My take on why lots of players left the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SolitarioSoldat, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. SolitarioSoldat

    - Bad CPU utilization, with todays quad - octo core processors its mad to hear that game utilizes 1 core properly, 1 core in a huge map game such as PS2, where were your heads SOE when thinking to make this large scale game compatible with 5-6 year old PC's. Lag sometimes is just ridiculous, with AMD 1090 @ 4.0, 2x ATI 6870's and 8 gb of ram, I get room area without players top 100FPS, to outdoor area 40 FPS no infantry, to an busy warfight area 20 FPS. ( this is what happens to FTP game, playable for all but in ****** condition)

    * BF3 comparing to this game is a midget wanna be 6 ft tall, but yet that game utilizes 8 cores up to 90%, my 1090T hexa was under stress 98% and both my GPU's almost at 100%. So whats the deal with PS2 engine, console in mind engine daring to release PC only game of huge map scale like PS2????

    - Vehicles everywhere non stop, game has went from 70% infantry on foot ( exception to people that use sunderers and flash for quick and tactical game play) to as of now 70% vehicles only ( ground and air considered)

    *NO vehicle agressive time cool down!!!!!!!!!!!

    -Its free to play, be in charge, take ur own, choose whatever you want, choose whatever faction you like no matter if other 2 factions are crippled to 30% less than the one thats most populated.....

    * No faction balance enforced in order to balance the server (and we have 3 factions in this game), thispractically destroy the servers that are outbalanced, and almost all are from what I hear including my server.


    So many people pleaded with them, dont release the game yet, its not ready!!! Money, money, money must be made so we can feed the big shots in the company that write themself $1 mil salary + a year....
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  2. Miyoko

    People will keep playing it regardless imo.

    Anyway, your points seem valid to me. If I had to pick the major reasons as why some left, I would pick.

    *ENGINE, I can't believe how unoptimised it is, seriously, the code has a ton of optimisation left in it. I know this isn't even close to using the power my PC has. Really bad engine at the moment.

    *F2P, this business model for some reason tends to kill off a major group of potential players after a few weeks. The more some people spend, the more others feel like they're behind, and they feel like they're figthing an uphill battle. In a P2P game players are treated as equals. Cash-shop games just don't last very long.
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  3. smokemaker

    people left?
    My servers frickin full... crashing into each other.
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  4. OMGItzChucky

    People mainly leave due to performance issues. Nobody is going to play a game at 10 FPS. I'm gonna wait for that january optimization patch and if it doesn't get better I'll be leaving too.
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  5. SolitarioSoldat

    look up servers stats, even ingame is noticable that there are less gamers
  6. RykerStruvian

    Doesn't seem like anyone left. Even I know personally still plays this game on a daily basis....Can't even drive from point A to point B without crashing into people and Indar is basically Los Angeles when it comes to traffic.

    Edit: I guess the game has lost people. Now that I think about it I don't remember the last time I had to actually wait due to a queue.
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  7. Metran

    The game was coded by ******** monkeys.
  8. SenEvason

    I think people left because that's what happens with MMOs that release. After the first big wave of people, it drops, especially with F2P since they didn't have to pay any money. Still a lot of fun despite the performance issues too.
  9. muddicker

    Its the holidays and there's probably a few people traveling visiting their families.

    As for the game itself, I think one reply will not do it justice so I am not going to try. :)
  10. Bad News

    Have you tried to leave the warpgate? ;)

    Been in queue 2 times and both was on the first and second day, and it was only on one of the servers i play on, the other two never had a queue.

    Game was released why too soon, it is way to many bugs, and more and more bugs are added. Why balance the game when you instead can create a horn that you sell for $6.50 or a new helmet...

    NC have one continent, TR one and VS the third.
    Follow the zerg and cap empty bases or be up against impossible odds and be spawn camped...

    No colorblind support, 10% is colorblind and we can not join a squad because squad and enemy get the same color. If 10k ppl play this game that is a lot of money that SOE say no thanks too.

    Pay 2 Win. never played a F2P game that is more P2W then this game. esf and libs, i can't really do much about them if i do not buy a skyguard and A2G missils, and both are very weak.
  11. Imnuktam

    This is why everyone I know left. They all call it Spam-it-side.

    They should have never given every vehicle / class to every single person without them having to work for it. The vehicle spam and lack of infantry fights drove everyone right back to battlefield where each map doesnt start with a tank, fighter, bomber etc for every single person on the map. If it did (as laughable as that sounds, it is what we have now) that game would have failed
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  12. forkyar

    good bunch of cryers anyhow,they will be back no doubt,no game is perfect,it will take time optimze,o to the dum comment about its only vehicles,well do something about it,there are indoor fights,so idk what you guys are talking about,do something about it other then complain,

    i see a lot of teamwork,there are a lot of ways to deter ground vehicles.figure it out,instead you cry and complain and when nothing happens,you leave,well good,then leave.just shows your a cod kid that didnt get what he wanted,when you stop basing stuff you want to happen on your personal agenda come talk if not leave.
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  13. SolitarioSoldat

    Exactly my point, yea its FPS game but dont feel like FPS where hand weapons do its thing.

