Maybe I have missed something but what happened to the TR automatic pistol, NCs shotgun pistol ? TR now gets a Beamer, NC get a Repeater and VS gets a Rebel but are the other (earlier mentioned) faction specific pistols replaced by these or are they coming in the future also?
i hope the NC pistol is gonna be good. looking forward to using it with stalker cloak. At least if the stalker cloak is gonna be useful.
If it could be charged while under cloak it would be quite awesome acctually but for any other class it would be useless I guess
So NC get a faster firing burst pistol than TR? Great. But wait, it also has NC's higher damage? That's just dandy. And TR get a pistol with a high mag. Yeah, that's great in a sidearm. Also lower damage, but no RoF to compensate for that. Seriously hope this is just a case of test being test.
I wil not buy that TR pistol cause the low rof. I want TR dakka weapons! Its not better than Repeater to me.
Tr already had a beamer. The emperor is the same 167 damage as the beamer. The inquisitor does 143 damage. If this thing goes live as is, it will be universally considered the worst weapon in the game. Also, if the new nc pistol goes live, it will be the highest rof pistol in the game at 896 rpm, yet again beating out the tr for a highest rof weapon in its catagory, you know, tr's faction trait.
That is basically the OLD pre buff beamer, which everyone in NC and TR said was "fine", looking at it, how could they make it 167? it'd just be a straight upgrade to the emperor, but it's TR so they'll probably do just that.
They shouldnt. The gun needs changed completely. It should be either a low damage full auto pistol, or a small mag high damage pistol
Just make the Inquisitor a Magshot. No human could realistically fire semi auto at 500+ rpm simply by clicking.
Haha, all those guns with an RoF of 500 or higher but are all semi-auto, NOW YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT THE BEAMER IS LIKE! Have fun with your completely under powered pistols! The VS get the Cerberus a slower firing high damage pistol.
I already have a TR Beamer. The Emperor is a fine pistol, for the people who like to aim first and shoot second.