Tross is utterly superior at all tasks in all scenarios. Battle rifles especially lack a purpose for the NC, as the classes that can wield it have access to 200 damage weaponry that's full auto With a 2x or the 3.4x crosshair (or red dot if you're weird) the Tross is so accurate that it feels like cheating. Also, 6,000 damage per mag with a 2.1 second reload? Good lord. It's easily my favorite AR in the game right now. The shots to kill past 8m are the same for both guns, except the Tross fires 50% faster fake edit - actually the Warden is cheaper so it's got that I guess.
Semi auto rifles in this game are for novelty value only, or for tryhards like me. For some reason I've convinced myself it is super tacticool to use precision weapons(even though semi auto rifles aren't precise), and yeah. Unless you are a weirdo like me, avoid the Warden. Also, A-Tross is awesome. Your foes will thank you as you dispense freedom into their empty hearts and brains!
I am quickly falling in love with A-Tross... That minimum damage is so freeing.. I can engage at any range and still do actual damage and its recoil is very light with my 2x yellow circle dot on it.
STK is only the same from 8m to 10m. Outside of that two meter span it always takes 1 more bullet w/ the Tross. Well, unless you're talking headshots only, in which case you're right (so long as the target isn't an infil). And given how easy it is to string headshots w/ both weapons, you might as well be...... That said, the Tross is equal to or better than the Warden for the vast majority of situations a Medic might find himself in. It's really hard to justify getting the Warden if you're NC since most of your weapons are so accurate during aimed fire. The only time an NC should ever even consider using it is if you're going to be engaging targets past 125m as a class other than infil where you need to fire short bursts or tapfire. Otherwise the 200-damage bullet hoses are better options. Heck, inside 100m the default weapons are better options. So basically, buff Battle Rifles. It's also available to 3 different classes, FWIW. So it's an extremely cost-effective long range solution.
While on the subject: A-Tross or Reaper? I love 200dmg guns and have enough certs, but have no idea what the real difference is..
Being able to down quite a bit of targets down range in one magazine is a novelty to you? I once went on a Semi-Auto Sniper spree in Hossin and managed to empty the entirety of my ammo and made roughly 2 dozen kills in that one life. I could not have done that with a bolt action like the SAS-R or the Bolt Driver. Maybe the Longshot, but the chamber time is too long to make full use out of a BSAR at the range I was fighting at. The Warden is an amazing weapon if you give it a split second between shots to let the gun rest before firing again, with that in mind, you can use both the Flash Suppressor and High Velocity Ammo with no downsides. It's meant as an effective ranged support weapon and is pretty good for countering snipers. If you are using the Warden in the ranges you're meant to be using it in, no. This is not true.
A-Tross also sounds like a squeeky toy with a suppressor. Important to factor in! Bring cute cuddly freedom to the TR/VS!
Wow really wasn't expecting this thread to last 15 days and still be at the top of the list From what it seems, Reaper kills a bit faster, A-Tross kills more people in one mag (This is noticable). I prefer the a-tross. Have a run around in the VR, and also trial both of them and see which one you like.
Thanks. I was trying them in the VR, but i wanted to hear from someone who has used them in the field, as its sometimes slightly different
What? Wait wait, I've actually only used the a-tross, the info was based off statistics and what everyone says. I prefer the a-tross mainly because of the extra bullets, which seems like something I cannot do without. But you're basically stuffed if you get caught in CQC, as compared to reaper which has more chance because of its higher RoF. If you love 200 dmg weapons, you probably will be satisfied by any of them. In case you didn't know, you can trial them outside of the VR, it's the blue button option when you click on unlock. Here's some reviews: A-tross: Reaper (a bit old):
Excellent reasoning, I think you'll love it. It can be used quite aggressively as well, given that the recoil is so light that headshots are so extremely easy, but do give yourself time to adjust to the weapon first and it really does need headshots to win. I fire at everything I can possibly land a shot on, including all vehicles, and I still log off lately with a 33% headshot rate despite a 24% accuracy. Just weird Tross voodoo
Tross voodoo sounds scary. I also have around a 24% accuracy rate. Maybe ill see 33% headshot rates aswell
What I don't understand is that how in every Reaper DMR vs NC A-Tross post that exists, people say that the NC A-Tross is complete **** and cannot shoot things past 100 meters because of its "A-Tross-cious" recoil. But when you come here, people say that the NC A-Tross is utterly superior to the Warden, (which in my experience is not at all bad at long ranges) which is Semi-Auto, which is the second-best fire mode for long range, which has very manageable recoil. I don't think that the Warden is as utterly horrible as you people say, but is actually a good choice for long-range support for beginners. But compared to beasts like the Reaper DMR, the DMR is way better choice.(My K/D Ratio went up to like 0.46 to 0.99
Semi-auto is a nice fire mode, but if you can't manage to tap-fire automatic weapons with 500rpm (or less, for the Tross) I dunno what to tell you. Plus, you know, you can actually switch the Tross into semi-auto mode, in which it only needs like 1 extra bullet to kill at range compared to the Warden. Additionally, the Tross is pinpoint accurate when fired while stationary, while the Warden ALWAYS has some cone of fire - pretty sad for a supposed precision weapon. Considering that long range engagements are not that common, nor that critical (if you pop some guy's head in a fight from 100m out, one of his friends is probably a medic anyway), getting the other advantages of the Tross over the Warden while only being mildly less damaging but more accurate at range looks like a nice trade! People complaining about the recoil on the A-Tross probably just have no burst control. For an automatic weapon in the 200dmg tier, both its recoil and its first shot recoil are quite low. The lowest, in fact. Edit: Also woah necro. Battle rifles got some buffs between 2014 and now, but I still stand by 200dmg automatics over BRs if you're NC.
I have auraxiumed the Reaper and I'm working on auraxiuming the A Tross right now. Both rifles are trying to fill the same role of medium range assault rifle, but I have to say I much prefer the Reaper. The A Tross has bigger mag size so it is more forgiving for misses, but Reaper has better TTK, and TTK is, I think, the most important stat. I can't tell you have many times I've thought, while using the A Tross, "Why is that guy still alive?! Argh! If I'd been using the Reaper he never would have gotten away!" Also, since both the Reaper and A Tross are very accurate, the "more forgiving for misses" thing isn't as good as it sounds. Just my 2 cents,