NC and Alerts !!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mambakiller, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. Mambakiller

    Pic self explanatory !

  2. OddChelsea

    That's meaningless without a pic showing world pop and faction activity on other continents. It's meaningless even then, what do you expect SOE to magically do about population balance on certain servers? Removing alerts most certainly isn't the answer.
  3. Deepjay

    Is an alert even on in that pic?!
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  4. Sebyos

    Don't listen to this guy. Most people agree that alerts are just a rushed and poor attempt to deliver a metagame.

    It would be quite simple to add even more bonus to the factions with less population. The base is 20% and it could easily be 0.5% per point of population which would compensate for the very low amount of xp the smaller factions usually get at the end.

    Simply put you want to prevent the 4th faction from switching during alerts. Well, you just have to give them as much xp when staying as they would after switching.
  5. Zaik

    oh no an alert on some random server has an unbalanced population at 1 am, better alert the forums asap
  6. Radioactive Pirate

    If I had a dollar everytime this thread popped up...
  7. Mambakiller

    yes , was during an alert, on the continent i took the screenshot.
    The world population is like that, more or less also.
  8. JP_Russell

    Alerts on Waterson during primetime generally always have a 33/33/33 split because the populations are autobalanced. I expect most servers function the same way.
  9. DramaticExit

    This is Mambakiller... Just ignore the guy. Or, if you feel the need to be amused, check through his posting history.
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  10. Klyka

    Woodman NC says "wuuuuuuuut?"
  11. HeadshotVictim

    indeed... i would really like to see something close to this, when I play.
    It happens from time to time, but the map colour is purple then... :D