NC +.000001% Damage - "Use Your Advantage"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spartan 117, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. HvcTerr

    I think the OP is confusing per-bullet damage with effecitve-DPS. The latter ought to be almost identical between all empires.
  2. RockHarder

    Sorry, you're bad. The NC guns are fine if you're not a mouth breather.
  3. RockHarder

    hey figment

    maybe if you spent 1/4th the time learning to play that you do complaining, you would'nt be terrible

    just a thought

    2.42 avg. K/D on rank 14 NC kthxbye
  4. doorap

    These stat dumps must be bogus if they show the weapons to be carbon copies of each other. Even looking at gameplay footage alone it's easy to tell that the weapons handle differently from each other. Everyone knows that low recoil+high rof+low damage>high recoil+low rof+high damage especially when each bullet shot at you makes your crosshairs jump up.
  5. Figment

    Average K/D says nothing. Can get 7:1 K/D if you use HE tanks with ease.