As the title says i cannot figure out which rifle to go with... I've trialed everything went to the vr to see it with upgrades and everything. When i come to the forums for help i can never get a solid answer. i'm looking for something all around that can fill both close to medium well. i feel like the gauss rifle s is a solid choice but nobody praises it. The gr-22 just cant reach medium ranges for its life and the reaper up close is pretty much a no go. And im usually in the middle of it all getting teammates up then going out to fire and or lay down fire . Any suggestions with real valid ways to back it up would be so helpful thank you in advance!
Well, give the Carnage AR a try. The GR-22 won't impress you at range, but you should be able to do some work at out to 60m. Reaper DMR is a bit of an all-rounder, so you shouldn't be too gimped in CQC. EDIT: Kill enemy first, then revive.
The all arounders are going to be the standard Gauss Rifle, the Carnage AR and the Reaper DMR. The standard Gauss Rifle really is a great gun. It's got enough damage to work up close and it's accurate enough to work at range just as well. It doesn't have the best range of attachments, but even without them it's still a great rifle and there's very few situations where it would be a poor choice. The Carnage AR is slightly more close quarters focused than the Gauss Rifle, but it's still highly effective at most ranges. It's relatively accurate, has a good damage model and a wide range of effective attachments. If all you're looking for is close to medium range then this is likely the rifle that'll best suit your needs. It's also got that oh so coveted .75x movespeed modifier which just adds to its versatility. The Reaper is good at all ranges, but it's definitely a little more range focused than the Gauss Rifle or Carnage. If you're having trouble with it in close range though I'd definitely go with the Carnage of Gauss Rifle. They're a little more forgiving since a missed shot with one of those isn't a huge deal.
If anyone knocks the default gauss rifle ignore them, it's an excellent all rounder, it is a bit better suited to longer range than close range, but it's still good in close range. My typical setup for it is a 1x or 2x and the laser sight, doesn't really need a grip and the laser helps a good bit when forced into a hip fire situation. If you play a bit more aggressive as mentioned above the carnage is a good choice better at close range but usable at mediumish range, soft point, grip and again 1x or 2x.
I am using the GR-22. Its deadly in real CQC moments, but even at short-medium ranges its crap. So definitely no weapon to go for.
Gr-22 has a right pull to it bit nasty, maybe you can get used to it. I think for a new person get the carnage. the standard guns is ok, I do think the gauss S is better the thing is like a laser gun, the Carnage AR probably the most versatile and best of the lot though, but you will find when you get good enough and Araxiumed all these guns you will move to the DMR's. the Reaper DMR I think is more of a Advanced, If you equate it to modern weapons it more like a Scar, big Bullet big recoil small mag, Lot of medic's sware by the Reaper if your accuracy is good enough you can pretty much ignore the heavy's over shield. how ever there no room for mistakes, when you have a rate of fire of 500 you got almost no room for error.
I'm an NC medic with a Gauss Prime. Now that I'm qualified to speak, the GR-22 is generally best at short to medium ranges, while the Carnage AR having a slightly slower firing rate works out a bit to longer ranges. Both fire extremely quickly, with the 143 damage tier, so at close ranges they'll do best. For medium to longer engagements, you want to go with the Reaper DMR. It is one of the slower firing assault rifles, but if you can hit well enough with it, you have the NC medic's answer to the saw. The compensator on this weapon decreases the vertical recoil by a hell of a lot, to the point where you could actually get away with high velocity ammo (not really recommended, but if there was one weapon I'd use it one and not hate myself for it, it'd be this one). The default gauss rifle doesn't really specialize, as the DMR is better for range, and the Carnage or the GR-22 would be better at the shorter ranges, but it is going to give you a little more versatility because of that. the higher firing rate than that of the DMR will lend better to shorter engagements, while the more reliable accuracy will do better out to longer ranges. The Gauss rifle S has become a favorite of mine, as well. The stats on it are slightly worse than the default Gauss rifle, but it does lend itself to the underbarrel attachments which can open up an insane amount of variation in your playstyle compared to the other assault rifles. The smoke launcher works wonders as a tactical attachment, while the underbarrel shotgun can be used in close quarters combat instead of switch to a side arm, or when you're caught in a pinch trying to reload. Be advised, if you aren't going to take advantage of that underbarrel system, then this weapon would have no purpose for you, but it is going to be an option. Lastly, if none of these options apply to you, then I'd suggest the NS-11a if you really feel you need it. It isn't a faction weapon, and is the common pool assault rifle available across all factions. The accuracy is good, the muzzle velocity is great, and the rate of fire isn't bad, so don't feel as if its a bad option if you're thinking of taking it. I've downed over 4000 kills with the weapon, and it rarely ever fails. It is going to fill a role similar to the Gauss rifle, in that it will work at most ranges, but it has a smooth feel that most NC weapons don't seem to have. Gauss Prime is terrible. If you ever think of working up to it, then keep in mind that it will feel worse than all 5 auraxium weapons that you used to get it, and you're better off with the ones you've already mastered.
