Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by smokygnat, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. smokygnat


    The Blue Lions Outfit was established in May 21st, 2003 in the Planetside 1 Beta and have been going strong, organized, and disciplined ever since. We are a 10-million point club member in Planetside 1 (the maximum points allowed to an outfit) and have hit the ground running since Planetside 2 Beta.

    Outfit highlights

    What do we have to offer you?
    • We are a large organized outfit .
    • We have up to 6 organized OPS NIGHTS in the week.
    • We offer many different types of training ie: ARMOR - AIR CAV - SUPPORT -SPECIAL - INFANTRY.
    • We use Teamspeak for communications.
    • Many experienced players that you can run along side of and will offer you help.
    • Our own website to keep you all in the know about what we are up to check us out @
    Feel free to reply with your feedback/questions on this thread and we will try to answer.

    :) SO ARE YOU READY TO JOIN ????:)


    Blue Lions Outfit Leader

    Gen Dragonprey
    Executive Officer (XO)
    Gen Starfire
    Outfit Lead's Adjutant
    Council of Generals
    General BishopWraith

    Colonel Staff
    Colonel Rickashay
    Colonel SmokyGnat
    Colonel GoldenDeath
    Colonel ChampagneDragon
    Colonel RedBaron
    Colonel Randazzo
    Colonel Rosch323

    Major Staff
    Maj Crunch
    Maj ReN

    Junior Officer Staff
    Cpt Ashyboy
    Cpt Cyphon
    Cpt Hiesc
    Cpt Travin
    Recruitment Team
    Team Lead: Gen Dragonprey
    XO:Col SmokyGnat
    Col ChampagneDragon
    Maj Crunch
    Col Randazzo
    Col RedBaron
    Maj ReN
    Col Rosch323
    Gen BishopWraith
    Special Warfare Unit
    CO: Col RedBaron
    XO: Valhallen
    ADJ: Vacant

    Operations Team
    Team Lead: Gen Starfire
    XO: Col GoldenDeath
    Gen BishopWraith
    Col ChampagneDragon
    Staff Sgt. Chlorox
    Cpt Hiesc
    Staff Sgt. Pethus
    Col Randazzo
    Maj ReN
    Col Rosch323
    Staff Sgt. Valhallan
    • Up x 1
  2. smokygnat

  3. smokygnat

  4. smokygnat

  5. Tex

    Team play, mature members and leaders, a good time. Primary "Ops" nights, Saturday and Sunday. With rolling Ops during the week (when numbers permit).

    Join up (or join our Platoon ingame), see what we're about. I'm betting that you will not be disappointed.

    Techs, out
  6. RedBaron

  7. sladuog

    • Up x 1
  8. Mugze

  9. Starfire808

    The Blue Lions Outfit have a lot to offer. I've been a member for 5 yrs starting back in Planetside 1.
    Join up and see if this is the outfit you been looking for. Up to date we have close to 500 members and growing.
    We offer Op's events 5 times a week and Infantry, Air Cav, Armor and Support Company training weekly.
    We are also a member of the NC Strategic Command which includes SG, 7th Cav and AACE and run joint Ops 3 times a month.
    I'm very excited of the future for the Blue Lions in Planetside 2!!

    Heres our NC Strategic Command Friday Night Op's with PurrfectStorm on Twitch TV!!!
  10. RedBaron

    Thats hilarious how comes this is not on the forums! Theres actually more then one!
  11. smokygnat

    come join us
  12. sladuog

  13. ChiefOwens

    Haven't found any open groups yet. Looking to join to run armor.
  14. Sock

    I'm confused. Did you purposely link videos from someone in your outfit who was banned for hacking?
  15. sladuog

    This matter is being dealt with by General BishopWraith.

    Leet sig by the way.
  16. santuckcasper

    this is one of the best clans/outfits i have ever seen in a game before
  17. smokygnat

    Thanks for that
  18. psylenz

    Organized, mature, and friendly outfit. Lots of fun during ops and good times in between official ops times.
  19. Metier

    Joined the outfit about a week ago, best kind of culture you could ask for.
  20. Unicycle1

    Excellent organized outfit. Members create training and improvement events. Well organized. All support.