Nano Armor Cloack and Hunter Cloack

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Amnoon, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Amnoon

    Hi guys! I want to improve my infiltrator and when i went to spend certs i found that i really don't know very well what the Nano Armor Cloack andthe Hunter Cloack do. I wonder what is the main differences between them. Which one allow to be more time hidden? I use the hunter one when i play as a classical sniper but as an smg infiltrador i should change to the nano armor one?

    Another question more general about cloack it is if when you are invisible it is impossible to be seen? or if I run maybe enemies can notice that you are there? sometimes i get killed and i really don't know how thay see me.

    Thanks for the help!
  2. Raraldor

    The Nano Armor cloak lets you take less damage while it's active, which is really only good for running away. It uses up more power and as such doesn't last as long as the normal hunter cloaking. It's not a horrible idea to get nano armor cloaking as an smg infiltrator, but keep in mind that it doesn't last as long. As for your next question, you are never 100% invisible to anyone, even when standing completely still.

    edit: you are seen more clearly the more you move, so sprinting will make you seen easier than just moving, and so on.
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  3. DeathSparx

    Nano-Armor cloaking (8.5 second duration, 11 second recharge at max rank) is great for CQC especially if there is plenty of cover that's close together as it allows you to run around uncloaked while the cloak recharges (which takes as long as your shields to start recharging after getting shot). It's also good if you really don't cloak unless you're getting shot at and are fine with walking around uncloaked most of the time and relying mostly on your flanking skills. It's very viable the the differences it has from hunter cloak are very noticeable so it may take some time to get used to. TBH, I only started using NAC after I maxed it out.

    Hunter cloak (12 second duration, 6 second recharge) is good for open field combat where cover is few and far between. Generally it keeps you hidden for longer than NAC with little downtime. It's good for stealthy roaming play.

    I primarily play with an smg as an infiltrator and I use NAC in conjunction with Nanoweave armor and I haven't had much of a reason to go back to hunter-cloak. It took a while to get used to but now it's my primary cloak. 35% dmg reduction (at max rank) helps a lot especially if you have NW armor equipped (and medkits). It has made the difference in my survivability when either engaging the enemy or running away with a sliver of health.

    In the end, do whatever fits your playstyle.
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  4. Scudmungus

    Personally, the Commisar would shoot me if I didn't run around, far and wide. As such I rely on the Hunter Cloak. Since I run CQC and sniping with the same loadout, it helps in wider variety of missions.

    I would start investing in NAC, simply for variety, but... I am forever holding my breath, waiting for the Stalker Cloak. I've been using my Commisionar more and more, at close and mid ranges.

    I love my Little Commy.. *-*
  5. harmypants

    For encounters where I know I'll have corners to duck behind and won't be left in the middle of a field exposed, I'll generally run with Nano-Armor Cloak, ASC and Medkits with my Armistice. I've had some very good runs with it, and despite not having Nanoweave I've not really felt any difference; usually if I'm caught out of cloak I'll be dead anyway, and when plinked while cloaked I still take less damage.

    If for whatever reason I'm running NAC and Nanoweave together, I feel very exposed very often. There's always those few seconds more where I might not have shields and I'm hiding waiting for recharge (of either shields, cloak or both) when I really need to be getting out of dodge.

    For a new infiltrator I'd get Hunter cloaking up to 2-3, then I'd seriously invest in recon darts. Learn to use them well, as they're probably the strongest aspect of the class.
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  6. DeathSparx

    The reason why I use NAC and NW armor together is because I do a lot of head on engagements (which most infiltrators say you shouldn't do). I use the cyclone and aim for the head which allows me to come out on top in most engagements with barely any health. And when I'm running away cloaked (at full health) the shots that hit me don't do too much damage to allow me to escape with a reasonable amount of health and shields.
  7. CuteBeaver

    I have NAC fully certed. If your used to Hunter Cloak is going to take some time to adjust. I have heard stories of people surviving shotgun ambushes with it. I personally enjoy using NAC while reloading but I honestly have not fully gotten used to it yet so can't give a complete opinion.

    Like the other folks have suggested its very much SMG based and useful in high cover environments.
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  8. DeathSparx

    For anyone trying to get used to using NAC, (mind you, I'm getting this methodology from Koolaid pre-buff NAC) but most of the time, you can't exactly rely on your cloak as much as you would with hunter-cloak. What you can rely on however is cover (and your darts). If there is a wall between you and the enemy, decloak and recharge as you'll need it.

    Another thing I want to point out is that if you are coming at an enemy from behind, you don't need to cloak because (if the player is smart enough) the noise will give you away. Cloak after the kill and run for cover especially if someone spotted you or is shooting at you.

    Personally, I found that learning to master NAC has made me a better infiltrator and a better player.

    Bottom line: Because of the short duration and long recharge time, cover is your friend so make good use of it.
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  9. Scan

    Once made a video about this, right after Nano-armor cloaking got buffed.

    Maybe you'll find it helpful.

    About cloak visibility:

    The cloak, wether you are running, or sitting still, is only effective when people aren't aware you are around. As soon as someone is looking straight at you, or is searching for you, they will see and kill you. As long as you don't approach enemies from the front, stick to cover, and only move when enemies aren't looking in your direction, it is a great tool to sneak around, and past enemies.
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