    All I saw today was us defending area on Jaeger, same 10 infantry peeps trying to cap our area on foot and getting killed, same 10 players!!!

    The rest of the VS enemy was below and I took screen shot, below 20+ MAGRIDERS!!!!, above in the sky 5-6 liberators shooting rocked pods + 20+ lighter air fighters, 7-8 turrets activated and trying to get kill from their spawn to ours... How much are u ******** not to notice that your turret shots dont reach!!!

    1 hr like this, we tried to push them back but we were outnumbered and in a bad spot, even though most of us were in squads we couldnt push back their vehicle's....

    What do you expect, from the moment u purchase a vehicle you have 8 min time span thats ticking, not after you lose the vehicle but after you buy it.... and if you die and have lets say you have 3-4 more min to wait for the Magrider, you can always grab a lightning or ESF, and rinse and repeat switch trough vehicles, stack kills, earn more money for vehicles. So gamers are never out of vehicles, whether air or ground they have them alwaya at their disposal.

    If it was up to me, all vehicles that are weapon equpied should have 20 min cool of time AFTER YOU LOSE THE VEHICLE!!!! exception should be for the Sunderer and the Flash cause the one is for respawn usage and the other for fast traveling.

    This way whoever uses vehicle he will most liekely be very carefull rushing in and loosing the vehicle, instead he will have to progress gradually and from time to time backing of to fix the vehicle.
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  14. fish998

    Got to agree about performance being the main reason. My I5 @ 3.8 and 660 2GB runs the game just about acceptably, so that means there's a ton of people out there with dual cores, or slow quads, having a horrible time.

    My brother is one, whereas I'm getting 40-50, he's getting 20-25 on his E8500 / 560 TI, and you just can't compete in an FPS with those framerates.

    The game needed another 3 months optimization and bug fixing, and it may never get back the people it has already lost.
  15. DerpyHooves

    during ops nights on mattherson we regularly get waiting lists for the continents. We never have a shortage of enemies to shoot at. normally there are 4 times as many of them as us. ( ie strangling the NC on amerish NC warpgate the other day at crux mining and hidden valley ranch.) However i will agree the performance issues are extremely annoying ie the 3-5 minute crashing I am a victim of. But I will continue to stay and spend money on this game in the hopes it will get better. Plus the one thing I like about this game compare dto the last fps i played.
    GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE and decently priced guns. Want a prime example of a bad game with a bad company check out combat arms by nexon, 25-30 $ for 1 perm gun constant crashes/ hack issues and you have to wait 6 months to a year for a simple ticket to get answered. (no i am not lying about the ticket issue)
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  16. Mech0311

    the servers are so packed you have to wait in queues and other crap.
  17. SolitarioSoldat

    you dont get it dude, you get group that has 30% more than your group, and let me tell you our group is pretty big. But when this group is higher in numbers + 80% or more of them are constantly in vehicles it dont give a chance to the smaller group to actually do anything no matter how many vehicles you want to use.

    I'm not saying air and ground vehicles are OP, well they should be cause in reality they are, but the fact stands that I see only vehicles, if there was high cool down time not everybody would be dying, respawning and jump in another vehicle immediatelly. The game dont feel like FPS anymore, all I see is simulation vehicle battle....

    Like I said if was up to me, once you lose vehicle you waith 20 min to purchase any kind of other vehicle, this way we will get mixture of both and most likely on foot soldiers battling the old fashion way. The way I see it is 70% vehicles vs 30% infantry soldiers and it should be the other way around.
  18. Meurtos

    Oh, look you again. "COD" is that the best you teenage brain can assimilate? Vehicles run Planetside. They are cheap, easy XP with little to no effort. Those that defend it, are the ones doing it and don't want to lose it. Stats please. Prove me wrong.
  19. Azovyr

    People talk about optimisation like it's a magic thing developers can do to suddenly increase FPS. That can happen if they find some bottleneck that is hogging CPU but usually it's a case of painstakingly fine tuning everything and making sacrifices (see player render range) to manage to achieve hundreds of player battles on your screen at a playable frame rate. It's not just a case of multi-threading everything some things just don't/can't work that way and thread sync becomes a huge issue. Considering how pretty the game looks and the number of players it can cope with I'd say it's optimised to hell already. It's an immense technical achievement that has not been matched to my knowledge.

    I can agree on the vehicle spam thing though. This was a poor game design choice imo to let people be in vehicles almost 100% of the time. Never in a combined arms game should vehicles outnumber infantry in my opinion. As someone who enjoys playing mostly infantry it sure seems they do now - there's just too little incentive or reason to play on foot. A good start would be making the respawn timer start after your vehicle dies. That should thin it out a bit in the short term and make vehicle timer certs much more desirable.
  20. OldMaster80

    This is probably reason number 1. All the rest is arguable.
    Planetside 2 is a great game, but no one really wants to play at 10 fps. I believe many f2p players realized their machine just cannot run the game properly. Nevertheless Miller is still full.

    Concerning the vehicle spam: that's NOTHING compared to the vehicle zerg we had in Planetside 1. :D