You mention "When I come to the forums for help I can never get a solid answer". That's because everyone has different preferences for different guns. There is no "best", but only best in certain circumstances. Personally, if I had to pick 1 gun for everything, I would go NS11A every day of the week (but others would hate it). It lacks in raw damage output, but it is extremely accurate and controllable, with the flexibility of nearly every attachment configuration you would want enabling it to be built in multiple ways. To me, its all about finding a gun that "feels" right to you, and that is something you have to do yourself. Reading between the lines, you want something that is good in all circumstances, but wont accept that in order to be an all-rounder, it sacrifices the ability to be great at anything because it ***** the ability at the other end of the long/CQC spectrum. Now, you have 4(?) loadout slots. What I would recommend (and personally run myself) is running a "Distance" loadout and a "Short/CQC" loadout, and perhaps even a "mid-range" Loadout. Then you can swap on the fly depending on where you are fighting.
Man glad I'm not the only one that thinks the NC weapons lack the smooth feel. As much as I like both gauss rifles and LOVE the DMR, the recoil of the guns just seem very choppy for some reason. I know they are higher recoil weapons and all but I've used other massively heavy recoil guns in other games (scar-h in BF4 for ex) and they don't have that choppy feel to it. Dunno why they made the NC guns like so. Might just give the NS11A a chance if it really does have a smooth feel.
If I close my eyes and ask myself a question "If you were about to be dropped in to a completely random situation, which gun would you take with you ?", I always come up with an answer: "Reaper DMR + x3.4 + laser sight + silencer". If you are well aware of what awaits you and your team till your next respawn (fast paced CQC rush, positional defence, long range bullets exchange) - there are always a "more perfect" options already mentioned above, but Reaper with those add-ons for me is always a solid option most of the times, with minimal trade-offs in each situation.
I'm not terribly qualified in these matters, but coming from the other two factions the default Gauss Rifle feels very nice indeed. Hard-hitting, reliable accuracy, surprising versatility. The Carnage AR feels pretty nice too, but a little bummed there are no ammo options for it. Gets both advanced grip and laser sight though, so could be good to chop & change depending on situation.
What you really should be using is either the Gauss Rifle S, or the Carnage AR. Both are great at mid to long ranges. the Gauss Rifle default is good for medium ranges also. The Carnage AR can also be easily spec'd into short ranges with an Advanced Laser Sight and Flash Suppressor, along with it's long range build counterpart with the Advanced Forward Grip and Compensator, sadly though it cannot be equipped with High Velocity Ammo or Soft Point ammo... Otherwise, it would be the ultimate be all end all rifle in the game.
If I'm walking into a situation where I'm probably going to be fighting at various ranges on an NC Medic I just pick the Gauss Rifle with a laser sight. Gun is effective at pretty much anything, without the grip it's still very steady and good enough for longer range shooting, and the laser makes it good enough for cqc situations. Carnage would be a close second choice.
This is good advice all around. The carnage is good in CQC and all the way out to mid range. The Reaper suffers somewhat in CQC (not too much though) and is murderous in mid to long range if you learn to burst it correctly (3 rounds max). I recommend both of them but if you want to be more all-rounder the Carnage is definitely the way to go.
It's hard to get used to, but you can actually use the GR-22 at +80m effectively. Though granted it's not as easy to use, it's still quite deadly if you've got enough practice with it at range. The main thing to focus on is using the foregrip and of course aiming for the collarbone area so you get chest and headshots. While laser sights are nice for areas like massive fights in air towers where ADS is practically nonexistent, anywhere else you're better off with the foregrip and ADS.
I really find the NS-11A and it's reskin variants to be sorely lacking on moving hipfire accuracy. Even with a laser sight (and the suppressor, as that's my preference in CQC), it just feels like the hipfire accuracy blooms too quickly. (I used to love the NS-11. Then I auraxed it (NS-11A) and thought it was okay for all around use. Then I auraxed it (NS-11P) again and promptly swore off using it with anything other than a 1-2x zoom level sight, compensator, and foregrip. Then I auraxed it twice more (NS-11A black and gold) -in a row, no less- and got utterly burnt out on it. The more I was learning about it, the more I realized it's soul and life depend on headshots, and hipfire just doesn't have the reliability to get them as consistently as I'd like to justify it over the Carnage, Reaper, or Gauss Rifle.) Lastly, an entirely off-topic piece of interesting trivia on the topic of NC Assault Rifles: The Gauss Rifle S with your sight of preference, compensator, and foregrip are essentially a "poor man's" Gauss Prime. (Actually, the GR S is a tiny little bit better (though noticeably so) at range in my opinion. Which is funny really.) Little less fire rate and velocity (though not by much) but that's entirely compensated for by the incredibly lower FSM. (At first glance, there are many stats that the Prime appears to be more accurate due to, that's because the Prime is stating the stats with the attached compensator and grip, where the Rifle S is stating the base stats before you purchase and use those attachments. In the end, the two are nearly identical at range after you've attached the items on the Rifle S that the Prime comes with. Though the Rifle S is a little more accurate thanks to the FSM and lower fire rate, while the Prime can kill a little faster.)
I've played as a medic for a long time, and i sue NS-11 with flash supressor/supressor, a 3,4 scope when shooting at range and soft ammo.It's a good wheapon and i use it in most of the situations