attached. Plus the compensator means hip fire is worse.

    It's very close though.. But as a few people have said, if you have one of these weapons then you probably don't need the other. The Carnage BR seems to have extremely high horizontal recoil.. I would almost guarantee it's the same 0.225 as the T9 Carv. However, if you hate directional recoil but want a NC bullet hose assault rifle - the Carnage will pop open plenty of heads.

    Plus is has an awesome name.
  12. IntergalacticYoghurt

    It must come down to the ADS movement penalty.

    0.3 on the GR-22, 0.35 on the Carnage BR.

    I typically prefer directional recoil, but it's particularly intense on the GR-22. Obviously due to the 0.225 horizontal recoil and 800 rpm. Other weapons like the Razor GD-23 and the GD-22s thrive with similar directional recoil.

    I literally swap between the GR-22 and Carnage BR multiple times a session and am -still- no closer to picking which is better. It's a shame there is such little discussion on the Carnage BR.
  13. IntergalacticYoghurt

    Oh the GR-22 only has 0.2 horizontal recoil? If that's true, then I think the GR-22 must come out on top.
  14. DuckSauce

    The GR-22 has 0.225 horizontal recoil and 0.75 tolerance, the same recoil as the CARV but slightly less tolerance (smaller allowable deviation from center).

    The Carnage BR has 0.3 horizontal recoil and 0.9 tolerance, the same as the second SMG... just terrible for an assault rifle, really.

    With both foregrips you can get the jitter under control, but Carnage BR + Adv. Foregrip feels about as accurate as GR-22 + Regular Foregrip. If you really want to use a high-RoF weapon at range and your recoil compensation skills are good enough to handle the harsh rightward pull of the GR-22, it's a better option and cheaper certwise both to buy the gun and the attachments.
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  15. IntergalacticYoghurt

    Thanks Duck. I didn't feel like sorting through the firemodes right now. You've saved this thread from a serious case of misinformation.

    That recoil is truly epic. Coupled with the other advantages the GR-22 has over the Carnage BR, it seems like a much easier choice. If only we has some hard numbers on how much the attachments alleviate these stats.
  16. Gav7x

    The carnage main atribute is amazing hip fire accuracy, if you dont plan on hip firing that bad boy, pick the GR-22 which has faster firerate
  17. IntergalacticYoghurt

    According to the spreadsheet, hip fire is identical between both weapons. Only the moving ADS differs. 0.3 on GR-22 and 0.35 on Carnage BR.

    Plus both weapons have same access to the advance laser attachment.

    The only real reason I can find in favour of the Carnage BR, is the balanced horizontal recoil. Which usually wouldn't matter, except the directional recoil on the GR-22 feels like some of the strongest (directionl type recoil) in the game.
  18. DuckSauce

    It is. The GR-22 pulls between 30 and 40 degrees right, whereas most weapons with horizontal pull will pull between 10 and 15 degrees or 20 and 23 degrees, etc.

    It's pretty wild. After running with the GD-7F or a NS-11a (both of which pull gently left) for some time I'll accidentally pull right while using the GR-22 and just spin wildly off target. :p

    The only real advantage I can find for the Carnage BR is that it can be a good weapon for rapid-bursting because the horizontal recoil will recenter between bursts and the vertical pull is easy to counter repeatedly... but it still has the obnoxious trait of weapons whose horizontal tolerances are much higher than their horizontal recoil that it will occasionally pull to one side several times in a row and ruin your burst. For that reason it used to be my go-to for general purpose or midrange use but now I've settled on the NS-11a for its more predictable shot placement.
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  19. IntergalacticYoghurt

    Certainly seems that the GR-22 would perform at its optimum level with the advanced laser, hip firing like a boss.

    It's certainly quite difficult to compensate for recoil when strafing left and right with such strong directional recoil.

    Maybe the Carnage BR's balanced recoil is enough of a saving grace after all?

    At this rate I'm half tempted to just rock the easy-to-use Gauss Rifle instead :)
  20. cheerstoyou

    You think SOE meant to build an actual "Battle Rifle" (BR) and somehow mixed up the weapon's purpose?

    It might be on par with the GR-22. But not worth 750 certs more.